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Mumbai's ISIS recruit a trained suicide bomber


Oct 7, 2012
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NEW DELHI/MUMBAI: ISIS recruit from Kalyan, Areeb Majeed, is a trained suicide bomber who made as many as three attempts on security forces at different vital installations in Syria without any success, it has now emerged. His bullet injuries too were sustained in one of the many battles, including the August offensive on Mosul dam in Iraq, he participated in as an ISIS man against Iraqi and US forces.

READ ALSO: I cleaned toilets while in ISIS, Kalyan youth Areeb Majeed tells NIA

These are some of the revelations Majeed made during interrogation, confirming the worst fears of security agencies that the engineering student from Mumbai's suburb is more than a boy gone astray. Until now, Majeed had maintained that he had not participated in any ISIS battle. He had also said that the two bullet injuries he sustained were during practice firing and that ISIS made him work as a mason.

Security agencies, which always suspected his statement, recently subjected him to lie detector test which only confirmed their suspicion that he was not telling the truth. When confronted with test results and sustained interrogation, Majeed is learnt to have broken down and told interrogators that he is less innocent than he attempted to appear initially.

Majeed has been interrogated for the past over one week by NIA and Intelligence Bureau. He has revealed that apart from weapons training, he was also trained to be a suicide bomber. "He says he attempted to take an explosive-laden vehicle near a few vital installations in Syria with the aim of attracting security forces towards him. The idea was to blow up the vehicle when enough men in uniform were around him. However, the suspicious security at these places completely avoided him, defeating the purpose. We are trying to verify his claims," a security establishment officer said.

The photo of Areeb Majeed that was uploaded on a website for a short while.

The officer added that among the many battles he participated in was the August fight for Mosul dam. Majeed fought alongside ISIS against Kurdish Peshmerga and US forces who eventually took over the dam.

"After sustaining bullet injuries, he was given $2,000 by ISIS as reward and medical assistance before he fled to Turkey and decided to come back home," said the officer.

Majeed also revealed that while he was put off by ISIS looking down at him and his friends and engaging them in menial jobs initially, what disillusioned him was the way the rebels treated women in areas controlled by them. He told interrogators that he felt disgusted that ISIS forced women to sleep with its recruits and executed forced marriages. "He says such treatment of women is prohibited in Islam and he didn't like it," said the officer.

The development has diminished the chances of agencies taking any lenient view of Majeed's ISIS indulgence given that he is remorseless and deeply radicalized. It had been earlier discussed within the home ministry that Majeed could be looked at with compassion if he was not found to be involved in any attack, cooperated with investigations and desired to reform.
Mumbai's ISIS recruit a trained suicide bomber - The Times of India
Who cares,,he has been arrested.
You cant ignore this as easily as you did....... How many times did you hear of an Indian Suicide bomber?????? That signifies it my friend.....

We had such loonies way back in 1980's and 90's,don't forget that.

But yeah its more dangerous as its linked with a religion having 20 crore people in india.
Dude just earned a permanent reservation in a 10*12 booth.

Technically it is going to be difficult as he has not committed any crime in India, and there is no case against him in abroad (interpol)..... But i hope there are laws on prevention of a crime
We had such loonies way back in 1980's and 90's,don't forget that.

But yeah its more dangerous as its linked with a religion having 20 crore people in india.

Yea, Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated by someone from religion having 20 crore people.......
We had such loonies way back in 1980's and 90's,don't forget that.

But yeah its more dangerous as its linked with a religion having 20 crore people in india.

The point i am making was on recent events. Yes there were militancy in 90's but that was confined to kashmir.
Technically it is going to be difficult as he has not committed any crime in India, and there is no case against him in abroad (interpol)..... But i hope there are laws on prevention of a crime

Depends on national law. For example, in USA, if you are caught even trying or planning to go abroad for such a terrorist activity, it is criminal offense.
The point i am making was on recent events. Yes there were militancy in 90's but that was confined to kashmir.
Confined to Kashmir? More like South and north east as well...and then the famous Sikh massacres in Punjab region
Depends on national law. For example, in USA, if you are caught even trying or planning to go abroad for such a terrorist activity, it is criminal offense.

Yeah, But i remember reading a news when he arrived here, where in it was explained the difficulties to try him under law.... that was the point, but i am sure there will be provision for preventing a crime.....
even if he had committed suicide bombing, the devils in the hell would have cleaned their toilets by this idiot.

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