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Mullah Baradar reaches Waziristan


Apr 28, 2011
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NORTH WAZIRSTAN (Dunya News) - Taliban leader, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar has reached North Wazirstan Agency (NWA) after release and started efforts to make dialogue process between government and Taliban fruitful.
According to reports, Mullah Baradar has started meetings with Haqqani Group, Taliban of Afghanistan and Pakistan.
He is participating in meetings of ‘Taliban Shura’ and trying to unite different extremist factions on single agenda regarding dialogues.
Mullah Baradar is expected to use his influence for bringing the various Taliban factions to the dialogue table.

The Pakistan government released the detained Taliban leader, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar on Saturday.
On Friday, a foreign office statement said that this was being done to facilitate the Afghan reconciliation process. I
It is not known where he will be released and the ministry of foreign affairs spokesperson did not comment on it.
Unofficially it is learnt he is likely to stay in Pakistan.
@Aeronaut @WebMaster @nuclearpak @Irfan Baloch @jaibi @Slav Defence @Oscar @Icarus @Xeric @RazPaK @tarrar and others
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God knows what the hell is going on.... These political governments making our country weaker... Economy is collapsing voilence is erupting every part of the country.. media is turning wilder beast and running negative propagandas 24/7. religious scholars are telling tales and trying to scare inhuman species from the God. ... Children are getting raped .... good people are getting screwed up every other day....

We need no nothing no mula no baradar will help s except brutal law enforcement. Behead multiple people in middle of the country and setup examples for others to get scared.

The current situation of govt is like a bunch of bastards may come up with weapons kill highly trained military senior officials and make the government bow down their head.

This needs to get resolved and only collateral damage is the way out
This will not work out well for us, mark my words.
NORTH WAZIRSTAN (Dunya News) - Taliban leader, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar has reached North Wazirstan Agency (NWA) after release and started efforts to make dialogue process between government and Taliban fruitful.

According to reports, Mullah Baradar has started meetings with Haqqani Group, Taliban of Afghanistan and Pakistan.

He is participating in meetings of ‘Taliban Shura’ and trying to unite different extremist factions on single agenda regarding dialogues.

Mullah Baradar is expected to use his influence for bringing the various Taliban factions to the dialogue table.

The Pakistan government released the detained Taliban leader, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar on Saturday.

On Friday, a foreign office statement said that this was being done to facilitate the Afghan reconciliation process.

It is not known where he will be released and the ministry of foreign affairs spokesperson did not comment on it.

Unofficially it is learnt he is likely to stay in Pakistan.

Mullah Baradar reaches Waziristan

Even after peace negotiations, the Taliban will continue their fight to overthrow Karzai government.. Its time to increase our support to them... Peace talks seem to have an impact on their attacks on foreign forces..

No major impact on our war against Tehrik-e-Khwarij expected ..
Mullah Baradar is expected to use his influence for bringing the various Taliban factions to the dialogue table.[/B]
The Pakistan government released the detained Taliban leader, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar on Saturday.
On Friday, a foreign office statement said that this was being done to facilitate the Afghan reconciliation process. I
It is not known where he will be released and the ministry of foreign affairs spokesperson did not comment on it.
Unofficially it is learnt he is likely to stay in Pakistan.

when we detained him few years back, all the world was cursing us for disturbing the peace of the region. at that time it seemed nothing seemed to please the yanks and their fan base, we dont kill or capture then we were bad, we killed or captured then we were bad too.

this guy is a senior Afghan Taliban leader so he has his influence which will only influence the outcome of the peace talks among the Americans and Afghans. it would indirectly influence Pakistan as well but we cant expect much from the Afghans viz a viz our current dismal siuation with TTP.

as far as Afghan Taliban are concerned they cant care less, we did turn our backs to them no matter how the rest of the world spins it. and secondly ideologically Pakistani taliban and Afghan taliban have the same belief system and same taste as well
so its highly likely that they might assist TTP in getting their own caliphate in Pakistan.

now our Imran Khan has already demanded to open a political office for TTP and take the peace talks seriously by offering a ceasefire. wow Imran Khan you really shocked me.
when we detained him few years back, all the world was cursing us for disturbing the peace of the region. at that time it seemed nothing seemed to please the yanks and their fan base, we dont kill or capture then we were bad, we killed or captured then we were bad too.

this guy is a senior Afghan Taliban leader so he has his influence which will only influence the outcome of the peace talks among the Americans and Afghans. it would indirectly influence Pakistan as well but we cant expect much from the Afghans viz a viz our current dismal siuation with TTP.

as far as Afghan Taliban are concerned they cant care less, we did turn our backs to them no matter how the rest of the world spins it. and secondly ideologically Pakistani taliban and Afghan taliban have the same belief system and same taste as well
so its highly likely that they might assist TTP in getting their own caliphate in Pakistan.

now our Imran Khan has already demanded to open a political office for TTP and take the peace talks seriously by offering a ceasefire. wow Imran Khan you really shocked me.
Sir still Mullah Omar is the key to peace in Pakistan only his support could lead to permanent peace and for talks we need they should be allowed to open office other wise every party would cry that their are secrets talks going on
now our Imran Khan has already demanded to open a political office for TTP and take the peace talks seriously by offering a ceasefire. .
If government want peace talk then this is very necessary....
There is NO MID way...
Either you go with full scale war or do table talk with sincere effort........ Hurdles will come....
Nation want Peace talk, let them try.... At-least Nation is united for some issue. ALL parties conference is concrete evidence .
We says our politicians are Corrupt, Incompetent and BLAH BLAH......But they are elected representatives...
Now, Let them solve issues in Democratic way!!
now our Imran Khan has already demanded to open a political office for TTP and take the peace talks seriously by offering a ceasefire. wow Imran Khan you really shocked me.

I think soon we will get Hizbullah type legitimate "political" organization in Pakistan.
God knows what the hell is going on.... These political governments making our country weaker... Economy is collapsing voilence is erupting every part of the country.. media is turning wilder beast and running negative propagandas 24/7. religious scholars are telling tales and trying to scare inhuman species from the God. ... Children are getting raped .... good people are getting screwed up every other day....

We need no nothing no mula no baradar will help s except brutal law enforcement. Behead multiple people in middle of the country and setup examples for others to get scared.

The current situation of govt is like a bunch of bastards may come up with weapons kill highly trained military senior officials and make the government bow down their head.

This needs to get resolved and only collateral damage is the way out

It is no accident that no one takes you seriously buddy. What do you think is PDF? Your personal space for venting anger and frustration? Have some faith in leadership, they are smarter than you and are actually doing something. Notice the cracks appearing among Taliban. Wait and See...
God luck with the peace talks ... I would rather had this Baradar hanging from a lamp post. If you people despise TTP so much think a little about how Afghans feel about afghan taliban. Apologies for but*ing in though.
I think soon we will get Hizbullah type legitimate "political" organization in Pakistan.

Not likely. IK is maneuvering to create more space, nothing special about it. Its better to watch what politicians do than to focus on what they say.

'Taliban' brand name is being used by many crazies to carve their spheres of influence. Afghan Taliban really do not care about what TTP does apart from occasional denouncements that please PA somewhat. TTP groups do their own thing and are not really under influence of Afghan Talibans. It would be a mistake to think that Mullah Umar or Mullah Baradar has much influence over them. So, in my view this thread is rather pointless.
Not likely. IK is maneuvering to create more space, nothing special about it. Its better to watch what politicians do than to focus on what they say.

'Taliban' brand name is being used by many crazies to carve their spheres of influence. Afghan Taliban really do not care about what TTP does apart from occasional denouncements that please PA somewhat. TTP groups do their own thing and are not really under influence of Afghan Talibans. It would be a mistake to think that Mullah Umar or Mullah Baradar has much influence over them. So, in my view this thread is rather pointless.

I will love to be proven wrong - So, what's time frame of these talks?
I will love to be proven wrong - So, what's time frame of these talks?

I hope so too.

The thing about this process of talks is that nothing is certain - there is no road map - no process - nothing as of yet. What comes up is anyone's guess. But one thing is certain: If anyone thinks that Taliban is a monolithic homogenous entity, then they are vastly mistaken. Liberals try to paint Taliban as a collective enterprise. Apart from some rhetoric employed, there is no certainty of the different groups willing or capable of coalescing into a united front.

Just the resolve of holding talks has exposed fractures among TTP that PA knew existed. Good for us.

We can not have Hizbullah type organization unless our Army collapses, hence my observation.
While preparing any strategy,we must keep following points in our minds:

-The position of Afghan talibans after US/NATO departure.

-The ascending order of power in Asian region.

-The hegemoney players.

-The infra structure of cross borders elements and their response to your stimuli.

-The US influenced Afghan regime and effects of Afghan Talibans.

-The TTP connection with Afghan Taliban.

We must ensure to achieve following objectives:

-Preparation of foreign policy on the basis of ascending power of hegemoney players.

-Positive relations with Afghan talibans,as after US/NATO departure,we will be left alone to deal with them,Pakistan cannot afford it's war against afghan taliban,due to hostile Indian attitude,instead,Pakistan must work on to support pro-Pakistan lobby in Afghanistan.

-Understanding infra-structure of TTP,since,I will again repeat that it only provides plateform to sixty plus groups not central command,therefore TTP's peace seeking organizations can be used for achievement of various objectives,especially in case of settlement of peace of Afghan talibans ,but for this,we must first ensure that they are not working as portals for terror provoking foreign elements such as mossad etc.

-where as far as those groups who will try to sabotage peace talks shouldn't be given any chance and operations must be launched against them,as their aggressive objective is clear ie to create maximum colleteral damage against state of Pakistan and to speread anarchy.

-US can be kept into great pressure if Pakistan make relationship with Russia and Iran.
This will enable Pakistan to make some demands especially in case of drone strikes and other important matters.

Inshallah I will prepare detailed report as soon as my PC will be fixed,I am very thankful of team's support,admiration and I will Inshallah work according to their expectations.
@Luftwaffe what do you think?
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@Slav Defence, There is a whole new different scenario coming up as soon as US/NATO completely withdraws, like possible sanctions on both side, War between afghan taliban and NA, war with-in fractions of taliban and so on. Technically it is going to be very touch job on part of Pakistan, we must peruse afghan taliban to be atleast moderate and introduce democracy and some room for freedom and breathing space for all parties so there is an environment that all parties come together work to make Afg-pak region relatively more stable. You mentioned point these are not enough thought very positive beginning to create strategies and policies. I should also add here that we must try to make peace between NA and taliban if we get successful this would be a win-win situation for Pakistan over the coming years, though at the same time we need to somehow prevent US from supplying weapons to NA that is exactly what US is going to do as they leave I am certain. Would be an interested read regarding your report, TTP and its sub groups need to be carefully studied we still don't know much about them.
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