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Murree: The legendary Pakistani beer that wants to come to India

my new favorite is Mahou
Earlier I used to drink Tuborg and Budweiser Magnum.
I met some guy in England who liked Fosters. We used to laugh at him, but I was genuinely curious if anyone actually likes Fosters, I mean seriously he's the only man I have ever met who likes Fosters. I bet he likes vegemite too.

I have a friend who said it's "not bad"....but he likes bud too so what does he know :P

The closest local equivalent from Canada would be molson export....steer well clear of it if you see it anywhere!
I have a friend who said it's "not bad"....but he likes bud too so what does he know :P

The closest local equivalent from Canada would be molson export....steer well clear of it if you see it anywhere!

Hmm, Im curious what the worst beer in the world is? Anyone think they know?
Its the worst thing in existence, right after HDoom.

Bah.. :tsk:

Marmite is the maternal grandma of Vegemite from the old country.. You need to try it too


Hmm, Im curious what the worst beer in the world is? Anyone think they know?

Most American beer are shyt actually
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Hmm, Im curious what the worst beer in the world is? Anyone think they know?

Well I had some that a friend "brewed" in the sink in university residences....that I stupidly took a sip of.

Still washing the taste out of my mouth to this day....*shudder*

As far as name brand goes...there are some IPA craft beers that taste like old socks with bad perfume....that I've had the displeasure of having to drink (there are sober kids in Africa etc etc.)
Bah.. :tsk:

Marmite is the maternal grandma of Vegemite from the old country.. You need to try it too


Most American beers are shyt actually

Marmite is probably just as bad, but maybe I will try it. Maybe...

As for American beers being the worst, I wouldn't be surprised.
Marmite is probably just as bad, but maybe I will try it. Maybe...

As for American beers being the worst, I wouldn't be surprised.

If you don't like vegemite, you definitely won't like marmite.

Stuff will put hair where you don't want it.
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