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Musharraf on cross-border raids and india

Whole muslim nation is ashamed of what he did in support of NATO.I wonder with what face he wish to come back in politics and power again.He could oppose super power's president wrong call for US support for so called WOT.
Many generations will sufur due to his this coward act .WOT is not war of Pakistan which is majority public opinion in pakistan.

Hon Sir,

Rightly or wrongly, only way one can tell what a nation thinks is by votes. Here is the position of actual votes cast in Feb 2008 elections. A summary is as under:

PML (Q) 7,989 817 23.0% 42 seats
MQM 2,507,813 7.4% 19 seats
PML (F) 341,440 0.9% 4 seats
PPP (Sherpao) 140,707 0.4% 1 seat

Total Musharraf supporters 10,979,777 or 31.67% votes

PML (N) 6,781,445 19.6% 71 seats
ANP 700, 479 2.02% 10 seats
MMA 772, 798 2.2% 6 seats

Total anti Musharraf parties 8,254,722 or 33.47% votes

PPP 10,606,486 30.6% 97 seats
Total votes cast 34,665,978

It was reported that BBB had hinted that if PPP came to power, she would allow hot pursuit of the jihadis. Associated Press on 11th July 2007 reported in the aftermath of the Lal Masjid affair that BB said “I am glad there was no deal with the militants”. PPP got 10.6-million votes. Thus it is safe to assume the 62% of the voters agreed with the policy of supporting NATO. Therefore, saying that whole nation is ashamed for what Musharraf did for NATO is a highly opinionated statement with a strong self righteous attitude. This is certainly not borne out by the way people voted.

Only the very naïve or wily politicians would make such sweeping statements.
Originally Posted by waraich66
Whole muslim nation is ashamed of what he did in support of NATO.I wonder with what face he wish to come back in politics and power again.He could oppose super power's president wrong call for US support for so called WOT.
Many generations will sufur due to his this coward act .WOT is not war of Pakistan which is majority public opinion in pakistan.

Where was the Muslim world when daily Taleban were involved in acts of terrorism inside Pakistan pre 9/11 !

All the hardcore terrorist who were killing our doctors & high profile names in the name of sectarian killings were being given support & lodging by the TAlebans !

Where were the Muslim world when the Taleban did ganga to our local football team for playing a match on invitation in AFghanistan in shorts ! They ate from our hands in the past 20 years while being refugees and that's how they treat our nationals !

Pre 9/11 at the Pakistan day speech (August 14th) Musharaff was furious as being a C.E. he was totally out of his patience, when just a couple of days back Taleban support Nick named Lungra ! who killed the Chairman POF (Pakistan Ordinance Factory) somebody called Rizvi or Jaferi just because he was a Shia. While at that time POF was one of the first profit making industries of Pakistan & rightly so Gen. Musharaff was mighty pi$$ed off at the Taleban for giving these terrorist shelter ! But what did the Taleban do ! they continued giving them shelter.

Extremism is rejected by majority of Pakistani's, please do not endorse your point of view on the majority.
Why do i smell Indian BS? so what are you advocating here that India too shall be allowed on the same lines something Indians have been saying allalong. Dude i cant comment about your back ground, but seriously stop posting crap without understanding the implications of the crap that you post deliberately or not. I gave you the same advice earlier as well in another thread because i have seen you negativity on other forums as well and believe me that brings no good to your country even if your intentions are considered to be true.

Come on man, You totally mis understood me ,what i mean is both US and INDIA should not be allowed to do surgical strikes ,if you remember US first time did surgical strikes through drones during musharaf rule.

I hoped matter clarified.
Come on man, You totally mis understood me ,what i mean is both US and INDIA should not be allowed to do surgical strikes ,if you remember US first time did surgical strikes through drones during musharaf rule.

I hoped matter clarified.

Yes fully agreed but than the frequency of drone attack on Pakistan soil was much more lessor, plus Pakistan was under tremendous pressure due to the 9/11 + we were also in need of destroying these maniacs on our own but due to logistics were not taking full fledge action (don't forget we were given the WWII fleet of helos only in 2006).

At that time each time a drone attack happened we use to put up a protest including MMA coming to the streets (who do you think actually organized this !) and no more drone attack for alteast 3 weeks.

Comparing today's lame reaction to times of Gen. Musharaff is like comparing bananas with bringles !
Yes fully agreed but than the frequency of drone attack on Pakistan soil was much more lessor, plus Pakistan was under tremendous pressure due to the 9/11 + we were also in need of destroying these maniacs on our own but due to logistics were not taking full fledge action (don't forget we were given the WWII fleet of helos only in 2006).

At that time each time a drone attack happened we use to put up a protest including MMA coming to the streets (who do you think actually organized this !) and no more drone attack for alteast 3 weeks.

Comparing today's lame reaction to times of Gen. Musharaff is like comparing bananas with bringles !

Present government has taken stronge stand against india that they will not hand over any suspect to india similar action required for US also ,Russia was also super power but gen zia has taken strong stand against their aggression.We should learn to say no to US and take help of China and Russia if US threaten us for war for any wrong demand.
Actually this so called democratic govt is following the same path and infact has allowed US attacks on Pakistani soil. This govt was chosen by our foolish people who were tired of the WOT. But this so called democratic govt does not care. Mr. 10 % will go along with US on anything. Former President Musharraf put his foot down when US was attacking during his rule. Thats why he was removed and Zardari got into power. When you accuse Musharraf of cowardice, who are you comparing him with. Is it Zardari or ganja Nawaz. Both are way ahead of him on the cowardice scale.


Compare apple with apple , I am comparing Mushraf with Zia.I still remember his speaches actually he and his team really hero of not only pakistan but also for all muslim ummah.Mushraf can also refuse US for WOT participation and could get help from china and Russia if required.
Hon Sir,

Rightly or wrongly, only way one can tell what a nation thinks is by votes. Here is the position of actual votes cast in Feb 2008 elections. A summary is as under:

PML (Q) 7,989 817 23.0% 42 seats
MQM 2,507,813 7.4% 19 seats
PML (F) 341,440 0.9% 4 seats
PPP (Sherpao) 140,707 0.4% 1 seat

Total Musharraf supporters 10,979,777 or 31.67% votes

PML (N) 6,781,445 19.6% 71 seats
ANP 700, 479 2.02% 10 seats
MMA 772, 798 2.2% 6 seats

Total anti Musharraf parties 8,254,722 or 33.47% votes

PPP 10,606,486 30.6% 97 seats
Total votes cast 34,665,978

It was reported that BBB had hinted that if PPP came to power, she would allow hot pursuit of the jihadis. Associated Press on 11th July 2007 reported in the aftermath of the Lal Masjid affair that BB said “I am glad there was no deal with the militants”. PPP got 10.6-million votes. Thus it is safe to assume the 62% of the voters agreed with the policy of supporting NATO. Therefore, saying that whole nation is ashamed for what Musharraf did for NATO is a highly opinionated statement with a strong self righteous attitude. This is certainly not borne out by the way people voted.

Only the very naïve or wily politicians would make such sweeping statements.

My dear Musharf decision to support US on WOT was his own decision Pakistani public was not taken in confidence .
What he get in return nothing but drone attackes instead US made nuke deal with india now giving missile defence system to india.In WOT pakistan is greatest loser .

AAP Ko Dekh Kar Allah Ki Maslihat ka Yaqeen Ho Jata hai keh Wo Kyon Rassi Lambi Karta Hai.

With Friends Like You the USA does not need Enemies, you were enough to do them in.
Whole muslim nation is ashamed of what he did in support of NATO.I wonder with what face he wish to come back in politics and power again.He could oppose super power's president wrong call for US support for so called WOT.
Many generations will sufur due to his this coward act .WOT is not war of Pakistan which is majority public opinion in pakistan.

Are you still 12 yrs old reading Ishtiaq Ahmed??

Nawaz Sharif, BB and Imran Khan all supported him on the decision to support NATO!

The only problem was that he didn't consult the "National Assembly".

The decision would have been the same whether it was NS, BB or Imran Khan.

Quiet frankly Qazi sahib might have taken the same decision if he was in power.
He declined to comment on the performance of the Zardari-led government.

Can any body ask musraf surgical strik from US is not rubbish but from india rubbish why ?

Law and rules of land should be same for all .US or India could not be able to do surgical or survellance with out approval of government of Pakistan.

Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) returned a sahabi due to an agreement with the non-believers.

This is an example that Muslims should honour our agreements. Due to the situation after 9/11, Pakistan supported NATO and agreed that no one from Pakistan will support the war in Afghanistan (against NATO).

Why our brothers in FATA and elsewhere are going to Afghanistan for jihad?

There can't be parallel govt. in Pakistan.

Isn't eradicating illeteracy a Jiohad as well? Why can't people in Pakistan raise jihad against illeteracy or polio etc.

Are you a relative of NS living in Sarwar Palace?
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Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) returned a sahabi due to an agreement with the non-believers.

This is an example that Muslims should honour our agreements. Due to the situation after 9/11, Pakistan supported NATO and agreed that no one from Pakistan will support the war in Afghanistan (against NATO).

Why our brothers in FATA and elsewhere are going to Afghanistan for jihad?

There can't be parallel govt. in Pakistan.

Isn't eradicating illeteracy a Jiohad as well? Why can't people in Pakistan raise jihad against illeteracy or polio etc.

Are you a relative of NS living in Sarwar Palace?

What ever agreement musharaf did with NATO it was his own decision , he was not ameer ul momineen ,so his agreement has no value in islam,

If he refused to support uptill now NATO would have been packed from Afghanistan with out any land route excess.

He repeated what arabs did with turks,now arabs and turks have no strength against israel.Afghans and Pakistan defeated russia ,they could defeat any super power , unity is only guarantee of servival for both afghan and pakistanis
I heard that Vajpayee pissed his pants after the Mumbai attacks....Is this true?

I totally dont understand ur intensions man. Its clear that Mushrraf cant do politics inside the country for two years. U can get online news as well. What it is to do with Vajpayee pissing in pants? World knows who is getting pissed now with the mess going on govt level.

Vajpayee deserves the respect from everyone. You dont see such a clean personality.
Can any body ask musraf surgical strik from US is not rubbish but from india rubbish why ?

Law and rules of land should be same for all .US or India could not be able to do surgical or survellance with out approval of government of Pakistan.

No one in pakistan supports US attacks! Its a blunder from pakistan govt but they are in problem to face NATO, IMF money, War against terror all these forced to accept US droones without their heart

Why should they agree with India? I dont agree myself India going to pak and bombing where? Empty tents?? Non sense. Politicians from both countries should respond with matured statements than this kiddish game.
What ever agreement musharaf did with NATO it was his own decision , he was not ameer ul momineen ,so his agreement has no value in islam,

If he refused to support uptill now NATO would have been packed from Afghanistan with out any land route excess.

He repeated what arabs did with turks,now arabs and turks have no strength against israel.Afghans and Pakistan defeated russia ,they could defeat any super power , unity is only guarantee of servival for both afghan and pakistanis


Pakistan's law of the land is the constitution of Pakistan which is based on Islamic law.

This constitution was amended (17th amendment) and approved by former CJ Iftikhar (your hero) to give wide ranging powers to Musharraf.

As a result, Musharraf didn't go to the Parliament (which he should have) but still his decision is 100% legal.

His decision was endorsed by all (America fearing and not God fearing) politicians of Pakistan including NS, BB etc.

Please type your thoughts and read them before posting. I understand you are young and emotional but it doesn't mean that you keep arguing like little kids or grumpy old farts.


Compare apple with apple , I am comparing Mushraf with Zia.I still remember his speaches actually he and his team really hero of not only pakistan but also for all muslim ummah.Mushraf can also refuse US for WOT participation and could get help from china and Russia if required.


Normally I ask the poster, " what are you smoking---got some extra send some to me "----but to you---keep it to your self---it is injurious to health---the whole nation is indebted to Musharraf for what he did after 9/11---if you want to be ashamed---be it so---don't use the Nawaz league rhetoric of 16 crore awam---. Only the enemy of pakistan and muslims would have refused what the U S wanted after 9/11---only the enemy of pakistan would be ashamed what Musharraf did.
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