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Muslim beggar assaulted, asked to go to Pakistan in Ajmer

Majority of Indian Muslims are ok with this and never show any sign of resistance. I know Hindus Modus Operandi is always ganging up on an a single individual. Never have i seen a single Hindu try and beat a single muslim.

Sikhs have been really brilliant in last decade in standing up against Hindutvas and you would never see these so called Brahmin Hindus touching a sikh let alone beating them to a pulp.

Indian muslims have their own choice. Soon from beggars it would be middle class and then the elite class, by then it would be too late. But they still wouldn't do it no matter how much they get told to go to Pakistan. Indian Muslims hate Pakistanis more than Hindus or Sikhs.
It has already reached middle and elite, in 2002 Gujarat riots, Former Congress MP Ehsan Jafri was burnt alive along with his relatives and close ones living in colony.
My reaction is more of a worry and i do sympathize with them. As i stated in my earlier post that soon it would be middle class and the elite class, it needs to be contained somehow.

It wouldn't be an isolated beggar anymore. When will everyone realize this? I want to hear solutions. Just anything really to stop the oppression.

India has gone beyond self-correction. I don't see people just waking up one day and saying they don't hate Muslims any more. Fascism doesn't die out on its own, it has to be defeated.

In the last century, it took a war to end the fascist movements of Germany, Cambodia, Serbia and Rwanda. Is that is what is needed to end in India? I hope not. But I have no good answers how this will end. All I can see is that India will get a lot bloodier for Muslims before it gets any better.
It has already reached middle and elite, in 2002 Gujarat riots, Former Congress MP Ehsan Jafri was burnt alive along with his relatives and close ones living in colony.

Yeah. I read about another Muslim who was housing Muslims from stupid Bhakts they broke in and he said to take his daughter but leave the rest alone. But these Bhakts have no shame and killed his family and others that were taking safe refuge.
Ummm...No you joker.

The Hindus at that time were well and better educated than the Muslims.
The British were also being dishonest with the allocation of land.
The creation of West Pakistan was a blessing. It allowed the Sunnites to consolidate their gains.

As for Jinnah, he was a good man but he was not an ideal leader. The Muslim League created Pakistan and opted for partition.
Personally I don't mind crediting Jinnah for partition although many people blame Nehru such as the Dalai Lama.

Partition was the only solution to the communal problem in South Asia.
Why should we share our land in which we form the majority with other people.

That is logic that lacks common sense and intuition.
I agree with Pakistani Nationalists like Chaudhry Rehmat Ali.

What really happened was, that in the 1946 elections, based on the Sixth Schedule of the1935 Government of India Act, had a limited franchise, which means that only a small percentage of adults—those with money and property—were eligible to vote. In fact, only 3% of the population could vote for the Central Assembly and only 13% could vote for the Provincial Assemblies.

All the rich educated and Elite Muslims from North and North-west India sold their property to upper caste Hindus and went to Pakistan. They abandoned common Indian Muslims, those converted from OBC SC ST, to fend for themselves.

Rich people are inherently cowardly, they chose the safe route. Limited franchise meant average muslims were deprived of say in crucial decision decision making, common people are more courageous and would have chosen to take more risk. Especially, those with no connections or strings to pull.

What really happened was, that in the 1946 elections, based on the Sixth Schedule of the1935 Government of India Act, had a limited franchise, which means that only a small percentage of adults—those with money and property—were eligible to vote. In fact, only 3% of the population could vote for the Central Assembly and only 13% could vote for the Provincial Assemblies.

All the rich educated and Elite Muslims from North and North-west India sold their property to upper caste Hindus and went to Pakistan. They abandoned common Indian Muslims, those converted from OBC SC ST, to fend for themselves.

Rich people are inherently cowardly, they chose the safe route. Limited franchise meant average muslims were deprived of say in crucial decision decision making, common people are more courageous and would have chosen to take more risk. Especially, those with no connections or strings to pull.

That's kinda true though, bunch of Muhajirs I interacted with in Punjab came from old money (not all of course)

That's why Pakistan due to thier influence took a lot of the north Indian muslim elite culture as its own as these guys successfully ran the country for first few decades, so the culture was over represented, it still is in some ways as practically that class played a huge role in establishing Pakistan
What really happened was, that in the 1946 elections, based on the Sixth Schedule of the1935 Government of India Act, had a limited franchise, which means that only a small percentage of adults—those with money and property—were eligible to vote. In fact, only 3% of the population could vote for the Central Assembly and only 13% could vote for the Provincial Assemblies.

All the rich educated and Elite Muslims from North and North-west India sold their property to upper caste Hindus and went to Pakistan. They abandoned common Indian Muslims, those converted from OBC SC ST, to fend for themselves.

Rich people are inherently cowardly, they chose the safe route. Limited franchise meant average muslims were deprived of say in crucial decision decision making, common people are more courageous and would have chosen to take more risk. Especially, those with no connections or strings to pull.

And what about the rights of Muslims who form the majority in North West British Indian Empire.
What about their rights and property rights?
That's kinda true though, bunch of Muhajirs I interacted with in Punjab came from old money (not all of course)
My Grandparents used to live in Agra and Delhi.
We are not ethnic Indians, we are Pathans.

But during partition we immigrated to Pakistan like cities such as Karachi, Lahore, and Rawalpindi.

We are Punjabinized Pathans,
And what about the rights of Muslims who form the majority in North West British Indian Empire.
What about their rights and property rights?

My Grandparents used to live in Agra and Delhi.
We are not ethnic Indians, we are Pathans.

But during partition we immigrated to Pakistan like cities such as Karachi, Lahore, and Rawalpindi.

We are Punjabinized Pathans,
For some reason a lot of Muhajirs in Punjab have assimilated in the Punjabi culture to the point they don't seem way too foreign

But in Karachi, the Muhajir "culture"( quatation cause I know it isn't exactly uniformed) is strong as ever, some assimilation should have happened there too
For some reason a lot of Muhajirs in Punjab have assimilated in the Punjabi culture to the point they don't seem way too foreign

But in Karachi, the Muhajir "culture"( quatation cause I know it isn't exactly uniformed) is strong as ever, some assimilation should have happened there too
So true bro. Muhajirs in Karachi are messed up.
But Muhajis in Punjab have assimilated quite well.
My parents are Urdu-speaking Pathans.
My Great-grandparents only lived in Delhi and Agra because of the British Administration in South Asia.
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New Delhi: A Muslim beggar was surrounded by a group of people, assaulted and asked to go to Pakistan in Rajasthan’s Ajmer district. Later five people were arrested in connection with the incident, the police said.

The accused have been identified as Lalit Sharma, 40; Surendra, 32; Tejpal, 27; Rohit Sharma, 32; and Shailendra Tank, 31. They were later released on bail.

A video clip that went viral on social media shows the men harassing the Muslim beggar who was accompanied by two children. One of the accused is also seen kicking the head of the boy accompanying the victim.

While assaulting the boy, he says, ”You will go to Pakistan for begging. Why have you come here?”

(The aggressive guy here is a Brahmin named Lalit Sharma, Connected to VHP)

Muslims let Brahmins live peacefully in Muslim countries and make lot of money, but a Brahman in India even won't let even a poor muslim to beg.

The incident took place around four days ago in Subhash Nagar area, which comes under Ramganj police station, the police confirmed. However, they couldn’t trace the Muslim man, and said that he must have come from another state.

wonder endia....

man cant imagine even flying over that open sewer of a nation.
Yes, This is bad. @jamahir

Muslims in India shd be treated exactly like Hindus are treated in Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Hindu population got wiped out in Pakistan and Bangladesh, even in India occupied Kashmir from where 200k Hindu Pandits were evicted, but sadly Muslim population doubled in India, this should not have happened in India. Hindus can't even protect Hindus in kashmir where they got 800000000 soldiers deployed.

Hindus are struggling to make a new Hindu temple in Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan since last 74 year and have been unsuccessful so far. The land they got recently was desecrated by a Muslim mob with sacrifice of a cow and her spilled blood.

On other hand, there are at least 500 new mosque and mazars in Delhi and more being built. Too bad u Hindus.

Look how a Hindu Brahman police officer defending impossible of an existence of Mazar on fly over.

Yogi Hota tu yeh nai hota, I want Yogi in Power, modi become docile...
How long you lot are going to do your randi rona about "silent majority". This silent majority has given its verdict in the shape of hindu terrorists ruling over India.

Learn from Taliban.

1. The Taliban is definitely not the bunch to look up to.

2. Indian Muslims should listen to the right people amongst them, organize, ally with other oppressed communities in India, ally with progressive Indian movements and not be apathetic. I posted the below just yesterday :
Actually, if many of the modern middle-class Indian Muslims ( in the last 20 years ) had actively looked at the progressive, leftist spirit among Indian Muslims in earlier decades and outside India ( like your own Faiz Ahmed Faiz ), instead of either becoming brainwashed by the Tablighi Jamaat and enlarging it, or becoming busy in the Capitalist Indian race of college degree, job and family life and instead made themselves really educated, and if the upper-class Indian Muslims ( like Azim Premji ) supported this instead of isolating themselves in boxes the Indian Muslims would have had a better social, economic and political position now.

As for Jinnah, he was a good man but he was not an ideal leader. The Muslim League created Pakistan and opted for partition.

Personally I don't mind crediting Jinnah for partition although many people blame Nehru such as the Dalai Lama.

The real originator of the Partition was the modern Hindutvadi movement of early last century. Below is what Shashi Tharoor, a leader in the Indian National Congress party said last year :
Speaking at the session 'Shashi on Shashi' with Micheal Dwyer on Day 2 of the Jaipur Literature Festival (JLF), Mr Tharoor claimed that the Hindutva movement started by Vinayak Damodar Savarkar categorically rejected the Constitution.

He said that for Savarkar, a Hindu was one for whom India was his fatherland and holy land. Muslims and Christians were not considered in this.

"Savarkar, Madhav Sadashiv Golwalkar and Deen Dyal Upadhay rejected the constitution and in fact agreed with the Muslims that religion should determine nationhood. In the historical sense, the first advocate of the two-nation theory was actually Savarkar, who as the head of the Hindu Mahasabha called upon India to recognise Hindus and Muslims as part of two separate nations three years before the Pakistan Muslim League passed the Pakistan Resolution in Lahore in 1940," he said.

Mr Tharoor further said that according to them, the Constitution was full of imported ideas written in the wrong language - English.

"Another flaw they pointed out was that it assumes that the nation of India is a territory and it's (constitution) written for all the people on the territory. Nation is not a territory but its people and the people of India are only Hindus," he said.

View attachment 773090

You were in such a hurry to post your objection that your forgot your user-name is CatSultan and posted pictures of dogs.

Yes, This is bad. @jamahir

Muslims in India shd be treated exactly like Hindus are treated in Pakistan and Bangladesh.

What exactly are you suggesting ? And can you tell me how Dalits, farmers and women are treated within Hindu society ?

Hindu population got wiped out in Pakistan and Bangladesh, even in India occupied Kashmir from where 200k Hindu Pandits were evicted

Wasn't it you to whom I said a few days ago that the expulsion of Kashmiri Pandits was wrong and that I believe many Kashmiri Muslims will accept their return now ?

but sadly Muslim population doubled in India, this should not have happened in India.

As of the 2011 census in India there are 966 million Hindus. This is acceptable to you but Muslims increasing in population is not ?

Hindus can't even protect Hindus in kashmir where they got 800000000 soldiers deployed.

There are 800 million Indian soldiers in Kashmir ?

Hindus are struggling to make a new Hindu temple in Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan since last 74 year and have been unsuccessful so far.

Of all the issues in India and the world a new Hindu temple in Pakistan is your only concern ?

Will you also propose constructing a temple in India which will have a remembrance representation for the 300,000+ Indian farmers who committed suicide just between 1995 and 2017 because of the artificial and very avoidable socio-economic reasons that exist because of India's 3000-year-old extremely Capitalist socio-economic system ? And the representation for the other Indians who suffer and die because of the same socio-economic system ?

On other hand, there are at least 500 new mosque and mazars in Delhi and more being built. Too bad u Hindus.

There must be tens of thousands of small Hindu temples just on roadsides and in public parks across India. How are they acceptable and a Muslim mazaar is not ? And as per this page there are two million larger Hindu temples and increasing substantially. And Modi though being the Prime Minister of India and not just of Indian Hindus, so recently inaugurated the construction of the Somnath Temple and is probably spending government / national money on this. Is this acceptable ?

Look how a Hindu Brahman police officer defending impossible of an existence of Mazar on fly over.

That police SHO must be tired of taking action those saffron scarf types who come daily to harass that mazaar's caretaker hence his irritation.


@Drizzt @xeuss, the entire above post.
how can he go pakistan ? pakistna not even allowing modi to overfly and not issuing any visas to indians :lol:
1. The Taliban is definitely not the bunch to look up to.

2. Indian Muslims should listen to the right people amongst them, organize, ally with other oppressed communities in India, ally with progressive Indian movements and not be apathetic. I posted the below just yesterday :

The real originator of the Partition was the modern Hindutvadi movement of early last century. Below is what Shashi Tharoor, a leader in the Indian National Congress party said last year :

You were in such a hurry to post your objection that your forgot your user-name is CatSultan and posted pictures of dogs.

What exactly are you suggesting ? And can you tell me how Dalits, farmers and women are treated within Hindu society ?

Wasn't it you to whom I said a few days ago that the expulsion of Kashmiri Pandits was wrong and that I believe many Kashmiri Muslims will accept their return now ?

As of the 2011 census in India there are 966 million Hindus. This is acceptable to you but Muslims increasing in population is not ?

There are 800 million Indian soldiers in Kashmir ?

Of all the issues in India and the world a new Hindu temple in Pakistan is your only concern ?

Will you also propose constructing a temple in India which will have a remembrance representation for the 300,000+ Indian farmers who committed suicide just between 1995 and 2017 because of the artificial and very avoidable socio-economic reasons that exist because of India's 3000-year-old extremely Capitalist socio-economic system ? And the representation for the other Indians who suffer and die because of the same socio-economic system ?

There must be tens of thousands of small Hindu temples just on roadsides and in public parks across India. How are they acceptable and a Muslim mazaar is not ? And as per this page there are two million larger Hindu temples and increasing substantially. And Modi though being the Prime Minister of India and not just of Indian Hindus, so recently inaugurated the construction of the Somnath Temple and is probably spending government / national money on this. Is this acceptable ?

That police SHO must be tired of taking action those saffron scarf types who come daily to harass that mazaar's caretaker hence his irritation.


@Drizzt @xeuss, the entire above post.
He’s exaggerating (sarcasm)

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