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Mum Contracts - How to get women into the workforce


Mar 14, 2017
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United Kingdom
I've been sitting on an idea for a while which I think would be useful around the world, but also very useful in Pakistan. Most women will become mothers in their lives inshaAllah. During this period of time, many women struggle to balance careers and raising a family. Many compromises are made, often, especially in the west women give up working because the cost of childcare, or it's impact on the quality of life for their kids is so high that it doesn't make financial sense to work anymore.

Welcome to the Mum contract. A form of employment contract that allows women to work monday to friday, 10am-3pm, only during school term time. This means mums can drop their kids off at school, go to work, finish early, pick them up and be with their kids during school holidays.

Of course you'd adjust salaries accordingly, but what you would have is the option for many experienced members of your workforce to continue to work around their duties as a mother, which we are a society should hold most important of all. Our mothers shape the future of our world, they are the ones who raise our children, they need to be catered for.

Combine this with WFH and we can easily have more women in the workforce, increasing the economic output whilst also not having a massive negative social impact on the family structure.
This is exactly how mostly female school teachers in Pakistan work - from 8.00am to 1.00 pm.
This is exactly how mostly female school teachers in Pakistan work - from 8.00am to 1.00 pm.

Yeah, it's very similar for teachers in th UK too (although many will have to do homework marking at home etc).
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