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Mullahs celebrate killing



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Jan 5, 2011
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Mullahs celebrate killing-LINK

Mullahs celebrate killing-LINK

Pakistan's right wing parties celebrated the death of Punjab governor Salmaan Taseer, who was killed on Tuesday in a shooting by a member of his security detail. Rallies to celebrate the incident were held in some towns at a time when the funeral of the murdered Governor was held in Lahore.

More than 500 religious scholars belonging to the Barelvi school of thought paid rich tributes to the assassin and urged 'Muslims across the country' to boycott the funeral ceremony. They also announced forty days of celebration to mark the killing.

Both the Deoband and Barelvi leaders, who are otherwise at war with each other, appeared to be on the same page in condemning the slain Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) leader for terming the blasphemy law as a black law. The Barelvi scholars, who claim to be the 'true lovers of the Holy Prophet', took a more hardline stance, said observers.

The largest body of the Barelvi group, the Jamaate Ahle Sunnat Pakistan (JASP), whose directions are considered binding on every other organisation that follows that same school of thought, issued a statement saying that "No Muslim should attend the funeral or even try to pray for Salmaan Taseer or even express any kind of regret or sympathy over the incident."

The statement which has been endorsed by senior Barelvi leaders called the assassin Mumtaz Hussain Qadri Ashiqe Rasool Ghaziye Mulk (Lover of the Prophet, Commander of the Country).

Hajji Mohammad Tayyab, who is also the secretary general of the Sunni Ittehad Council that scholars had "repeatedly urged the president, prime minister and Governor Taseer himself that if their knowledge about the blasphemy law was limited, they should consult religious scholars and avoid debating over the issue as it would inflame the people and then anything could happen."

Shah Turabul Haq Qadri's son Siraj, also a senior member of the JASP, endorsed the statement and said it was now binding on every Muslim.
It's a shame when Pakistanis talk about India's democracy,where people like Arundhati Roy ,Geelani etc. speak against the govt/nation and are still provided z level security.
And Pakistan kills people for expressing their views on blasphemy laws..

It's a shame when Pakistanis talk about India's democracy,where people like Arundhati Roy ,Geelani etc. speak against the govt/nation and are still provided z level security.
And Pakistan kills people for expressing their views on blasphemy laws..
Bad for the country.. I think if the people who raise voice for minority rights will be killed like this and there murder is allowed to be celebrated in this manner, I have little doubts what all minority will have to suffer in the country.

Malik Mumtaz Hussain Qadri gets a hero's welcome in court, the bar association showers flowers petals on him vow to defend him against 'illegal confinement', and the public are gushing "well done Qadri" all the while.
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Pak social fabric is down the drain now!
This is real test of Ch. Iftekar and his aids..if this moron gets handed anything less than death sentence then its the end of Pakistani future!

And by the way these qadria's (aka hari pagri) are serious pain in Pakistan!
killing of a helpless human being for his views can never be justified. religious extremism is a cause of serious concern in whole of south asia.
the only way for people to see the wrongs of their action would be to get them to suffer their decisions. unfortunately because of international support for human beings this will not happen in their lifetime. I hate to say this but their children will suffer their deeds worse than their parents and so forth. it feels to be a neverending cycle of illiteracy and insect like behaviour.
The statement which has been endorsed by senior Barelvi leaders called the assassin Mumtaz Hussain Qadri Ashiqe Rasool Ghaziye Mulk (Lover of the Prophet, Commander of the Country).

It's a shame when Pakistanis talk about India's democracy,where people like Arundhati Roy ,Geelani etc. speak against the govt/nation and are still provided z level security.
And Pakistan kills people for expressing their views on blasphemy laws..

oh yea...Hindustan making off from our garbaje ... seems like these guys stop at nothing...Pathatic and quite expected.....!
You ranting about nut head people celebrating on this....

Tell me why that painter M F Hussain is in exile????

Troll Thread...First post clearly shows intention to troll.....
If Pakistan was to take action against these barelvi (hari pagri) thugs, India would be the first country to come out with slogans of its rising and shining democracy and condemn the actions..damn if we do and damn if we dont!

MF Hussien is not only in exile but has taken Qatari citizenship...so much for believing in rising and shining democracy, diversity and tolerance.."Hindustan se zinda bhag"..Poor chap is no more a proud Indian he once thought he was!
MF Hussien is not only in exile but has taken Qatari citizenship...so much for believing in rising and shining democracy, diversity and tolerance.."Hindustan se zinda bhag"..Poor chap is no more a proud Indian he once thought he was!

Does it make Pakistan much better than India?

If an artist drew Prophet Mohammad do you think he will be alive in pakistan?
Does it make Pakistan much better than India?

If an artist drew Prophet Mohammad do you think he will be alive in pakistan?

So you agree that things in rising and shining democratic India aren't necessary different than Islamic republic of Pakistan. Atleast in your case Mr. Malik was immediately served in the court while in India, genocide war criminals are top politicians voted into power!
So you agree that things in rising and shining democratic India aren't necessary different than Islamic republic of Pakistan. Atleast in your case Mr. Malik was immediately served in the court while in India, genocide war criminals are top politicians voted into power!

Dude I don't want to ignite yet another India versus Pakistan session here, the fact is religious tolerance is a big problem with both the countries and you should agree we Indians aren't radicalized to kill people with different opinions, as a country we made lots of mistakes but things are improving here unlike Pakistan.

---------- Post added at 02:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:36 PM ----------

See what thread starter wrote.....Then come and rant

He got what he wanted. :)
When the keeps of law are themselves saluting the criminal then little could be expected

Pakistani lawyers salute Taseer’s killer

Published: Jan 6, 2011 01:37 Updated: Jan 6, 2011 01:37

ISLAMABAD: The killer of Punjab Gov. Salman Taseer was showered with rose petals by lawyers when he was presented Wednesday before District and Sessions Judge Malik Naeem Shaukat by police. The court gave Islamabad police remand of Malik Mumtaz Qadri for a day.

Qadri was brought to court in an armored car. A rowdy crowd slapped him on the back and kissed him as he was escorted inside the court. The lawyers who tossed the rose petals were not involved in the case.

As he left the court, a crowd of about 200 sympathizers raised slogans in his favor.

Earlier, more than 500 preachers and scholars from the Jamat Ahle Sunnat group said no one should pray or express regret for the killing of the governor. The group representing Pakistan's majority Barelvi sect also issued a veiled threat to other opponents of the blasphemy laws.

“The supporter is as guilty as one who committed blasphemy,” the group warned in a statement, adding politicians, the media and others should learn “a lesson from the exemplary death.” Jamat leader Maulana Shah Turabul Haq Qadri paid “glorious tribute to the murderer ... for his courage, bravery and religious honor and integrity.”

Local religious heads, including the imam of the Badshahi Mosque, refused to lead funeral prayer for the slain governor. A religious scholar from Pakistan People's Party, Afzal Chishti, led Taseer’s funeral prayer. Taseer was later laid to rest with full honors.

Ironically, Salman Taseer's father, Muhammad Din Taseer, had led funeral prayer for Ilamuddin Shaheed, who killed Rajpal, an accused blasphemer, in 1923. Rajpal had published a book written by Krishan Prashad Pratap making fun of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Mumtaz Qadri told interrogators Tuesday that he shot Taseer multiple times because of the politician's vocal opposition to Pakistan’s blasphemy laws.

Qadri pumped more than 20 rounds from his assault rifle into Taseer's back in an Islamabad street on Tuesday. The commando, who had been assigned to protect his victim, has yet to be charged with a crime.

Taseer’s son Shehryar lodged a report with police Wednesday, naming Malik Mumtaz Qadri as his father’s killer.

Questions have arisen about whether others were involved in the assassination and why Qadri was assigned to Taseer's detail.

Faisal Raza Abdi, political adviser to Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari, said officials with the Punjab police told him that months ago the department had deemed Qadri a security risk because he had extremist views, and said he should not be assigned to protect high-profile figures.

Abdi said he was told that assessment was part of the investigation. He said the fact that Qadri was allowed to guard Taseer suggested others may have played a role in the killing.

Interior Minister Rehman Malik told reporters that the government has launched an “all-out investigation” to find out how a fanatic was placed on the governor's security detail. Sources told Arab News that “others knew about Mumtaz Qadri's intentions and they arrested him alive so that he would make a religious hero."

— With input from agencies

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