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Musharraf declares claim of Mark Seigel false & malicious:


Dec 15, 2010
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It has come to my knowledge through recent media reports that Mr. Mark Seigel, a close advisor/lobbyist of Former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, has made a claim that on September...25th 2007 he was with Ms. Bhutto in the United States, when she received a threatening phone call from me. I am shocked and amazed at Mr. Seigel's assertion, which is entirely untrue and appears to be willfully fabricated. I have only spoken to Ms. Bhutto twice; once when we met in person in UAE, and the other time on the phone after she had returned to Pakistan in October 2007. In that second conversation, I shared with Ms. Bhutto intelligence information that was conveyed to me personally by the leadership in UAE, indicating suicide bombers were planning an attack against her. I have also read the opinion piece of Mark Seigel that was published earlier this year in a US Newspaper. I find his article despicable; it could not be farther from the truth. I not only resent the implications, but find them to be libelous with malicious intent, designed and perpetuated through him by the enemies of Pakistan who want to distort facts in an attempt to shift the blame. Nonetheless, the truth will ultimately prevail; justice will be served, and these false politicized charges against me will be discarded by the courts. PM
Above statement made by Gen Muharraf

what you think all about that
I believe Musharraf words. The logic says that the deal was between Musharraf and Benazir. Musharraf cant be behind Benazir assassination because the biggest looser due to her death was Musharraf. The game was over for him as soon as she got killed. Otherwise till today he would have been the president and Benazir the prime minister.
I would take Musharraf's word over the word of a lowlife lobbyist any day. The lobbyist just wants publicity and wants to keep his name in the press publications for publicity sake.
I believe Musharraf words. The logic says that the deal was between Musharraf and Benazir. Musharraf cant be behind Benazir assassination because the biggest looser due to her death was Musharraf. The game was over for him as soon as she got killed. Otherwise till today he would have been the president and Benazir the prime minister.

PPP is going in election and will be asked the questions about their failure to find out murderers of BB, in anticipation they intend creating confusion to create some excuse. Actually they are the one who gave Ex President a red carpet exit. Importantly Musharraf was the biggest loser due to BB's assassination and guess who benefited the most.
I would believe Mr Musharraf more in this case.
Say what you will about the man, but had real panache.

This kind of initiative is only found in real leaders.
Musharraf learned statemanship;

he had enough men and machinary at this disposable to make what ever call to whoever desired;

Mark Seigel is crazy saying Musharraf would make the call personally that too in USA, knowing that all such electronic medium is tapped.
zardari calls himself "god father" told by an inmate of zardari, he is behind all of this, who bagged $200m dollars from benazir's insurance it can only be one person zardari. It is clear musharraf had a deal with benazir infact musharraf offered special security to benazir which was rejected by PPP, Factually PPP said it will arrange its own security along with local police.

There is a detailed evidence againt few people like rehman malik and 4-5 people who gave wrong statements and story I wonder why no commission was established on interrogating these men-women who were with benazir. Media is infact the biggest evidence that musharraf spoke to benazir twice told by both musharraf and benazir on media.
Mark Seigel is crazy saying Musharraf would make the call personally that too in USA, knowing that all such electronic medium is tapped.
First, I don't know that "all such electronic medium" are tapped. Second, it isn't clear to me what difference it would make if it was.

I have only spoken to Ms. Bhutto twice; once when we met in person in UAE, and the other time on the phone after she had returned to Pakistan in October 2007. In that second conversation, I shared with Ms. Bhutto intelligence information that was conveyed to me personally by the leadership in UAE, indicating suicide bombers were planning an attack against her.
Third, if you've read some of B. Bhutto's writings you quickly discover that she interpreted such warnings as personal threats from the informer or perceived source. So it's easy to believe that after she hung up the phone on that September day she told Mr. Siegel that Musharraf had threatened her. And maybe that phone call (unlike the one quoted above) wasn't even from Mushy, but from one of his assistants who was trying to get in Benazir's good books.

So you see, it's easier for me to believe the accounts of both men then it is a second-hand report from a paranoid, reality-distorting Benazir Bhutto. Yet given everything that had happened to her and her family and country up to that point, who can blame her?
Malicious lies by one of Benazir's hardcore supporter just to malign former President Musharraf.
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