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Musharaf is severely ill may die soon

Nope it was done in zia's time. Let's accept the fact that it was zia who literally changed the fabric of Pakistani society that's the real damage. Use of religion for politics was always there what bhutto did is indefensible but it is minuscule in comparison to what zia did.

"A Federal Shariat Court was created for enforcing religious laws, striking down laws it found repugnant to Islam, and with some power to make laws. The state assumed the power to collect zakat and ushr. Ahmadis were barred from calling their prayer houses mosques, from possessing and reading the Quran or using the Muslim ways of greeting one another, using Islamic epithets or naming their daughters after women belonging to the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) family.

The Penal Code was amended to provide for punishment for desecration of the Holy Quran and for punishing blasphemy with death or life imprisonment (later on the the Shariat Court made death for blasphemy mandatory). The parliament was designated as the Majlis-e-Shura, and an arbitrarily amended Objectives Resolution — used hitherto as a preamble to the constitution — was made its substantive part. Furthermore, an attempt was made to subvert the system of democratic elections by holding party-less polls.

In addition, Zia amended the constitutional provisions relating to qualifications for membership of assemblies and disqualification of members to make them suggestive of respect for religious criteria. He also subverted the education system, firstly by facilitating the growth of religious seminaries (while extension and improvement of general education were neglected and books on rights and democracy were burnt) and increased religion-related lessons in textbooks at all grade levels. Further he tried to consolidate his measures through a constitutional amendment (the ninth amendment) but it was not adopted. He was also unable in his attempts to create morality brigades to enforce the system of prayers and puritanical regulations."

The judiciary, never keen to rule against religious extremists, has often declined to touch Zia’s amendments on the grounds of their having been endorsed by elected governments through acquiescence.

This he was a politician buddy he could've changed it later because i said damage he did was not so much in comparison to what zia did.

And commit a political suicide not only for him but for his party too?

I can! As proved above. :enjoy::P

So, Zia established the Federal Shariat Court and amended the Blasphemy laws, and in your opinion, that makes him responsible for Islamization of Pakistan?? Did you even read my post? and what ZAB did? :D

Do you know the Federal Shariat Court has made alcohol consumption a bailable offense and has rejected repeated attempts by the Mullahs to declare Muslim Family Ordinance of 1961 'unIslamic' :D

I can! As proved above. :enjoy::P

You didn't 'prove' anything, my friend. :enjoy:
But if you say so, man laitay hain bhai :lol:
So, Zia established the Federal Shariat Court and amended the Blasphemy laws, and in your opinion, that makes him responsible for Islamization of Pakistan?? Did you even read my post? and what ZAB did? :D

Do you know the Federal Shariat Court has made alcohol consumption a bailable offense and has rejected repeated attempts by the Mullahs to declare Muslim Family Ordinance of 1961 'unIslamic' :D
Kher ye to ab cheating hui you're picking up on minor things and going in minute details :D:D

You didn't 'prove' anything, my friend. :enjoy:
But if you say so, man laitay hain bhai :lol:
Na na asi haare tussi jitte :enjoy::lol::lol:
How so? Musharraf was far from a 'draconian' dictator, if he had been none of the established political leadership would be alive. And why would 'discontent' arise in KPK and FATA, when it was in fact the Punjabi (Sharif's) and Sindhi (Bhutto, Zardari) leadership that was targeted? The MMA and ANP leadership was left largely untouched.

It was under Musharraf that the MMA was in power, and Musharraf never launched any kind of 'operation' against religious seminaries. What he tried to do (and failed) was reform madrassa's and implement a more modern and diverse curriculum that would bring Madrassa students on par with other students. That idea, of reforming Madrassa's and modernizing their curriculum, is still a good idea that successive PPP, PMLN and PTI governments have attempted to implement.

He hunted down any politicians or journalists who resisted his overtures to Washington, many of whom were Pukhtoons. He personally ordered the kidnapping, beatings, and forced exile of many.

Musharraf was a dictator, plain and simple, who could not tolerate any discontent to his controversial pro-American policies.

There was a time even right before he lost power where he had Imran Khan shoved into a car and arrested.

This American boot locker would do anything to please his Western masters including talking about reforming Islam to please the West, recognizing Israel, and giving up on Kashmir.

It was due to the bravery and self-sacrifice of ordinary Pakistanis that he was eventually deposed.

I can go into more detail about the religious persecution under the Musharraf regime, but I will suffice to say simply that his religious beliefs were dictated by his religion (not Islam as per our Constitution) and his drive to remove Islam’s prominent role in Pakistani society.

It was also during Musharraf’s reign that foreign students studying Islam in Pakistan were expelled.

All of this resulted in the blowback to the Lal masjid fiasco.
Thanks to Mush for allowing RAW to collaborate with MQM to destroy Karachi and Pakistan's economy.
Thanks to Mush for allowing unlimited visas to Blackwater and CIA guys to create mess inside Pakistan.
Thanks to Mush for allowing all corrupt to the core politicians to suck more blood out of the poor awam.
Thanks to Mush for allowing people like Shaukat Aziz to destroy Pakistan's economy like a hitman.
Thanks to Mush for totally neglecting the new procurement in Pakistani Armed Forces.

I can write an infinite list but i do not want to say anything unethical in emotions...
he armed mqm they killed thousand of Pakistani burned 150 people alive! he signed nro that allowed parasite like nawaz and zardari to comeback and loot and destroy our country! and yes he bowed down to so called american might!

Even though Musharraf has committed some grave mistakes such as NRO which has to be the worst of any and arming MQM to the teeth, other than that he wasn't that bad compared to status quo who have raped and looted Pakistan high and dry.
One More,

Thanks to Mush for selling Pak-Arab Fertilizer to Faisal Mukhtar for just 7 billion f.. rupees despite of the fact that it is more than 300 acre and every acre worths more than 50 million rupees...
he had done some good stuff and some bad and some really worst...
@Sully3 anyway, a pak general shdn't have invited Ashwariya for some party... I mean any american or else could work but as general you shdn't have your enemy's idols your favourite...
For the sake of record it was Zardari who invited Ashwaria not Musharraf.She was paid 10 crore at that time.Only Zardari could have this much money.
One More,

Thanks to Mush for selling Pak-Arab Fertilizer to Faisal Mukhtar for just 7 billion f.. rupees despite of the fact that it is more than 300 acre and every acre worths more than 50 million rupees...

They are all corrupt loterayy, they all launder their money abroad. Musharraf’s brother built a mansion in Chicago with the wealth they funneled out of Pakistan. Pakistan railways under Musharraf was a cash cow. Please...

Our rosy nostalgia for Mush is totally wrong. When Zardari bankrupted Pakistan, we had the same nostalgia for Nawaz. Lahore Paris baneyga lol. Fir vi Kaam karda ey. Pakistanis are duped again and again.

In sha Allah, we have a legitimate government now but we have to burn these corrupts from our past so they never rise again in different forms.

My major regret if Musharraf dies now is phansi Kyu ni di.
They are all corrupt loterayy, they all launder their money abroad. Musharraf’s brother built a mansion in Chicago with the wealth they funneled out of Pakistan. Pakistan railways under Musharraf was a cash cow. Please...

Our rosy nostalgia for Mush is totally wrong. When Zardari bankrupted Pakistan, we had the same nostalgia for Nawaz. Lahore Paris baneyga lol. Fir vi Kaam karda ey. Pakistanis are duped again and again.

In sha Allah, we have a legitimate government now but we have to burn these corrupts from our past so they never rise again in different forms.

My major regret if Musharraf dies now is phansi Kyu ni di.
This is a united corrupt ruling elitist class. Their children enjoys party together, they enjoy their drinks together. Awam is a bunch of idiots following them like retards.
what is the islamic ruling on giving punishment Post humously?

in ancient egypt. past Bad pharoahs were defaced out of existence.
Islam teaches to respect the dead body. Even hanging till death is unIslamic and unethical. There are more proper ways to end the life of a person in less than 10 milliseconds.
Islam teaches to respect the dead body. Even hanging till death is unIslamic and unethical. There are more proper ways to end the life of a person in less than 10 milliseconds.

the greatest achievement of Mushy is the direction he has put Pakistan in, he was the only real modern day visionary leader we had, who changed the future course of this country........

And the best thing he did, was fooling Americans, the sole unipolar Superpower, the architect of 1991 new world order successfully for years on WOT:rofl:
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