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Mullah culture in pakistan..who is responsible??


Sep 29, 2008
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Mullah culture in Pakistan has estabilished a very strong roots within the country, specially in NWFP and Balauchistan. The Question needs to be asked is "who is responsible" for this and from where it started.

personally I think it was in Zia's regime when this began because he started using reliegion for his political agendas, not to forget the afghan jehad which is another major reason for this.

Need your comments on this.
CIA backs this mullah culture, they are exploiting it's popularity and also encouraging it in order to create a civil war in Pakistan. The CIA is not interested in supporting any kind of a reasonable or moderate person--they support only fanatic liberals or fanatic mullahs in order to create two factions that fight each other.
CIA backs this mullah culture, they are exploiting it's popularity and also encouraging it in order to create a civil war in Pakistan. The CIA is not interested in supporting any kind of a reasonable or moderate person--they support only fanatic liberals or fanatic mullahs in order to create two factions that fight each other.

yeah thats true but we need to get our house in order first...and should not blame others for our mistakes..zia was one of us...and like every dictator, he thought just about himself...and tried to prolong his tenure as much as he could.

Ghosh, I hate these dictators.I believe Pakistan is suffering today just because of Zia and his afghan policies.
personally I think it was in Zia's regime when this began because he started using reliegion for his political agendas, not to forget the afghan jehad which is another major reason for this.

Add CIA and ISI to the list and you have your answer. Zia initiated it with the support of both domestic as well as foreign intelligentia.
First define "Mullah culture". Are you sure you are not confusing it with something else, such as centuries old customs and tradition? What is actually the cause of many problems in the north has been a complete lack of oversight in these parts with little or no presence of government. Also these mullahs aren't really religious minded, they are nothing more than druglords and escaped convicts from Afghanistan and are buying influence and respect with drug money. Thankfully the issues have made themselves more than apparent and are being tackled head on by the military and locals who are tired of being bullied by these rock headed hypocrites. Decency will prevail at the end of the day, with or without the support of so called clerics.
First define "Mullah culture". Are you sure you are not confusing it with something else, such as centuries old customs and tradition? What is actually the cause of many problems in the north has been a complete lack of oversight in these parts with little or no presence of government. Also these mullahs aren't really religious minded, they are nothing more than druglords and escaped convicts from Afghanistan and are buying influence and respect with drug money. Thankfully the issues have made themselves more than apparent and are being tackled head on by the military and locals who are tired of being bullied by these rock headed hypocrites. Decency will prevail at the end of the day, with or without the support of so called clerics.

very right..infact we named one of our places as "ilaaqa-e-ghair"...we never considered them as a part of pakistan..now they are acting like non pakistanies and "ghair" :cry:
A lack of inaction by our past governments led to the Mafia of the Mullahs.
Zia Hijacked Pakistan towards a direction which we did not want (at least I speak for myself).
The most useless product was the political Mullah who by frustrating the Sharia demanding masses even further pushed the simpletons into the hands of the militant Mullah who promises glory but brings death.
A lack of education and awareness is the primary factor which can be tackled with intensive spending in the education sector.
A lack of interest by many of us is also a secondary factor.
Most of us rely on the Mullahs information instead of doing our own research.
Even when a Mullah is not preaching the right thing we do not stop him.
They are not accountable to anyone in this regards and that has made them arrogant while wearing a mask of humility and servitude!

Not all of course but many of them use the minor differences of various sects to build a hate culture and gain influence.

We are all responsible for this, however Zia definitely kicked things into motion.
zia unfortunately

Why does after 20 years of libiral rule since Zia's death, problems started to appear?
It was the weakness of civilian rulers which deviated their focus from national security to power struggle, which provided golden opportunity for anti Pakistan elements to sink deep in our society and strengthened extremist elements, be it religous or poltical hardliners.
Musharraf's rule was very liberal! Ayyub's rule was very liberal during Zia's time Pakistan was at war! perhaps u forgot the geopolitics of late 70's and early 80's.
Zia did his job well and saved Pakistan from being over run by Russia!
What more you expect? Or is it neccessary that every military rulers must make every fantasy come true?
Do you have any substance in support of your revelation?

Yes,It may be a revelation to you that When Musharraf seized power the Mullahs helped him by providing him constitutional legitimacy & in reward he helped them in making their government in NWFP.
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