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Mumbai-based diamond export company rejects man's job application for being Muslim

Surely people arent discriminated in such a secular country on religious grounds.

Says who?

Please Google for France and Muslims.

A secular country refers to its constitution and rules and its government.

It does not change people and their prejudices at at an individual level. But they have the freedom to do that, as long as they do not break the law.
I doubt this story is true, no company would actually put on paper that they are discriminating on religious grounds even if they do. Employers can always find some other excuse, why call him for an interview at all, if they don't hire Muslims?

And to all those people who say that Muslims are at the lowest level of education and employment because theyare discriminated against in India, can you tell me any country in the world that is not muslim majority and which does not have strong muslim only bias where Muslims are NOT found disproportionately in the bottom rungs of society? UK ? France? Germany? Philippines? China? Israel? Italy?
MUMBAI: About 15 minutes after applying for a job at a multinational company in Mumbai, MBA graduate Zeshan Ali Khan received a reply that left him in utter disbelief: “We regret to inform you that we hire only non-Muslim candidates.”

Khan along with two of his non-Muslim friends applied for a marketing job with a multinational exports company, Hare Krishna Exports.

However, while Khan failed to get the job, Mukund Mani and Omkar Bansode got the desired positions at the company but refused to join to protest against what they saw as religious discrimination.

n an interview with NDTV, Khan described his reaction and said “I was shocked. I took a screenshot and posted it on social media… Activists from across the country said I should go to the police and file a case of religious discrimination.”

Read: Muslims of Bihar donate land to build world’s largest Hindu temple

After the screenshot circulated swiftly on social media, Khan received another email from the company expressing ‘regret’ for the erroneous reply to the job application, further stating that “The Human Resource trainee who denied job to Zeshan Khan has been suspended.”
This is the fookin' billionth thread on PDF on this topic! Isn't there anything else to post? Running out of India bashing topics? You guys remind me of a broken record with the needle stuck in the same groove!

Mods, please merge this thread with the others.
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This is the fookin' billionth thread on PDF on this topic! Isn't there anything else to post? Running out of India bashing topics? You guys remind me of a broken record with the needle stuck in the same groove!

Mods, please merge this thread with the others.
Instead of crying about it like a lazy person , mention the mods and ask for thread merge like a normal human being! :enjoy:

Thread merge @WebMaster @Horus @Manticore @Jungibaaz @waz @Chak Bamu @T-Faz @Emmie @Jango @blain2 @Oscar @TaimiKhan Please merge this thread with

We hire only non-Muslims: Indian firm tells job-seeker
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I only hope he does not have problem later when he is made to inspect jewelry of the idols and report on them all day. :enjoy: This will become his life, his everything...
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Secular republic. This is fake implanted news by ISI. If you notice carefully, his eyebrows match clearly with Pakistan's border action team operatives.
Look .. it happens in Pakistan; not as much of a problem because it is supposed to be a ideologically shaped Muslims country.

It happens in Hindu-stan; then it is a problem because it is supposedly a secular state and the world's democracy of democracies.

Get the irony !

This is the only aberration of its kind that had come out. From Presidents to Army Chiefs to Judges all positions including top positions have been filled by people of other relegions. If some lala company decides on such things. you really can't track it down.
What is it is a pro-active step as in the past many muslims who were employed with the firm had said no to do work on idols? What if they were claiming it as hurting their sentiments and company had lost contracts due to this?

tomorrow if muslims working in an idol making company started demanding touching idols is against their religion, then what shall company do? just keep on them pay roll without expecting any work from them?

There is no need to jump to conclusion without proper investigation. The company has clearly said they have Muslim HR working with them, then there is no point raising fingers towards them.

Atleast the muslim guy's voice is heard and action is taken. This is what the beauty of Indian democracy unlike those who are bashing India and forgetting about the plight of minorities in their own country.

Secular republic. This is fake implanted news by ISI. If you notice carefully, his eyebrows match clearly with Pakistan's border action team operatives.
Yes, Secular, thats why this muslim guy can raise his voice and his voice is heard as well. But you cannot understand that!!!

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