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Musharraf slams India's role in terrorism in Pakistan

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Come on dude....you really serious with this video??
The man says that he was paid Rs. 20,000 for fighting....but he never said RAW or India paid him that money!!
stop spreading such deliberate misinformation, wake up and open your eyes and you will realize that Taliban is your own creation (ISI+CIA).
Taliban is as big a threat to India as it is to you, do you really think that RAW would be foolish enough to support taliban, when they know that tomorrow it could very well be Indian forces fighting them??

You said Taliban are the creation of ISI so why are they fighting Pakistanis.
There is a dearth of hard evidence as far as allegations against India are concerned.

We have similar allegations against India so many times - Indian female spy arrested, some Shukla arrested for Lahore blast, India attacked SL team in Lahore, India is blocking water.

So far absolutely no evidence. As regards water, after whipping up a lot of hysteria, Pakistan has officially admitted that India is not blocking water.

Your point is taken, However; what if after some time it becomes clear or is made public, the links to Indian agencies among others, how would you think Pakistan should respoind and how do you think concerned and informed people in India should respond?

I'm not suggesting that Indian are guilty as charged, I'm only asking what you think reaction should be if the charges are made to stick, so to speak.

If at all some such solid evidence comes into picture tomorrow, first of all, it would be a big blow to India's contentions that it has zero tolerance for terror, in India & outside. Pakistan should respond by making the evidence public, something like India's dossier in case of 26/11. Prepare a dossier, send it to every country in the world. Go to global media like CNN, BBC & present it to reach even larger audience. Will automatically build pressure on India.

In India, the Government will have to face some serious public ire. Most of the educated section of public here is not for tit-for-tat strategy from Indian side i.e. sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan. Some may favor a full scale war with Pakistan to solve the issue, while some may favor bilateral talks. But very few will favor covert operations inside Pakistan like charged here. GoI will seriously have to take the note & tame down its operatives in Pakistan, if any. I personally do not favor a covert or overt war between two countries.

But I personally think it is unlikely. Yesterday Gilani also categorically said that Pakistani Intelligence agencies are probing into the matter & when there is evidence, it would be taken to appropriate level. Suggesting that there is none so far.
You said Taliban are the creation of ISI so why are they fighting Pakistanis.

yeah exactly, now you are asking the right questions...this is called introspection.:cheers:
Introspection is the best way to realize one's past follies.

BTW, ever heard of Frankenstein??
Why don't you ask Zardari? Its his statement that ISI & CIA together created Taliban.

Well I do n t have to ask anyone because before 2001 when Taliban were in full power these type of movement never occur in Pakistan.
It started after 2003 when Indians made consulates in Afghanistan.
All the Taliban in Pakistan are not fighting for Islam but for power and money. Thanks for RAW and CIA these Taliban dogs in Pakistan fighting Pakistan army. taliban real goal and fight are against US and NATO not with Pakistanis.
Now you claim that Taliban’s in Pakistan are ISI own and now they turned on ISI so ISI stop providing them weapon and finical assistance. Then who is providing those weapons and money to talibans? All the Taliban aid coming from Afghanistan
yeah exactly, now you are asking the right questions...this is called introspection.:cheers:
Introspection is the best way to realize one's past follies.

BTW, ever heard of Frankenstein??

Answer to this right question is Indian consulates in Afghanistan providing talibans with finical assistance.
Well I do n t have to ask anyone because before 2001 when Taliban were in full power these type of movement never occur in Pakistan.
It started after 2003 when Indians made consulates in Afghanistan.
All the Taliban in Pakistan are not fighting for Islam but for power and money. Thanks for RAW and CIA these Taliban dogs in Pakistan fighting Pakistan army. taliban real goal and fight are against US and NATO not with Pakistanis.
Now you claim that Taliban’s in Pakistan are ISI own and now they turned on ISI so ISI stop providing them weapon and finical assistance. Then who is providing those weapons and money to talibans? All the Taliban aid coming from Afghanistan

In short, you don't want to listen to even your own leaders & keep indulged in the world of your hypothetical postulations.

I suggest you read this with an open mind. I am highlighting the opening excerpt, but the whole article is a good read to understand how ISI & Taliban are related.

Taliban will never be defeated, says Pak ISI agent: Rediff.com news

A Pakistani intelligence agent who trained Mullah Omar [Images], the Taliban [Images] leader and the warlords to fight the Soviets has claimed that NATO forces will never be able to overpower their enemies in Afghanistan and should talk to them rather than sacrifice more lives.......
I have worked with these people since the 1970s..........

And I already know thats not going to happen & you are going to rubbish this as 'Indian Media crap'.
Now Musharraf has become a true politician, he knows what people want to hear. Majority of pakistanis do not want to face the facts, that of their own 'valuable assets' attacking the government. Hence all these unsubstantiated claims of india, CIA, Mossad etc etc. These are the same people who still think Ajmal Kasab is not a pakistani and LET are not murderers. There's statistical evidence to support this, and Mush knows this and is exploiting it. He misses the power, just like the Taliban.
Answer to this right question is Indian consulates in Afghanistan providing talibans with finical assistance.

Look, since I am not an insider, I will try to answer your question by using very simple logic.
As I said in a previous post that Taliban is big a threat to India as it is to you, today you are fighting them, tomorrow it could be us. So its just too big a risk for India to be helping Taliban grow. That just doesnt make any sense for us.
Secondly, do you seriously think that USA and NATO, who are so heavily involved in fighting Taliban in Afghanistan and have suffered so many casualties would turn a blind eye to India supporting Taliban?? :crazy: I mean common if that was true then heat would have been on India at this time not on you. Entire world would have termed India as a "crucible of terrorism", not you....

The part of the problem why you so many of you guys tend to act so delusional is your media or at least large section of it (not to say that our media is much better:tongue: ) I have seen and read some of the guys like whats-his-name ..;Zaid Hamidi or something....How could u take all that BS that people like him propagate:tsk:?? Take some time to read what press from other countries is saying....that will give you u a fairer picture....
In short, you don't want to listen to even your own leaders & keep indulged in the world of your hypothetical postulations.

I suggest you read this with an open mind. I am highlighting the opening excerpt, but the whole article is a good read to understand how ISI & Taliban are related.

Taliban will never be defeated, says Pak ISI agent: Rediff.com news

And I already know thats not going to happen & you are going to rubbish this as 'Indian Media crap'.

Well if you read the article before referring to me you will notices that he is referring and talking about Taliban’s in Afghanistan not in Pakistan. I was talking about the people who are fighting in the name of Taliban’s in Pakistan. He is referring to my point that the Taliban real fight with US and NATO who took their land and freedom from Taliban .Taliban fight is not with Muslims of Pakistan and it does n t make any sense that Taliban fight Pakistani instead of US forces.
Now the advice you gave me not to lesion to Pakistan political leaders the same advice is for you to not to believe what Indian government said. We had an example in 1971 when India interferes in Pakistan affairs and Indian raw continue doing that.
well your logic fails
Look, since I am not an insider, I will try to answer your question by using very simple logic.
As I said in a previous post that Taliban is big a threat to India as it is to you, today you are fighting them, tomorrow it could be us. So its just too big a risk for India to be helping Taliban grow. That just doesnt make any sense for us. .
Forget Indian There is a small chance that Taliban of Afghanistan becomes problem for US after leaving Afghanistan. And the funded pets of raw Taliban in Pakistan will never be Indian enemy unless India stops providing them with assistance.
Secondly, do you seriously think that USA and NATO, who are so heavily involved in fighting Taliban in Afghanistan and have suffered so many casualties would turn a blind eye to India supporting Taliban?? :crazy: I mean common if that was true then heat would have been on India at this time not on you. Entire world would have termed India as a "crucible of terrorism", not you.....

According to you info Pakistan loss there troop more than US .Pakistan send their troop in Pakistan tribal belt in 2004 and our shaeed are more than 2000 where US send their troop in Afghanistan in 2001 and their loses are less than 650. And because of raw funding terrorists and US not sealing the Afghanistan border 1000 of terrorists cross in Pakistan and fight with Pakistan army and Pakistanis.
well your logic fails

Forget Indian There is a small chance that Taliban of Afghanistan becomes problem for US after leaving Afghanistan. And the funded pets of raw Taliban in Pakistan will never be Indian enemy unless India stops providing them with assistance.
Well, if you are so hell bent upon living in your own Spanish castle, theres nothing much that I can say. Please stop viewing Taliban in isolation. Pakistan is currently the biggest source of Islamic terrorism in the region. Taliban happens to be the major player in this whole islamic fundamentalist set up. So a strong Taliban translates into strengthening of this fundamentalism which in turn means strengthening of terrorist groups like like Let, Al qaida, Jaish, Hizbul etc. Why would India ever want that???
Secondly, an uglier scenario for us would be Taliban or some elements of Taliban getting their hands on some of your nuclear weapons. You can well imagine who will be the first target in such scenario.


According to you info Pakistan loss there troop more than US .Pakistan send their troop in Pakistan tribal belt in 2004 and our shaeed are more than 2000 where US send their troop in Afghanistan in 2001 and their loses are less than 650. And because of raw funding terrorists and US not sealing the Afghanistan border 1000 of terrorists cross in Pakistan and fight with Pakistan army and Pakistanis.

THIS is frustrating :hitwall:
You did not even understand my comment and you are just going on shooting off your hips :blah:
Do me a favour....go in a room where theres no one and then read that post of mine again, very slowly and loudly. If you still dont understand then ask one of your cleverer friends to translate it for you.
Good luck mate! :cheers:
Please Indian users stick to the topic, What is wrong with you guys, Every time you guys drag thread to someting you wish for.......
well lets just asume india is doing nothing to promote or spread tererrorism in tible areas/northern areas, the why india has too many conculates in afghanistan
this is a link from indian website
Indian Embassy Consulates Worldwide
even british and ameriacan has one counslate each but indian have more than five ????? something is fishing my friend.

the other reason for pointing fingers on india, most of those conslates are in the cities which are close to pakistan borders

Pakitani gov do not react as they should because of the only one reason. they dont want to start a media war with india right now as the are busy cleaning the mess.
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