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Mumbai Attacks

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Sorry for being off topic. But look above and you will find mr. Moderator mentioned that muKti bahini as terrorists and i was just answering.

Well with that logic, which you have just presented, then Kashmiri groups are Freedom Fighters and not terrorists. As what logic and twisted history you presented from wikipedia, same applies to the Kashmiri freedom fighters. Mukhthi Bani was fighting for independence and India supported it, Kashmiri Freedom Fighters are fighting for Independence, Pakistan should also support it.

Ones terrorist is a freedom fighter in others view, ones freedom fighter is a terrorist to another view.

Anyway, this will get the topic derailed, so if you wish to have any further discussion, do it in the correct thread, which we have many out there, keep the discussion to this topic for now.
Well with that logic, which you have just presented, then Kashmiri groups are Freedom Fighters and not terrorists. As what logic and twisted history you presented from wikipedia, same applies to the Kashmiri freedom fighters. Mukhthi Bani was fighting for independence and India supported it, Kashmiri Freedom Fighters are fighting for Independence, Pakistan should also support it.

Ones terrorist is a freedom fighter in others view, ones freedom fighter is a terrorist to another view.

Anyway, this will get the topic derailed, so if you wish to have any further discussion, do it in the correct thread, which we have many out there, keep the discussion to this topic for now.
I have my answers for your comment but since you told not to im not posting (you hold the power).
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I have my answers for your comment but since you told not to im not posting (you hold the power).

As said either you can post it in another relevant thread, as there are many out there, you just need to look for them and then invite me i will be there.

Or you can post it as a visitor message and we can discuss it there.

I did not stopped you from posting completely, i just said not at this thread but anywhere else.
Chidambaram heads to Pakistan today, Mumbai trial tops agenda

A day after talks between the foreign secretaries of India and Pakistan, Home Minister P Chidambaram will go Islamabad on Friday, the first ministerial visit to Islamabad since the 26/11 terror attack, during which he is expected to press for a speedy trial of the Pakistanis accused of planning the carnage.

Chidambaram will represent India at a meeting of the home ministers of the eight-nation South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) in Islamabad on Saturday.

Chidambaram will also hold a bilateral meeting with Pakistan's Interior Minister Rehman Malik.

Although terrorism figured prominently in the discussions between India's Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao and her Pakistani counterpart Salman Bashir Thursday, Chidambaram will take up the issue in greater detail with Malik.

Chidambaram is expected to press for concrete action against Hafiz Saeed, the founder of terror group Lashkar-e-Taiba-turned-Jamaat-ud-Dawa charity suspected by India to be the mastermind of the Mumbai carnage
Last week, India gave a dossier containing specific sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) under which Saeed is wanted in India. In the past, Pakistan had cited legal difficulties in prosecuting Saeed.

Chidambaram will also seek to know from his counterpart the status of the trial of seven Pakistanis involved in the Mumbai carnage and voice samples of handlers of the 26/11 attacks, official sources said.
After his talks with Rao in Islamabad, Bashir said Thursday that both countries with discuss greater cooperation in counter-terrorism at the forthcoming meeting of home ministers between the two countries.

Chidambaram heads to Pakistan today, Mumbai trial tops agenda- Hindustan Times
Zimbabwe - South Africa - Pakistan -
Article published the Saturday 26 June 2010 - Latest update : Saturday 26 June 2010

Mumbai suspect arrested on SAfrica border, officials play down terror fears

By Ryan Truscott

Officials in Zimbabwe have named a Pakistani terror suspect arrested last Sunday trying to enter South Africa through Beitbridge border post. Some reports say that the man is wanted in connection with the 2008 Mumbai attacks, but South African police sources have downplayed suggestions the arrest is to do with terrorism.

Sources close to the investigation in Zimbabwe say the man is 33 year-old Imran Muhammad.

He was arrested last Sunday while trying to get through Beitbridge border post to South Africa on what officials believe was a fake Kenyan passport.

He was traveling together with another Pakistani national. The Herald newspaper says that man is 39-year old Chaudry Parvez Ahmed.
They are reported to have come to Zimbabwe from Saudi Arabia, via Tanzania .
The paper says that an Imran Muhammad is wanted in connection with the terror attacks in the Indian city of Mumbai two years ago.

But it is not yet clear if the man in Zimbabwean police custody is the same person.
Before the start of the World Cup in South Africa this month, there were fears it could be targeted by terrorists.
But Zimbabwe is also a conduit for illegal immigrants trying to get into South Africa, which is an economic powerhouse in the region.

Zimbabwean police spokesperson Wayne Bvudzijena says investigations into the case are continuing. He won’t say whether the two posed a threat to the World Cup.
South African police official Vish Naidoo has downplayed those fears today.

He’s told the South African Press Agency that the two Pakistani men were arrested on suspicion of being illegal immigrants, not terrorists.

tags: Football - Mumbai - Pakistan - South Africa - Terrorism - World Cup - Zimbabwe

Mumbai suspect arrested on SAfrica border, officials play down terror fears | www.english.rfi.fr

What are people's views on this...
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Regarding the Mumbai hostage crisis and attack, I found an interesting article. Perhaps it is relevant to this story.

India is grappling with the possibility that one of its own undercover operatives helped equip the Islamist extremists who attacked Mumbai, killing more than 170 people.

Police in Indian-controlled Kashmir demanded the release of one of their undercover agents on Sunday after he was arrested by police in Delhi for allegedly supplying a mobile SIM card used by the Mumbai gunmen.

The operation turned sour, however, after police in Srinagar, Indian Kashmir's summer capital, said that Ahmed worked for them, raising the possibility that an Indian agent aided the militants that committed India's worse terror attack in 15 years.

A senior officer in Srinagar, Kashmir's summer capital, said Calcutta police were told that Ahmed is "our man and it's now up to them how to facilitate his release".

He said that Ahmed was a Special Police Officer, part of a semi-official counterinsurgency network whose members are usually drawn from former militants.

"Sometimes we use our men engaged in counter-insurgency ops to provide SIM cards to the [militant] outfits so that we track their plans down," he said.

Mumbai terror suspect 'was Indian undercover cop' - Times Online
Note that it has been earlier clarified that the Brig from SCO is named because the IP's were registered by SCO under his name when he served as secretary in AJK. The computer used to send out the concerned email brought back his name in the reverse IP lookup.

India comes up with six new names in Mumbai case
By Baqir Sajjad Syed
Sunday, 04 Jul, 2010

ISLAMABAD: The government has started examining a list of six suspects given by New Delhi during talks between the two foreign secretaries in Islamabad last week.

Most of the suspects have been identified by their aliases and cover names.

“A list of six more suspects — Sajid Mir, Maj Abdur Rehman, Brig Riaz, Abu Kafa, Abu Qama and Abu Hamza — has been given by India,” a security official said.

The names of the alleged handlers and controllers of the attack’s perpetrators emerged from interrogation by India of American suspect David Coleman Headley, who is being tried in the US for a plot to attack offices of a Danish newspaper that published blasphemous caricatures in 2005.

Indias National Investigation Agency (NIA) is likely to again get access to Mr Headley for further questioning.

According to the sketchy details provided by the Indians about the new suspects, Sajid Mir is allegedly an ex-armyman and the international operations commander of Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT).

He is supposedly the ‘Individual A’ in the Headley affidavit and ‘Individual B’ in another suspect Tahawwur Hussain Rana’s affidavit submitted in a US court and is associated with both LeT and Ilyas Kashmiri. He is also reportedly wanted by the US and Australian law-enforcement agencies.

Maj Abdur Rehman alias Pasha, as per the Indian information, retired from the army in 2007 and had been arrested by Pakistani security agencies in September last year for his suspected involvement in the Headley case. He was, however, released.

The third military man pointed out by the Indian side, Brig Riaz, is allegedly an ex-official of the SCO, the army wing dealing with telecommunications.

The other three — Abu Kafa, Abu Qama and Abu Hamza — have been identified by their aliases and were allegedly the handlers of the Mumbai attackers.

Abu Kafa is also the alias of Mazhar Iqbal, one of the seven suspects currently being tried by the Rawalpindi anti-terrorism court in the Mumbai case.

An investigator said it was practically unworkable to find the people identified only by their aliases or cover names.

Indian Home Minister P Chidambaram, who last week held talks with Interior Minister Rehman Malik and Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi in Islamabad, asked Pakistan to rigorously follow up leads that had emerged from Headley’s questioning and arrest other suspects in the Mumbai carnage.

The Indian minister had also cautioned that substantive progress in the trust-building process, initiated after a meeting between the prime ministers’ of both countries in Bhutan in April, would not be possible unless the Mumbai case was resolved.

He had hinted that India would expect forward movement from Pakistan on the issue before the July 15 meeting of the foreign ministers.

However, a diplomat said: “Islamabad is committed to proceeding with the Mumbai trial, but to expect everything to be pegged on the Mumbai issue is unfair and against the spirit to normalise bilateral ties.” He urged India to look at the trust-building process from a larger angle rather than just through the Mumbai prism.
Oh good yara. Hum tau dar hee gay thay ka dosra Mumbai ho gaya kia.
Well with that logic, which you have just presented, then Kashmiri groups are Freedom Fighters and not terrorists. As what logic and twisted history you presented from wikipedia, same applies to the Kashmiri freedom fighters. Mukhthi Bani was fighting for independence and India supported it, Kashmiri Freedom Fighters are fighting for Independence, Pakistan should also support it.
well if they win kashmir than only world will acknowledge them as freedom fighters otherwise terrorist is d nly option ...

Ones terrorist is a freedom fighter in others view, ones freedom fighter is a terrorist to another view.
same applied for ur country too.
Mahatma Gandhi...Indira Gandhi..Rajiv Gandhi....Beant Singh were killed by terrorists.

Indira Gandhi was not killed by terrorists, they were her bodyguards, are you calling here BGs terrorists. and anyway they killed her, justifibly for Op Bluestar, attacking the holiest Gurdwara in the world, they wee heros.
+it's odd you state one of the BGs (Beant Singh) who you call a terrorist to then say was killed by terrorists?

R.I.P Beant Singh and Satwant Singh
Indira Gandhi was not killed by terrorists, they were her bodyguards, are you calling here BGs terrorists. and anyway they killed her, justifibly for Op Bluestar, attacking the holiest Gurdwara in the world, they wee heros.
+it's odd you state one of the BGs (Beant Singh) who you call a terrorist to then say was killed by terrorists?

R.I.P Beant Singh and Satwant Singh

Killing a women dont make u hero and i know many Sikhs who opposed her death its not allowed in sikh religion neither. Remember it was not indian army who took weapons in the goldern temple it was in fact sikh terrorists.
Well with that logic, which you have just presented, then Kashmiri groups are Freedom Fighters and not terrorists. As what logic and twisted history you presented from wikipedia, same applies to the Kashmiri freedom fighters. Mukhthi Bani was fighting for independence and India supported it, Kashmiri Freedom Fighters are fighting for Independence, Pakistan should also support it.
Ones terrorist is a freedom fighter in others view, ones freedom fighter is a terrorist to another view.

Anyway, this will get the topic derailed, so if you wish to have any further discussion, do it in the correct thread, which we have many out there, keep the discussion to this topic for now.

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