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Mumbai Attacks

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Yeah! we'll take 10 days to investigate but give India a full report in 3! :woot:
India slams Miliband’s Kashmir-Mumbai linkage

Saturday, 17 Jan, 2009 | 04:39 PM PST |
NEW DELHI: British Foreign Secretary David Miliband's trip to India, billed as a ‘solidarity visit’ following the Mumbai siege, was dubbed a disaster by Indian officials and politicians Saturday, AFP reports.
Miliband raised Indian hackles by linking the unresolved Kashmir dispute to the Mumbai attacks and because of what government sources called his ‘aggressive style’ during his three-day visit which ended Friday.
‘There is no linkage between Kashmir and the terror India has been facing emanating from Pakistan...
The bureaucracy in the British foreign office should have educated him a little bit on the facts,’ Congress party spokesman Manish Tiwari told reporters in New Delhi.
Arun Jaitley, spokesman for the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party, described Miliband's visit as a ‘disaster’.
‘In recent years, there has been no bigger disaster than the visit of David Miliband. At the end of his visit, we were having nothing but some... pro-Pakistan comments,’ Jaitley said.

The former British colony has traditionally resisted any kind of outside interference in its dispute with Pakistan over Kashmir, trigger of two of the three wars between the two nuclear-armed rivals.
Miliband's views on Kashmir and the Mumbai attacks were spelt out in a piece that appeared in the London Guardian newspaper on Thursday while he was in India.
‘Resolution of the dispute over Kashmir would help deny extremists in the region one of their main calls to arms and allow Pakistani authorities to focus more effectively on tackling the threat on their western borders,’ he wrote.
A report in the Hindu newspaper quoted a senior foreign ministry official as dismissing Miliband, who is 43, as ‘a young man’.
‘I guess this is the way he thinks diplomacy is conducted,’
the unidentified official said.
The Hindu quoted another Indian official as saying the two government meetings with Miliband were ‘pretty awful’.
Even when Miliband was in India, the government made its displeasure known. ‘We do not need unsolicited advice on internal issues in India like Kashmir,’ said foreign office spokesman Vishnu Prakash.
Another Indian official called the foreign ministry criticism of Miliband ‘unprecedented’, saying it was the first time New Delhi ‘had ticked off a government minister from a UN Security Council member country while the visit was ongoing’.
Miliband's ‘aggressive style, the tone and manner in which he conducted himself during talks with the prime minister (Manmohan Singh) and the foreign minister (Pranab Mukherjee) were also upsetting,’ a government source told AFP on Saturday.
i guess britain have come out of the BUSH TRAP which they were in. they have backed out from WOT and are also not involving themself in any compaign against Pakistan. britain is demanding wat is rit from pakistan. carry out investigation and find out who were involved.

when he came to pak my mom thought as if this was some sort of band which came to perform in some concert. but now after listenin to him she has become a fan of his talk. btw his words were nothing less than a song for pakistanis.
http: // i43.tinypic. com/n2zed1. jpg (remove spaces)

The entire Indians propaganda and lies have been exposed in this attached pdf document. Read and know for yourself things you never knew before. The entire Mumbai drama, its background, its motives and the players involved, with proof from their own sources, media and speeches. Circulate this far and wide and get it published wherever you can. This must be flooded on the web and passed to all contacts. Let the world see how big liars they are.

http: // rapidshare. com/files/185053790/BrassTacks_014_Dance_of_the_devil .pdf (remove spaces)
Yes I already read that.... It is a very good effort of Zaid Hamid...
I appreciate the effort....
Mumbai attacks’ leads go out of Pakistan: Malik

* Interior adviser says initial probe report will arrive in 10 days
* Verifiable info will be converted into proof for criminal case

By Tahir Niaz

ISLAMABAD: Leads found in Pakistani investigation into the Mumbai terrorist attacks indicate involvement of foreigners, Interior Adviser Rehman Malik said on Saturday.

“So far the leads shared with me by the investigators go out of the country,” he said at a press conference at the Ministry of Interior. Malik said a committee was also analysing the information India had shared with Pakistan to transform it into verifiable evidence for legal action.

“We are not registering a criminal case right now. Let the preliminary report come and if prima facie something substantial comes, we would convert it into a criminal case,” the adviser said.

The preliminary report would be presented within 10 days, Malik said. But he denied the deadline had been set under foreign pressure, adding that the probe would be ‘legal and tangible’. He denied British Foreign Secretary David Miliband had asked Pakistan to increase the pace of the investigation.

“We will follow the international procedures and Pakistani laws to investigate the Mumbai attacks in the light of information provided by India, but no dictations will be taken from any side,” he said.

The suspects detained under the Maintenance of Public Order law would be released if found innocent, the adviser added. Malik called for interaction between Indian and Pakistani investigators and asked the ‘Indian friends’ to show patience.

“It took 42 days for India to provide information to Pakistan, and it will take some time [for Pakistan] to investigate the matter. They should give more time to us,” he said.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
I found this video on youtube. One of my favourite shows on ajj tv.

enjoy. :) :woot::rofl:
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I watched this whole program live on TV. Its a must watch.

I would strongly recommend it to every Indian and Pakistani, other members can also watch it as this program is in English.

Indian members ( take 5 deep breaths before watching it ), and do watch the whole thing. Zaid Hamid is trying to talk some sense into you.

p.s - Download this PDF file and go through it while watching the program, its the same file Zaid Hamid is going through in this program.

The link will be provided below.

Thankyou Bezerk for posting this.
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