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Musharraf answers India


Aug 26, 2007
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Musharraf answers to the threat of Surgical strikes by India

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I agree. No country has any right to strike us. We can handle our problems are are doing a very good job at it. If you strike us like General Musharraf said "we will strike back" period. And I dought any Pakistani would question that.
There is a certain unfairness to the Pakistani notion that even if India hits one of their terrorist training camps, it will be considered an act of war. Consider this: On the one hand Pakistan claims that there are NO terrorist camps on its side of the border. On the other hand they say that it will be a declaration of war if India bombed such targets. It is apparent that Pakistan still views terrorists as a 'force multiplier' - which to me is sad. I think there will eventually be a showdown on this issue and the ramifications may be ugly. It would be interesting to see what the Indian reaction would be if and when another terrorist act emanating from Pakistan occurred.
I agree. No country has any right to strike us. We can handle our problems are are doing a very good job at it. If you strike us like General Musharraf said "we will strike back" period. And I dought any Pakistani would question that.

...but Pk is being struck with monotonous regularity by US drones & missiles .

what now ?
Why is he wasting his time talking to Indians.

Musharraf = Moron
It also said this was part of a pland attack
That is organized. But if Indian fighters comes in to our airspace with weapons and without our permation (not that it will ever happen) then everyone knows there will be consequences
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...but Pk is being struck with monotonous regularity by US drones & missiles .

what now ?
Well for this i will say one thing that is USA and this is India, We can surely don't depend on Indian nor india control world wealth, We don't take technology from india, Indian doen't influnce our friends in the world so Surely we can do tit for tat with India, We are well equiped to handle indian armed forces and always will, Pakistan and india has one bad habbit of blaming eachothers for the terrorism and none of us admit the inteligence lap! actually it was india's fault and the anger should not be taken out on Pakistan because it will be devestation for both nations and i am 200% sure that indian army and government is aware of it. We in Pakistan have strong evidence that india is behind talibans but should we attack india or indian consluts in Afganistan? the answer is NO it is our fault to let indian influnce on talibans, So what we need to do and we are doing is be a man and fail the enemy plot against the home and this is what we are doing instead of Attacking Indian:pakistan::china::usflag::smitten:
India is behind Taliban????

I am not saying India is clean but don't think India is supporting Taliban.
Pakistan has credible evidence of indian involvement in pakistan's terror, Pakistan's army has gotting the indian made weapons and communication devices plus american. It had been on media and so many Pakistani credible and true spoken personalities has pointed it out including politicians aswell. There are 17 Raw consulates on Pak afgan boarder what do you think dude, Lets see if Pakistan has 17 ISI consulates on indian pak boarder and the terrorist are caught with Pakistani weopans what would india think. It is a big game but it will finish soon, I don't blame india for it but our army for letting them excercise this. :smitten: But since we have unfolded this now we are taking steps to counter the moves. For example almost 2 days ago the good taliban who was against Baitullah massod and working with army to fight the terrorist got shot and killed. Pakistani backup guy who was supposed to replace Zainudeen "good talib" was on one funeral and there was a drone attack which killed 80 people included that guy aswell..... Isn't it funny that USA attacked that funeral and killed 80 people included him:woot: what a coincidence, Isn't it? :angry:
indian raw is supporting talibans.

Brother OMER please backup your statement with some words instead, Otherwise this thread will lead into hate which i don't want, It is my very honest request please........... " massage to others then Omer, Others please don't drag this thread into Pakistan and indian battle ground lol"
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