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Mumbai Attacks

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And Bang the glore. did u even bother to see the link i Put up about Kashmiri boys who attacked Indian Parliament, go read and than come back to talk.

Yeah, I did. Just thought that I would deal with one conspiracy theorist at a time and since he is not here to refute, no point in beating up on him. How is it that you are so quick to buy complicated conspiracy theories when the truth is far more simpler and in your face. Gen. Musharraf ordered a crackdown on LeT & JeM after the parliament attck. why exactly did he do that if this was all an inside job as you say. You need to read history and stop concentrating only on articles where the writers are the slightly more erudite equals of Zaid Hamid.

How did u assume that i have sympathy for this criminal, u are assuming too much and are so bang on killing this idiot, if U did not want him to be tried than why did u take him to court. Now that he is in court u guys want the trial run as if it a Kangroo court and will convict the guy in one day.

Trial lasting one & a half years, over 600 witnesses being examined including from the FBI, hours & hours of cctv footage, intercepted telephone transcripts, does not look much like a kangaroo court , does it? all this for an individual who was caught during a firefight where one brave police officer took bullets into his body so that this guy gets caught alive and has his day in court.

so u have to let it take its course and wait till he is convicted and that is what is all about when a criminal is tried. dude.

Convicted. Read the papers.

u beeter not botch it, hurry it or make it look like it was a set up. Eyes of the world might be on this case. and at thistime in a case such as this Your courts are being watched by the world.

The Eyes of the world except for yours and your types like what they see. Thanks for your concern though.
so make it right and Hang the guy if convicted.

That should hopefully happen.

My symopathies are with those who Parished.

Good & thanks.:tup:.
so if the trerial hasbeen over and he is convicted, what do you want here on this forum.

the case has taken it due coaRse and has convicted the idiot who brought bad name to his village, dum people like that are far AND FEW BETWEEN, I AM GLAD.

so if the trerial hasbeen over and he is convicted, what do you want here on this forum.

the case has taken it due coaRse and has convicted the idiot who brought bad name to his village, dum people like that are far AND FEW BETWEEN, I AM GLAD.


Kasab is not pakistani right??

Pakistan has habit/history of not accepting even their dead jawans. :hitwall::hitwall:
I would have to politely disagree with you here..!!! All evidence including photographic..videos... and witness are against him..!! It would be your ignorance if you say all these are not good enough evidence.. and mr ajmal kasab can be innocent..!!! Please don't try to accuse indian judiciary for giving him a fair trial.

In past too.. there was a very famous case called nithari killings.. where more than a dozen kids where killed and their skeltons and bones hwere recovered from Mr. Kholi the owner of the hosue... CBI and the other investigations agencies had made it clear that they didnt have any evidence against him..!! Still the lower court sentenced hiim to death.. due to the overwhelming public opinion and -ve perception against him.. But then again.. the higher court just set him free citing the lack of evidence..!!!

So i would say indian judiciary is independent and strong enough just as the democractic system in india...!!!

I want to correct you, The owner was Mr Pandher ofcourse he would have to be set free since he was rich though he was ******* prositutes and asking Koli the servant to take care of them (by killing them)
Ajmal Kasab awarded death sentence
Updated at: 1335 PST, Thursday, May 06, 2010

MUMBAI: Pronouncing the verdict, Special Court judge M L Tahaliyani said the case fell in the rarest of rarest category as defined by the Supreme Court and hence Kasab will have to face the gangman's noose.

Kasab was pronounced guilty May 3 in the Nov 26, 2008 Mumbai terror attack and the Special Judge's sentencing came in on Thursday afternoon.

But it will be years and a big `yawning' process before Kasab takes the final steps to the gallows because:

He can go in appeal to the High Court. A year or two can go by.

If the High Court rejects his appeal, he will then go to the Supreme Court in appeal. This too may take a few years.

If the Supreme Court turns down his appeal, he can seek a pardon from the President of India.

The mercy plea will then be sent by the President to the Home Ministry for a thorough examination. Again, a few years may go by.

The Home Ministry will then send Kasab's file to the Maharashtra Government for comments and giving details.

The file then moves to the President's Secretariat for a final decision. By then, India may have a new President and will be facing a general election. Kasab's file will then be pushed to the table of the next president who may once again seek the opinion of the new government's Home Ministry.

One must remember that Afzal Guru's file is yet to reach the President's table though he was sentenced to death in 2006. The file is still in the hands of the Congress-led UPA government.

Afzal Guru was sentenced to death for the audacious attack on Parliament on December 2001.

Moreover, 25 mercy pleas are still on the President's table for a final decision.

Ajmal Kasab awarded death sentence
it will take years for execution of kasab.
He will approach high court.....then supreme court..........then President of India........
Indian legal system is quite funny. I must say, for a terrorist that massacred more than a 100 Indians as well as guests of India from different countries, a terrorist of such notoriety has the right to appeal to a courts and ask the president for a pardon!

As an ex-soldier myself I must say that a pardon of this nature would be an insult to the soldiers of your country who died fighting these terrorists. No court in Europe would ever even consider offering a terrorist the option of a pardon from one of our countries' top leaders.

No matter he is innocent or not, he will get verdict of death.. Because in past too Indian courts has given such verdict by saying that even they found accused innocent but due to public opinion they have to give such verdict. And public opinion maker is media, and everyone knows how they behaved.

Thus public opinion matters in courts decision making especially in such kind of cases. This time they may not accept his innocence too.

Do you have any proof of your claim??

you think that man who killed 86 people is innocent. All the proofs against him are fake & the court will accuse him on the basis of public opinion.
I think you don't even have a little knowledge in judiciary system
Indian legal system is quite funny. I must say, for a terrorist that massacred more than a 100 Indians as well as guests of India from different countries, a terrorist of such notoriety has the right to appeal to a courts and ask the president for a pardon!

As an ex-soldier myself I must say that a pardon of this nature would be an insult to the soldiers of your country who died fighting these terrorists. No court in Europe would ever even consider offering a terrorist the option of a pardon from one of our countries' top leaders.


It may be laughable but it's the rule of law and due process.

The Indian judicial system isn't exactly a beacon to the world in terms of efficiency, but I would rather have this than, say, people getting hanged without exhausting all avenues.
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