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Mullah culture in pakistan..who is responsible??

the thing i want u to know is that, musharraf protected these mullahs, secondly, musharraf also brought "modernist cult" to pakistan, i-e the people who r opposite of extremists. third, mullahs r really disgrace to islam and pakistan as they r uneducated like that fazal ul rehman hypo, OK!!. what musharraf has done is really very harming for pakistan too, and i highly recommend the pakistani media to get censored to to modernist approach followed by them!!, both moderate and extremist approach is equally harmful to our nation pakistan!!, i highly doubt, if CIA supports dirty modernist cults in our country!!
Why does after 20 years of libiral rule since Zia's death, problems started to appear?
It was the weakness of civilian rulers which deviated their focus from national security to power struggle, which provided golden opportunity for anti Pakistan elements to sink deep in our society and strengthened extremist elements, be it religous or poltical hardliners.
Musharraf's rule was very liberal! Ayyub's rule was very liberal during Zia's time Pakistan was at war! perhaps u forgot the geopolitics of late 70's and early 80's.
Zia did his job well and saved Pakistan from being over run by Russia!
What more you expect? Or is it neccessary that every military rulers must make every fantasy come true?

its true that the civil govts turned their eyes shut at this issue, but still the fact remains it was started in zia's regime.

we could have dealt with russia in a better way than this or atleast he should have had wiped off the dirt created by CIA and ISI.
There is no doubt in my mind that we are now reaping (AQ, Taliban, sectarian terrorism, Klashnikov and heroin culture) what Zia had sowed.
yeah thats true but we need to get our house in order first...and should not blame others for our mistakes..zia was one of us...and like every dictator, he thought just about himself...and tried to prolong his tenure as much as he could.

Ghosh, I hate these dictators.I believe Pakistan is suffering today just because of Zia and his afghan policies.

Trouble with Pakistan has been that she always tried to punch above her weight. Just to show the world that Pakistan is a great power, she joined hands with USA and acted her proxy against Soviets. Americans used to fly spi planes from Pakistan. Then Pakistanis took lead role in Afghanistan on the behalf of USA. Generals made millions in that war. All this has costed Pakistan dearly. Only way out for Pakistan is to come out of that mind set and stop being proxy of other nations. I know this won't happen so easily this is the main business of Pak Army and ISI. They make millions in this business.

During the while I grew up in Pakistan most of the cultural greetings or expressions got supplanted by Arabic or Muslim ones, so the society seems to have tried colouring itself green. Which is only a façade because the people are bigger crooks and hypocrites than ever.
The constitution of Pakistan allows all this so dont blame mulvis etc
Imagine when the developmental projects on Gwadar finishes and the city becomes a large metropolitan that will attract foreign businessmen.
Will they have to deal with sharia law that the government of Balochistan insists to keep?

Pakistan can be one of the most successful countries in the world, but hardcore religious mullahs and obsession over one's ethnic group is keeping Pakistan behind.

Look at Swat, it can be a tourist's paradise but people from other nations are scared to go to these beautiful areas because of hardcore mullahs, even people from other parts of Pakistan are scared to go to these beautiful areas. Do you guys know how much that hurts Pakistan's economy?

I dont mean to say that Pakistan should become another Turkey (its unfortunate they ban hijab), maybe Pakistan should become like United Arab Emirates...Islamic country with freedom of choice.
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Imagine when the developmental projects on Gwadar finishes and the city becomes a large metropolitan that will attract foreign businessmen.
Will they have to deal with sharia law that the government of Balochistan insists to keep?

Pakistan can be one of the most successful countries in the world, but hardcore religious mullahs and obsession over one's ethnic group is keeping Pakistan behind.

Look at Swat, it can be a tourist's paradise but people from other nations are scared to go to these beautiful areas because of hardcore mullahs, even people from other parts of Pakistan are scared to go to these beautiful areas. Do you guys know how much that hurts Pakistan's economy?

I dont mean to say that Pakistan should become another Turkey (its unfortunate they ban hijab), maybe Pakistan should become like United Arab Emirates...Islamic country with freedom of choice.

Excellent point and idea, I have the same thoughts aswell, these mullahs will only keep us backwards.
We need to move forwards while maintaining our core Islamic values and cherish them at all times while we move ahead with better economic prospects.
Good post Omar. :tup:
Excellent point and idea, I have the same thoughts aswell, these mullahs will only keep us backwards.
We need to move forwards while maintaining our core Islamic values and cherish them at all times while we move ahead with better economic prospects.
Good post Omar. :tup:

I totally endorse your views. However, rulers all over the world try to controll masses through Mullahs/ Brahmin priests/ Fathers of church etc. Its up to the masses to see through the evel designs.

I totally endorse your views. However, rulers all over the world try to controll masses through Mullahs/ Brahmin priests/ Fathers of church etc. Its up to the masses to see through the evel designs.

actually, mullahs/priests/fathers cant do much by themselves. it is the politicians(or any rulers) who bring these ppl into the equation for their own greed for power.
mullahs are not a problem, the problem is the gun weilding idiots who support them and the govt that doesnt curb them. if the govt is serious, then these mullahs will quickly go out of jobs. but that would take a great leadership from the political class.
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