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Murder capital of the world


Oct 20, 2008
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United Kingdom
I was wondering we often see/hear about the problems in South Asia and central Asian countries and more often neglect other parts of the world. This thread is dedicated to the Murder capital of the world where more number of peoples are slaughtered than any other part of the world but still remain unspoken as the Major powers has least interest in this part of the world so they are often ignored

See the post below

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Murder capital of the world


NOT WORTH A GLANCE: Mexican cafe diners pay no heed to headless gang war victim on pavement. PHOTOS: Reuters/Getty

By Dan McDougall in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, 22/08/2010
SINCE the Afghan confict began nine years ago 2,004 NATO troops have been killed. But along the Mexican/US border a staggering TEN TIMES that number have been murdered in the past two years alone, making it the DEADLIEST battlefield on earth. This week the News of the World went to Mexico's Wild West where rival gangs slaughter people wholesale - all for a slice of the multi-billion profits from Britain and America's booming cocaine habit:

IT'S a Sunday picnic scene like nowhere else on earth.

Under a searing desert sun the headless body of a drug trafficker bleeds on to the pavement, staining it deep scarlet. Alongside his earthly remains local families unwrap sandwiches, drink iced tea and eat chilli hot-dogs under umbrellas, barely blinking at the absolute horror in their midst.

Remarkably the assassination, in the very heart of a bustling market town, barely breaks the flow of conversation and daily life.

Just another corpse on the most violent streets in the world. Most surprising of all, this astonishing scene is not playing out in the militant quarters of Kabul or Baghdad - but less than a mile from the American border.

On patrol with Mexican federal cops in these badlands - where dead bodies litter the streets like discarded cigarette ends and coffin makers work non-stop seven days a week - we uncover a terrifying story much closer to home than you think.

For, with the fall of Colombia's infamous drug cartels the cravings of Britain's one million cocaine users are met by Mexico's new generation of gangsters who have ruthlessly taken over the trafficking from South America to London, Manchester and Glasgow.

The US Drug Enforcement Agency says one in three lines of cocaine snorted in the UK, from council estate front rooms to private Mayfair clubs, has passed through the rising Mexican kingpins.

The medieval feud for control of the trade knows no boundaries. In the under-siege city of Ciudad Juarez even children, grandmothers, pregnant women, priests and paramedics have been gunned down in anger, all to ensure a line of cocaine in the world's richest capitals.

"Why in God's name are you crossing here?" says the American border official quietly as I hand over my passport to cross into Mexico's most deadly city. In my hand he presses the official US Travel Advisory note warning travellers to AVOID Juarez at all costs. It is now officially the world's most dangerous place to live.

Full Article: Murder capital of the world | Bleeding corpses have become a common sight on Mexico's drug-riddled streets. | News Of The World
Murder capital of the world: the local wrecking yard.
SHOOTING UP: One man injects another with heroin

Seems like this country has no value for human life.
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SHOOTING UP: One man injects another with heroin


Well, this you will find even in Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and European nations. Not to mention some Hi-Fi people in USA and pot-heads.

Anyway, Mexico still has a thriving tourism industry.
One of the following reasons

good topic
One of the following reasons

good topic

If you're talking about Mexico it's one thing and one thing only, drugs. The cartels will not hesitate to murder families or even innocent people just to make a statement. I would compare the brutal nature of the cartels to Al Qaeda.
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Two neighboring countries. Two corners of the extreme. USA and Mexico
If you're talking about Mexico it's one thing and one thing only, drugs. The cartels will not hesitate to murder families or even innocent people just to make a statement. I would compare to brutal nature of the cartels to Al Qaeda.

Rich people use drugs for fun
Poor use drugs in order to forget his unhappy life

South America are the focus of the drug trade
And al-Qaeda dealing with drug dealers
According to what I hear
any way i hate al-Qaeda
The freaking cartels are very sophisticated in their methods for kidnapping and extorting money from the wealthy. They track rich kids based on online profiles and status messages. My Mexican friend doesn't put her pictures or real name on facebook, doesn't state her name on voicemail, and doesn't answer phone calls from unknown numbers. She recently lost her best friend to one of these cartel extortion dramas - they killed him even after his parents paid off the money. Really sad state of affairs.
South America are the focus of the drug trade

If you speak to Mexicans, they blame it on Americans who are the main customers for these drug cartels. The US has done a good job on sealing its borders from the drug cartels. But they are lagging behind on tracking the movement and consumption of these goods once they make it past the border.
a bit off topic but i thought of sharing it with you & sparklingaway sir

hehe yes zaki bhai i know been to mexico,cuba,carribian for vecations few times remember break your dollars( both U.S & CA)(euro,pounds) to local currencey take the guide,hotel,cabbie its better to take the group bus if you are with family from your local tralvel agency from back home be it north america or europe etcs it will be a bit more but mexico,cuba,carrabian,samoa/hawai are quiet cheap much more cheaper then say euro tour or brazalian/australian/african onces mauritius is a bit expensive but none the less much less compare to euro tour etc Zaki bhai i would suggest you to take the mauritius package at least once in your life time you will simply love it you can trust me on that its like an heaven island c'mon you & your family deserves it safe plus an esthetics experience simply beautiful
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