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Murree Brewery to manufacture sanitizers as demand surge tempts fakes

The Murree Brewery Company Ltd. was established in 1860 to meet the beer requirements of British personnel at Ghora Gali near the resort place of Murree.
The Brewery was managed by the family of General Reginald Dyer. In the 1880s the company established a further brewery in Rawalpindi and a distillery in Quetta.

Due to scarcity of water in Murree in the 1920s, brewing was mostly transferred to Rawalpindi but malting continued at Ghora Gali until the 1940s, when this property was sold. This brewery, built in the Gothic style of architecture, was burnt during the partition riots of 1947/48, while the brewery in Quetta was destroyed in the 1935 Balochistan earthquake.

Established in 1860 with capital of Rs. 200,000, the main building in the foreground was completed the following year. The building above it was completed by 1870.






the whiskey looks very light compared to scotch or irish... i reckon the oak cask aren't from 1860!??

Now i just need a source for masks and gloves (do have some but they are running out).
i dont understand the point of surgical mask when the virus can still pass through them... n95 respirators are few and far between
I bought a 450 ML bottle of 99% Isopropyl alcohol for like 520 PKR/3.1$ from karachi via daraz and made my own batch with 70-75% alcohol content for my parents and myself.
diluted with water? damn i wanna try this out
Just use 60 to 70% methylated spirit or methylated ethyl alcohol as a hand wash
It's available at every pharmacy even today or have a liquid soap bottle and 1.5 litter water bottle in your car.(for washing hands outdoor) like me.
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i dont understand the point of surgical mask when the virus can still pass through them... n95 respirators are few and far between

I have two N95s that i bought for my father a few months ago when he had to go to lahore (there was a lot of smog back then). However, he did not use it as its band was too tight. Still keeping it in reserve for him.

I am going with the theory of a mask is better than no mask theory for now to be on a safe side as the virus does require droplets for aerial disperal which may be countered with good enough surgical masks (if it is water repellant). if Xi jinping can use simple masks then so can I. Besides I don't want my parents to get sick due to me if i get exposed somehow while at work or outside so I wear masks when in transit to office or back.

Currently can't receive any shipments, otherwise would have sourced some Hepa filters or vaccum bag filters to make my own with glue gun.

diluted with water? damn i wanna try this out

No, Glycerin and aloe vera (we have a plant). I blended some aloe and added it to the iso prop alcohol. However, it did not mix well so i added more iso prop to further increase its potency and added some more glycerin.

I would make next batches with glycerin only in 70:30 or 75:25 ratio.
so can regular pakistani buy alcohol from this companies product lines?

If you are a non-muslim Pakistan yes (legally). If you are muslim Pakistani, no (though there are work arounds, many muslim Pakistanis can get it quite easily, but it is supposed to be illegal)
No, Glycerin and aloe vera (we have a plant). I blended some aloe and added it to the iso prop alcohol. However, it did not mix well so i added more iso prop to further increase its potency and added some more glycerin.

I would make next batches with glycerin only in 70:30 or 75:25 ratio.
this is for sanitizer i presume? i thought you were speaking about drinks

If you are a non-muslim Pakistan yes (legally). If you are muslim Pakistani, no (though there are work arounds, many muslim Pakistanis can get it quite easily, but it is supposed to be illegal)
same bullshit laws exist in my country too but people have their workarounds....
this is for sanitizer i presume? i thought you were speaking about drinks

Iso prop alcohol is poisonous. I was talking about drinks when discussing muree products. However iso prop and later discussion was for sanitizing use.
They ask for Id I presume?

Brewery is owned by Non Muslim Pakistanis who cater to the needs of Non Muslim Pakistanis.

Liquor shops are licenced/owned by non Muslim Pakistanis who are allowed to sell to only non Muslims.

But, nobody ever asked me for my id or asked about my religion ever in Karachi where I live. Same thing goes for my freinds eperiences. Though, it's been 6 years I think that I had a drink.
Brewery is owned by Non Muslim Pakistanis who cater to the needs of Non Muslim Pakistanis.

Liquor shops are licenced/owned by non Muslim Pakistanis who are allowed to sell to only non Muslims.

But, nobody ever asked me for my id or asked about my religion ever in Karachi where I live. Same thing goes for my freinds eperiences. Though, it's been 6 years I think that I had a drink.
In Islamabad people get their fix mostly from bootleggers
Brewery is owned by Non Muslim Pakistanis who cater to the needs of Non Muslim Pakistanis.

Liquor shops are licenced/owned by non Muslim Pakistanis who are allowed to sell to only non Muslims.

But, nobody ever asked me for my id or asked about my religion ever in Karachi where I live. Same thing goes for my freinds eperiences. Though, it's been 6 years I think that I had a drink.
That’s good then. The way things should be
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