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Musharraf booked for judges’ illegal confinement

A show put on by ghadday for other ghadday (if they believe that holding Musharraf accountable on idiotic charges will resolve anything). The best thing that Musharraf can do for himself is to keep himself removed from the current political mess. Let the nation have their fill of the Pakistani uber-democrats aka PPP and PML-Q. Once used and abused by them, this nation of ours will be running pole to pole all over again looking for someone different.

I personally do not think Musharraf is returning to this mess that is the Islamabad of today. Eventually he too will realize that even if returns, there is very little he can do to stop the downward slide. Its picking pace by the day and whomsoever comes to lead Pakistan from the political power centers of Pakistan (Punjab, Sind) will have to face massive problems and failures. Usually this is a challenge for those willing to sacrifice, unfortunately such breed is missing within the political families of Pakistan.

Pakistan is essentially like a the wheel of a rundown Tonga. It is not put on perfectly, yet it works. This is the future of Pakistan for the next 5-10 years until a new crop of more responsible leadership emerges.
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The army is full of the most patriotic and selfless people in the lower rungs. The top brass has some good people but also some corrupt people who are playing games for their foreign handlers. Anyone who keeps calling Musharaff "an army person" is just using the army label to shield and protect him.

The problem people have with Agent Mushy is not that he is an army person, but that he is a corrupt army person whose masters have used him to turn the army against the country that produced it!


Unfortunately this is your opinion. You have not one iota of evidence to prove that top brass in the Army are being played by foreign handlers yet you make this claim with aplomb.

This is the usual crutch of those who would rather blame the outsiders for their problems than understand why people in the power centers of Pakistan (I.E. Army) make certain decisions.

Musharraf was/is no body's puppet. This I know for a fact. You can line up the names of the Americans (the usual puppeteers and the rest).

that he is a corrupt army person whose masters have used him to turn the army against the country that produced it!

One has to understand the security imperatives of the country that one is serving. This is a decision taken with many factors at play. You talk about turning the Army against the country that produced it..care to explain how has the Army turned against its own country? Do you want to wait for the Amreeki and their much abused agents to come and take care of the terrorist infrastructure in Pakistani tribal areas? Do you feel that Army should just sit on its arse while these same Pakistanis murder other Pakistanis in suicide bombings?

Be very clear about how you want the problems facing Pakistan to be resolved. None of you who criticize Musharraf for siding with the West have ever been able to put up a plausible alternate. The choices were fairly simple (even if the Mard-e-momin, mard-e-haq Zia ul Haq had been in Musharraf's place, he would have given the boot to the Taliban..have no doubts about that in your mind), either Pakistan aligns itself with the West and confronts the Taliban, or the US and her allies were going to do all they could to choke Pakistan economically and strategically.

The problem with us Pakistanis is that we are a very proud nation but have always had our gonads in the hands of others. If Pakistan had not been economically and politically mismanaged during the decades of the 90s, Pakistan may have been able to withstand the US pressure post 9/11. However Musharraf did not have that luxury and no matter who was in his stead, they would have made the exact same decision as he did. Salvage Pakistan's interests. Keep Pakistani economy viable. Don't allow the US to align herself with India against Pakistan. Do not allow the Pakistan nuclear weapons to be compromised etc. etc.

So simplistic assertions like "he sold out", "he is an agent", "he has his masters/puppeteers" are a disservice to dispassionate analysis. These sort of cheap slogans are better suited for Pakistani political rallies..not on a forum where pragmatism should be guiding one's post.

I will leave you all with one thing. Musharraf loves Pakistan as much or more than the most staunchest lovers of Pakistan. The problem is how his policies are perceived. Most of the public perception is devoid of the details around the decisions taken. It is tainted by those who are against him and as such always makes it look like he did things just because someone sitting in DC told him so. Its nothing like that. All the decisions taken by him were put up to a forum, discussed back and forth and since life is not perfect, not everything has worked out. However unlike his detractors, he still owns up to his mistakes. This is something that you will not find very common in Pakistan today.
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If Musharraf Committed Treason, The Chief Justice 'Abetted' Him, Will He Order To Hang Himself Too?

If former President Pervez Musharraf is charged with treason, he will not be alone. So should be the politicians who supported him and the Supreme Court judges who endorsed his coup in the year 2000. Almost all of the top judges in Pakistan today fall into this category. This is why the Supreme Court did not even mention the 1999 coup and restricted itself to condemning Musharraf for his 2007 emergency rule. The incumbent Chief Justice of Pakistan was among the judges who endorsed Mr. Musharraf's coup. The Article 6 of the Constitution charges with treason not only violators like Musharraf but also the 'abettors' like the honorable judges who endorsed the violator. What a predicament.

By Danyal Aziz

Tuesday, 11 August 2009.

Is this a crime or not? If not, why the judges of 2007 are criminals but not the judges of 2000?

RAWALPINDI, Pakistan—Is Mr. Ansar Abbasi right about invoking Article 6 of the Constitution against former President Pervez Musharraf?

A dispassionate analysis of the said article of the Constitution proves that he is not right.

Article 6 states in clause 2 that "any person aiding or abetting the acts mentioned in clause 1 shall likewise be guilty of high treason".

Article 6 cannot be applied selectively on President Musharraf alone but will have to be applied equally on all those who 'abetted' him.

Musharraf abrogated the Constitution twice. First in October 1999. It was a coup against an elected prime minister. Very few judges objected to the takeover and a majority of the judges took oath under the PCO, Parliament was dissolved and remained suspended for more than three years (endorsed by the Supreme Court) until it was reinstated in November 2002. The second was in November 2007 when the so called emergency rule was imposed. Interestingly, this was not a coup. The move targeted the judiciary. The government and the Parliament remained intact and the emergency lasted for six weeks.

Once Mr. Musharraf is charged for treason, justice cannot be selectively applied only on the action of 3 November 2007 while ignoring the more serious action of October 1999. It will therefore be imperative to try Musharraf and his abettors both for October 1999 and November 2007.

Now comes the one million dollar question: Will Article 6 be applied on the abettors of the two arrogations?

The 'abettors' in the Article 6 include senior members of the present Supreme Court who abetted the coup in 1999. All members of the present Supreme Court of Pakistan had pledged their allegiance to Musharraf by taking the PCO oath in 2000.

The abettors of the coups led by generals Ayub, Yahya, and Zia ul Haq can be set aside because they and most of their abettors are no longer alive. But the 'abettors' of General Musharraf's coup are around. All of them will have to be charged for treason along with Gen. Musharraf. That is the only that across-the-board justice will be done.

Do Ansar Abbasi and Hamid Mir want to proceed with this mass trial?

My advice is this: Let's get out of the Musharraf-phobia and move on with life and the more important issues that the Nation is facing.

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