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Pak opposition slams govt's plan to send ISI chief to India
28 Nov 2008, 2316 hrs IST, PTI

ISLAMABAD: Pakistani opposition parties today slammed the PPP-led government for its decision to send ISI chief to India to share the information
on intelligence, saying that it amounted to "summoning" of the spy agency's head by the Indian Prime Minister.

"The blame game is not the answer to such incidents and it appeared awkward that the ISI chief was going to India almost at the Indian Prime Minister's summoning," opposition PML-N spokesman Ahsan Iqbal said.

Iqbal said the Pakistan government had acted in haste and should instead have offered to form a "joint task force with equal responsibility".

He said that India had in the past blamed Pakistan for terrorist attacks but subsequent probes had shown they were carried out by "internal groups".

Opposition PML-Q and Jamaat-e-Islami also criticised the Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani government's decision.

PML-Q spokesman Tariq Azeem claimed India was resorting to "a knee jerk reaction by blaming Pakistan instead of carrying out a thorough investigation".

The decision to send ISI chief Lt Gen Shuja Pasha to India came after the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh told Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani that investigators had found involvement of Pakistan-based elements in the attacks in Mumbai.

He told Gilani that Pakistan should send its ISI chief to New Delhi "to cooperate in the investigations of the Mumbai attack and for sharing certain information".

Pakistan agreed to Singh's proposal and said Pasha would travel to New Delhi soon, for which modalities would be worked out by the two sides.

Pak opposition slams govt's plan to send ISI chief to India-Pakistan-World-The Times of India
Indian forces battle pockets of militants

Published: November 28, 2008


A commando rappelled from a helicopter near Nariman House, where militants are believed to be hiding, in Mumbai on Friday.

MUMBAI, India — As the crisis in Mumbai entered its third day, Indian commandos fought running battles with militants on Friday, still struggling to end the murderous assault on India’s financial capital that has shaken the nation and raised perilous regional tensions with neighboring Pakistan.

As a measure of the possible implications of the attacks for regional relations, the chief of Pakistan’s powerful intelligence organization was due to make an extraordinary visit to India to assist in the investigations and calm tensions between the two countries, as the Indian government explicitly blamed “elements with links to Pakistan” and the full scale and the death toll from the attacks became clearer.

Two Americans, a 58-year-old man and his 13-year-daughter, members of a spiritual community visiting from Virginia, were confirmed as among those killed in one of the luxury hotels that was attacked. They were among a total of at least 22 foreigners, who had died during the attacks, the Indian authorities said, according to The Associated Press.

Among the dead were the bodies of five hostages, most of them believed to be Jewish citizens, who were brought out from a Jewish community center in the city, Nariman House, after Indian commando units stormed the attackers inside the building, ending the stand-off there. The terrorists had executed the hostages during the commando raid, the Indian military said, adding that two attackers had also been killed.

A rabbi from Brooklyn, New York, Gavriel Holtzberg, and his wife, Rivka, were among the dead.

Shortly before night settled over the stricken city, the police said the death toll had reached 143 with the discovery of 24 bodies in the luxury Oberoi hotel, where the police had finally taken control and many guests were set free on Friday.

But the army’s operation at a second luxury hotel, the Taj, was only entering its “final phase,” according to the Indian military, with commandos battling one terrorist left inside who the army said was moving between two floors of the hotel, including an area that had been a dance floor for weddings and other parties. The army said two other militants had been killed overnight in the Taj. Later, commandos were seen rushing through the front door of the hotel, in what appeared to be another major assault to dislodge the militants.

Indian commandos involved in the fighting in the hotels said the attackers were well-trained and “remorseless,” carrying a backpack packed with hundreds of rounds of ammunition, and they seemed to know the hotel layout better than the security forces, indicating a high degree of preparation and sophistication.

With the situation seeming to come gradually under the authorities’ control, attention was shifting to the identities of the attackers, several of whom were reported to be seized during the onslaught. The Indian media focused on the possible involvement of Lashkar-e-Taiba, a guerrilla group run by Pakistani intelligence in the conflict with India in the disputed territory of Kashmir.

Amid an atmosphere of recrimination between political parties within the country, a senior Hindu nationalist leader, L.K. Advani, said the Indian security services had become “preoccupied” with Hindu terrorists and missed threats from Islamists. The Indian foreign minister, Pranab Mukherjee, said early evidence explicitly pointed to Pakistan’s involvement. "Preliminary evidence, prima facie evidence, indicates elements with links to Pakistan are involved," Mukherjee told reporters in New Delhi.

In the Oberoi, some guests were still barricaded in their rooms as security forces reasserted control of the hotel, and they were watching events outside on television news channels. But police and military officers did not explain why the operation to flush out a handful of assailants in the Taj hotel and the Jewish community center had taken so long.

At the Jewish center, commandos slid down ropes from a hovering Army helicopter on Friday morning as they stormed the building. The blue-uniformed troopers landed on the roof and soon made their way inside the center, home to the Hasidic Jewish group Chabad-Lubavitch.

Throughout Friday, a gun battle raged inside the Jewish center, which echoed to the thump of explosions and the rattle of automatic fire. Later, Reuters reported that the commandos had blown up the outer wall of the center, and that the bodies of five hostages were discovered, quoting an Israeli diplomat speaking on Israeli television.

Late in the day, commandos in black uniform wearing heavy body armor moved into buildings around Nariman House, relieving commandos in blue or black uniforms who had been in action all day. For the first time, a van with six medics in surgical gowns and masks parked close to Nariman House, apparently in anticipation of casualties.

While there was still no definitive word on the identity or affiliation of the attackers, an Indian official said one assailant had been captured alive and was a Pakistani citizen.

The assertion, by R.R. Patil, the home affairs minister of Maharashtra State, where Mumbai is located, could further increase tension between India and Pakistan, both nuclear-armed states which have fought wars in the past. In a significant development, Pakistan said on Friday it was prepared to send its intelligence chief, Ahmed Shuja Pasha, to India to share information in the investigation into the attacks.

In London, officials said they were unable to confirm reports in a British newspaper that some of the attackers held British passports, which are relatively common among people with ties to former British colonies, but other officials said it was unlikely.

The main success of the day for the authorities came at the Oberoi hotel where police said that 93 foreigners — some of them wearing Air France and Lufthansa uniforms — had been rescued on Friday. Exhausted survivors offered harrowing accounts of their ordeal, trapped on the upper floors of the high-rise hotel occupied on lower floors by gunmen.

The Mumbai police chief, Hassan Ghafoor, said 24 bodies had been found at the hotel.

At the Taj hotel , several trucks carrying Indian commandos arrived at 1:15 p.m. on Friday. The troopers appeared to be starting an assault on the hotel, where an army official said at least one militant was still holding hostages. Throughout Friday, explosions and small arms fire were heard from the hotel as security forces sought to free hostages. But progress seemed cautious and slow. Outside the hotel, an Indian army sniper took up position in a cherrypicker. By late afternoon, smoke had again begun to billow from the roof of the hotel, parts of which were gutted by a huge blaze after the gunmen first moved into the hotel on Wednesday. And by nightfall, explosions and gunfire continued to shake the building.

The leader of a commando unit involved in a gun battle Thursday morning inside the Taj said during a news conference on Friday that he had seen a dozen dead bodies in one of the rooms.

His team also discovered a gunman’s backpack, which contained dried fruit, 400 rounds of AK-47 ammunition, four grenades, Indian and American money, and seven credit cards from some of the world’s leading banks. They pack also had a national identity card from the island of Mauritius, off Africa’s southeastern coast.

The attackers were “very, very familiar with the layout of the hotel,” said the commander, who disguised his face with a scarf and tinted glasses. He said the militants, who appeared to be under 30 years old, were “determined” and “remorseless.”

On Thursday, the police said 14 police officers had been killed in the city, along with nine gunmen. Nine suspects were taken into custody, they said.

In a televised speech Thursday, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh blamed forces “based outside this country” in a thinly veiled accusation that Pakistan was involved. A day later, India’s foreign minister Pranab Mukherjee was quoted by the Press Trust of India as saying that, according to preliminary reports, “some elements in Pakistan are responsible.”

But Pakistan seemed anxious to defuse the mounting crisis in relations with its neighbor. Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi said India and Pakistan should join hands to defeat a common enemy, and urged New Delhi not to play politics over the attacks in Mumbai, Reuters reported.

“Do not bring politics into this issue,” the Pakistani foreign minister told reporters in the Indian town of Ajmer during a four-day visit to India. “This is a collective issue. We are facing a common enemy and we should join hands to defeat the enemy.”

President Asif Ali Zardari called Mr. Singh, Reuters reported, to say he was “appalled and shocked” by the terrorist attacks. “Non-state actors wanted to force upon the governments their own agenda, but they must not be allowed to succeed,” he said.

Reporting was contributed by Jeremy Kahn from Mumbai; Mark McDonald from Hong Kong; Heather Timmons and Hari Kumar from New Delhi; Salman Masood from Islamabad, Pakistan; Alan Cowell from Paris; and Graham Bowley and Liz Robbins from New York.
It's such a long read.

I would rather watch the movie :P

(btw its called loose change, something... Google it, its all in there).

F4 video these are good. I make all these vids and yt deletes so she posted up... ofcourse no doubt it is true which is why i started getting death threats for posting them and hindu fanatics threatened to kill me at college. lol... :

genocide of muslims which is cause of muslim terrorism.

Genocide of minorities, muslims, christians and sikhs due to which there are organizations that want freedom for each...

Do watch them. Indian users they are also for you so you can learn from your mistakes. In this way there will be no attacks like mumbai and you will not need to hide the fact that muslims have actually rebelled in India by pointing towards Pakistan. We should all learn from history should'nt we? :angel:
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Look how 2 people guard a window, one sits on the bed (looks like that) and the person living there is behind his bed... O the other part where a person walks aroun with his gun... Or the one that shoots without aiming... If he hits something with his mp5 then he should be the next Indian president.

I don't see whats wrong in NSG walking around with his gun.. For petes sake you based your entire argument based on way off shots and looks alone. These boys know what they are doing. When did being tight equal to being professional.Alas when did we gain professionalim to comment on other soldiers professionalism. For starters we both have not served in SF.

I thought wimps are those whose people are daily killed by foreign drones and who then pretend that their people are being killed with some secret understanding.

Or may be who cower at that single famous phone call for years and years!

Don't you think you are going way over your head in insulting Pakistan and its people, but then again don't cry out loud when their is a back lash. And Yes the on going strikes are with the consent of the GOP those who think otherwise live in a fools paradise. Now i don't think we need to give a clarification on that to Indians you are free to view it as you like, the topic is Mumbai under siege, it will be better for us to stick to what the topic is and stop flaming.
yes after huge pablic protest over this isue.check pakistani news.why our spy chef will go there pablic is angry because they thing its insult of DG ISI :angry:

Sir Imran, news still saying ISI Chief will go to India. Where you heard this news ?
Let me try to remember.....................

Damn, can't remember now....

Shall we ask the Commando president Mr. Musharraf? He may just remember.

You caught me off gaurd.. but seriously Id really like to know about that phone call
I'm pretty sure Zardari and MMS have some sort of collaboration. Agreeing to send Shuja Pasha to India would really help Singh look tougher than the wimp he really is.

I think the Indians definately need our help here. We must help them and be of assistance in every possible way we can. When an organization like RAW turns to terrorism and bloodshed to achieve its goals it is responsibility of people to make sure they correct it.

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