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Featured Museum in India Celebrating Muslim Dynasty Gets a Hindu Overhaul-NYT

Just because Im anti modi doesn't mean Im anti-Indian.
So pardon me for showing some two bit internet pakistani his place.

You can be on that short list yourself. But you're mostly harmless.
What does being anti Modi brings to an Indian apart from a tag that makes one lynchable and a desh drohi.
Why doesnt the rest of Pakistan cecede from Balochistan and KPK?
They have all the democratic means available to do so.
speaking of blowing up. can you shed some light on the first use of suicide bombs in the subcontinent?

I believe Indian trained LTTE introduced this phenomenon to the region.

Very true, but the art was perfected by the Pakistanis.
So let me not teach the master.
What does being anti Modi brings to an Indian apart from a tag that makes one lynchable and a desh drohi.

Brings us closer to the real India. Have you not been reading my posts? Pay attention and follow the trend.

They have all the democratic means available to do so.

The nation of Pakistan begs to differ.
Pakistanis are a gifted people. Dedicated to their task, they are more likely to learn and innovate quicker than their Indian counterparts.

and a contest we are happy to lose to the Pakistanis at.
When was it not hijacked?

Sometime before Modi came to the helm.

Well, for one, I don't believe a clause exists in the Pak constitution that allows for states to democratically secede from Pakistan.
If so, please do point to it. Would be glad to learn something new.
Sometime before Modi came to the helm.
care to give a time period. you would be hard pressed to find a time where religion stopped playing a key role in Indian politics.

Go all the way back to Asoka if you must
Well, for one, I don't believe a clause exists in the Pak constitution that allows for states to democratically secede from Pakistan.
If so, please do point to it. Would be glad to learn something new.
There are technical clauses available for the state to secede from the federation.

It's not an easy process of a checklist.
care to give a time period. you would be hard pressed to find a time where religion stopped playing a key role in Indian politics.

Go all the way back to Asoka if you must

You asked when was Indian politics hijacked by religious nutjobs. Answer is Modi's ascension.
Are you now refining your question to suit your agenda?

There are technical clauses available for the state to secede from the federation.

It's not an easy process of a checklist.

So then you must also know that the same must exist for India.
So why ask redundant questions?
Listen, buddy, its starting to seem like youre lonely. Perhaps think of investing in a pet.

Unless you have some genuine queries, Im going to bid you adieu.
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You have just shown your crocodile tears. Nobody believes an Hindu if he criticizes anti Muslim sentiment.

So you are a pagan rapist begging for bobs n vagene then? Or just a rapist?

Indians are known for their submissiveness, you pagans even praise yourself with this. White men like their brownies submissive and you Indians fulfill this wish to the fullest. Congrats to that.

Hindus are per definitionem Anti-Muslim. So no need for your platitudes

For that I have to actually care about your opinion. I'm here to just bash Pakistanis of your ilk. I'm
making my intentions very clear.
Perhaps showing your "bobs and vegene" to strangers on the internet is your way of getting concessions.
Leave me out of it. I'm not interested in whatever you're selling.
You asked when was Indian politics hijacked by religious nutjobs. Answer is Modi's ascension.
Are you now refining your question to suit your agenda?

So then you must also know that the same must exist for India.
So why ask redundant questions?
Listen, buddy, its starting to seem like youre lonely. Perhaps think of investing in a pet.

Unless you have some genuine queries, Im going to bid you adieu.
I am satisfied.

So which personalities of the Mughal Era will be celebrated in this revamped museum?
For the same reasons that co-terminus Pakistan of the present chooses to shed its "kafir" Hindu and Buddhist past to declare itself an Islamic Republic instead of honoring the rich history of non-Muslims that contributed to the land.

The answer is that Religion based politics is a cancer. Pakistan has been a victim since Zia, India has its own Zia in Modi and Yogi.

Doesn't stop Pakistanis from singing praises of their country, where both good and bad exist including religious and sectarian politics. Why would India be any different under such circumstances?
We love India for what it stands for and what it was created to be, not what it is becoming due to the actions of these religious morons! Obviously most of us want India to be what our founding fathers envisioned for India, and I reckon most Pakistanis would prefer Jinnah's Pakistan than Zia's.
But instead here we are.....
Rubbish. Our pre-Islamic history is ours. Keep well away from it. All of it. We have no inferiority complexes about our rich and varied history. Thanks for your concern.
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