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Musharraf likely to visit his ailing mother in Dubai tomorrow

NS has shown no interest in prosecuting him, he doesnt even mention his name, he has a bigger purpose in life now, he wants to be remembered as the one who saved Pakistan

Good for him and good for pakistan....
NS has shown no interest in prosecuting him, he doesnt even mention his name, he has a bigger purpose in life now, he wants to be remembered as the one who saved Pakistan


this looks like the same laugh people had when all the youngsters got tickets from PTI, when Kusoori woman was crying yeh kia hua
Selective justice will harm Pakistan. I hope Musharaf leaves Pakistan and never return back to Pakistan.
Musharaf made many mistakes during his rule but Pakistan's economy was strong and the nation was moving in the right direction. Now its juts fake democracy, same old families and parties keep ruling Pakistan.
Selective justice will harm Pakistan. I hope Musharaf leaves Pakistan and never return back to Pakistan.
Musharaf made many mistakes during his rule but Pakistan's economy was strong and the nation was moving in the right direction. Now its juts fake democracy, same old families and parties keep ruling Pakistan.

Tell me who else didn't made any mistakes ?
Even George Bush's tenure was full of those mistakes?
No one is perfect in this world, but still he was the best ever president Pakistan had, why he should go from Pakistan, he should stay & die fighting that's what SSG is all about? Isn't it?
If he can come clean from all the dam false & faked cases , then what's the problem his presence in Pakistan?
Tell me who else didn't made any mistakes ?
Even George Bush's tenure was full of those mistakes?
No one is perfect in this world, but still he was the best ever president Pakistan had, why he should go from Pakistan, he should stay & die fighting that's what SSG is all about? Isn't it?
If he can come clean from all the dam false & faked cases , then what's the problem his presence in Pakistan?

Hes an old man and a retired General. Sure he was a commando once but those times are gone. Musharaf should just go and take care of his old mother. Pakistan is a different country from the one he was ruling.

I am just sitting and laughing at delusional people who are comparing Pakistan with Western democracies. People need to understand these were not elections but selections. There will be no justice for any innocent ever in Pakistan.
Hes an old man and a retired General. Sure he was a commando once but those times are gone. Musharaf should just go and take care of his old mother. Pakistan is a different country from the one he was ruling.

I am just sitting and laughing at delusional people who are comparing Pakistan with Western democracies. People need to understand these were not elections but selections. There will be no justice for any innocent ever in Pakistan.

So that means every old armed forces retrd person should leave pakistan, just because he got old, & his political opponents in power?:lol:
Well yes on the last part of your post, i do agree with that!
Have a safe trip , you deserve better then Pakistan

Irony the man who gave forgiveness to "Theives and crooks is not being sent overseas"

Shameful of all the good he did in very difficult time

Fixed economy
Handled crisis after crisis in neighboring country
Diplomatically safe guarded Pakistan
Got us ally status
Improved economy further
Improved journalism
Earth quake crisis

Truly a remarkable man , too good for nation of vote riggers
"Jamia Hafsa" ke Huffaaz Bachiyon ke Bad'duain raye'gaan nahi jain gee,
Tu Fikar na kar Beta teray sat wo hogaa k tujay tu "Nanni" b yaad aaye gee!!! Insha'allah!!!
Fikar na kar Beta teray sat wo hogaa k tujay tu "Nanni" b yaad aaye gee!!! Insha'allah!!!

Khayal kateen ayasa na hoo key koi uss kaa bhi abu aaa jayaa , aur iss dafaa sedhaa opper? Inshallaha
Pehlay tu 2 tihai thi naa, phir bhi kick lag gayi thi? Abb tu woh bhi nahi hai?
Iss dafa tu baktar bandh bhi nahi deyngey!
Rasi sey ghasetien gey inshallaha?

Fikar na kar Beta teray sat wo hogaa k tujay tu "Nanni" b yaad aaye gee!!! Insha'allah!!!

Khayal kareen ayasa na hoo key koi uss kaa bhi abu aaa jayaa , aur iss dafaa sedhaa opper? Inshallaha
Pehlay tu 2 tihai thi naa, phir bhi kick lag gayi thi? Abb tu woh bhi nahi hai?
Iss dafa tu baktar bandh bhi nahi deyngey!
Rasi sey ghasetien gey inshallaha?
So that means every old armed forces retrd person should leave pakistan, just because he got old, & his political opponents in power?:lol:
Well yes on the last part of your post, i do agree with that!

Everyone knows Nawaz Sharif is anti Army. Wouldn't be surprised he wants revenge from Musharaf because his plans of becoming Ameerul Momineen were disturbed by Mushy.
Everyone knows Nawaz Sharif is anti Army. Wouldn't be surprised he wants revenge from Musharaf because his plans of becoming Ameerul Momineen were disturbed by Mushy.

Some logic, good?
Thn whats that azad adlia for & that means who ever nawaz sharif wants to kill, he has been given the license to kill?
Even if can come out clean from the courts, musharaf cant live in his own country just because PM of that country might kill him in the revenge , of a old vendeta?
If thats the NAYA damocrazy managed pakistan we are planning ahead, i like musharaf die standing tall! Cause it will prove a thing, that this beyghayrat nation had some one ghayraat mand enough, once upon a time!
ISLAMABAD: Justice Shaukat Aziz Siddiqui of Islamabad High Court on Tuesday recused himself from the bench hearing the appeal challenging the cancellation of Pervez Musharraf's bail in the judges' detention case on account of what he called a smear campaign against him on social networking websites.Justice Siddiqui dissociated himself from the IHC's divisional bench, comprising himself and Justice Riaz Ahmed Khan, at the start of today's hearing of the appeal.The appeal was filed against the rejection of the former military ruler’s post-arrest bail petition by the Anti Terrorism Court (ATC) of Islamabad.The recusing judge said a campaign was being run against him on social media with regard to the case which was why he could no longer be a member of the bench.As a result, the bench stood dissolved and the matter of the appeal's hearing was forwarded to the IHC whose chief judge, Justice Mohammad Anwar Khan Kasi, would decide on the issue tomorrow.
Musharraf appeal: IHC judge recuses from bench over smear campaign - DAWN.COM

Thats today, so anyone dreaming commando will go here or there, plz clean your stupid minds, he is here for fight!
Its the fight for pakistan, its the fight of hounnor, its the fight of truth, if he in his oldest age still ready to face,anything & everything for pakistan, its shame on those who, still say he should leave pakistan, why are you affraid off, ifmyou are doing everything right?
Some logic, good?
Thn whats that azad adlia for & that means who ever nawaz sharif wants to kill, he has been given the license to kill?
Even if can come out clean from the courts, musharaf cant live in his own country just because PM of that country might kill him in the revenge , of a old vendeta?
If thats the NAYA damocrazy managed pakistan we are planning ahead, i like musharaf die standing tall! Cause it will prove a thing, that this beyghayrat nation had some one ghayraat mand enough, once upon a time!

I think it will all depend on Army. Will the Army abandon its ex COAS? Kiyani will retire soon so Nawaz Sharif will want some one close to him to become COAS.
I think it will all depend on Army. Will the Army abandon its ex COAS? Kiyani will retire soon so Nawaz Sharif will want some one close to him to become COAS.

Friend pakarmy dont run like that, check the history plz, nawaz has tough experince about it already, it will be foolish for him even to think about it!
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