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Mukti Bahini Alive and Thriving In Bangladesh

So which propaganda and lies are you talking about now? Let me guess,the SAME ones with 0 facts or evidence............. :disagree:
ask those pajeet cowards who abandoned their own army northern light infantry boys at kargil heights to be arrested by indian forces .
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ask those pajeet cowards who abandoned their own army northern light infantry boys at kargil heights to be arrested by indian forces .

I think that was further east where over 20 indian soldiers had their skulls cracked open and their brain matter splattered all over the Galwan Valley........:azn:...........and there was NOTHING the pajeets could do about it.............................................:azn:
No matter what other people say, MB was an Indo-Soviet tool in their hybrid war agaist Pakistani state with largely Indian soldiers disguised as indigenous Bengali fighters. A decade later the same Indo-Soviet axis started working hand in hand in Afghanistan which still persists till date. 1947 partition did not allow the Indians strategic access to the Middle East and central Asia despite the huge territory they obtained. Instead, liberated sectors of Kashmir further undercut their strategic access. On the other hand, the Soviet could not finish off their 'Great Game' during the British Raj. They too were very excited to finish off their 'Great Game' by obtaining access to the much fancied warm water of the Arabian sea.
Therefore, we must solve our Afghanistan project first in order to deal with the Indians at the later stage.
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Not just any nationalism
Ethnic nationalism which can very easily boil over into ethno fascism. Our enemies are trying same thing in Karachi(MQM/Urdu speak nationalism), Balochistan and KP/FATA(PTM).
enemies always exploit weaknesses! its is our civil and military establishments policies that have made our people exploitable! its is our elites greed that is making it easy for our enemies to find pawns from within us! and do you see any change in policy! i dont so yeh rather than blamning the people start blamig those who are responsible!

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