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Muhammad of Ghor and his Companions enter the Indus valley - one of the greatest wars erupts + fountain of wealth

It was a simple grave until the 1990s. The land of the tomb was originally bought by Maj Gen Nawabzada Sher Ali Khan Pataudi (his grave is also in the compound), and later built/financed by Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan in 1995.

An attempt at Re-discovering our history, or according to some, re-inventing our history

Glad to see you posting. Hope everything is alright.

I am glad it was restored as it is part of the history of the region and should be preserved. As for Pakistan history. My views are flexible on this. Many Pathan tribes had links to ghaurids and while there is great argument on whether they were pashtuns or not, there is no doubt that his military did contain pashtuns as commanders and soldiers and found support and strength from pashtun tribes. This means that he cannot be discarded as a simple foreign invader.
The location of Pakistan is such that it has historical links on both east and west and this history is rich and vast and we should not surrender it so easily. To a pashtun or Baloch what is there in Rajput or gujjar kings or arain tribes. What is it there for mirs of Sindh and vice versa? Ghaurids may be foreign for our eastern neighbor but for many in Pakistan he was not foreign due to historical links and blood. Why should they abandon their history?

Anyhow glad to see you around.
Usually these videos try to make the hindu defeats a little less embarrassing and makes the muslim victories look less heroic. The narrators of these videos seldom give any authentic reference and tell the story as if he was there. Reality is those hindus were in much larger numbers and muslims defeated them with at time 1/10th of the force.
The bad news for those hindus was that if they managed to defeat muslims in one battle, it made the muslims more angry and more determined and next year they would face the wrath of muslims.
Usually these videos try to make the hindu defeats a little less embarrassing and makes the muslim victories look less heroic. The narrators of these videos seldom give any authentic reference and tell the story as if he was there. Reality is those hindus were in much larger numbers and muslims defeated them with at time 1/10th of the force.
The bad news for those hindus was that if they managed to defeat muslims in one battle, it made the muslims more angry and more determined and next year they would face the wrath of muslims.
Exactly,,, the continuos relentless humiliation by handful of invaders begs the question,,,, what was the reason of this fate of slavery?
Natural barriers like Sea on one side, mountains on two sides,, fertile plains, flowing rivers, huge population,,,, despite all these advantages ,the apparently "martial" people cudnt help but get sacked, humiliated n subjugated by smaller invading armies.
Not once, not twice but over n over again for milleniums.
That alone speaks volume about the quality of locals  very martial indeed. :D
Glad to see you posting. Hope everything is alright.

I am glad it was restored as it is part of the history of the region and should be preserved. As for Pakistan history. My views are flexible on this. Many Pathan tribes had links to ghaurids and while there is great argument on whether they were pashtuns or not, there is no doubt that his military did contain pashtuns as commanders and soldiers and found support and strength from pashtun tribes. This means that he cannot be discarded as a simple foreign invader.
The location of Pakistan is such that it has historical links on both east and west and this history is rich and vast and we should not surrender it so easily. To a pashtun or Baloch what is there in Rajput or gujjar kings or arain tribes. What is it there for mirs of Sindh and vice versa? Ghaurids may be foreign for our eastern neighbor but for many in Pakistan he was not foreign due to historical links and blood. Why should they abandon their history?

Anyhow glad to see you around.

His army was made up by Turks, Pathans, Tajiks, Punjabis (Previously the people of Mahmud gaznavis state), Arab volunteers, and few others such as varies mixes of Sindhis, Balochis, Farsis. around 20-30% of the army was turkic the remianing was made up by the rest. All these people had different ethniticity but the Qibla united and made them one people and it is much more powerful. There was always multiculturalism in all muslim states and they were champions of multiculturalism and the worlds first globalists.

Places like Multan, Lahore etc etc were muslims for almost 200 years when this battle happened and they played huge role in making this happen and while Sindh was Muslim for 500 years at that time.
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Imo,the invasion of India by Islamic forces was a global disaster! Til today its pre Muslim era wealth,technology and living standard is UNMATCHED.
Hamphi in Karnataka,capital of the Vijayanagara empire which fell in the 1400s was typical. Behold!



Wootz steel was amongst the finest in the world. It is the metal that was used to fashion weapons such as the famous Damascus blades of the Middle Ages. However, Wootz steel dates back much further than the Medieval period. The technology originated in ancient India millennia before many other cultures ever found out about it.

Or Urumi swords? A multi bladed whip valuable of supersonic speed.


Origins and Current Use of the Urumi
The urumi traces its origins to the southern states of India, and it may have existed in the time of the Mauryan Dynasty, i.e. between the 4th and 2nd centuries BC. The urumi, however, eventually fell out of favor amongst the warriors of southern India, and ceased being used regularly as a weapon for generations.

The worst was the mass murder!

By way of example: the invasion of Afghanistan in 1000 AD was followed by the annihilation of the entire Hindu population; the region is still called the Hindu Kush, i.e. “Hindu slaughter.” There were instances when even middle rank officials had set and fulfilled the targets of slaughtering 50,000 to 100,000 Hindus! Such was the beastly mindset of the Mohammadans during their dark rule.


Historian Professor K.S. Lal estimated that (even before the Mughal dynasty was founded by Jahiruddin Shah Babur in 1526), the Hindu population in India had decreased by 80 million between 1000 AD and 1525 AD – an unparalleled annihilation of humanity in the World history.

The massive looting comes second to the slaughter:

Ibn Samurah (AD 653)
Siestan (Iran)
"On reaching Dawar, he surrounded the enemy in the mountain of Zur, where there was a famous Hindu temple." "...
Their idol of Zur was of gold, and its eyes were two rubies. The zealous Musalmans cut off its hands and plucked out its eyes, and then remarked to the Marzaban how powerless was his idol..."

These are contemporary accounts!

Multan (Punjab)
"...He then crossed the Biyas, and went towards Multan...Muhammad destroyed the water-course; upon which the inhabitants, oppressed with thirst, surrendered at discretion. He massacred the men capable of bearing arms, but the children were taken captive, as well as ministers of the temple, to the number of 6,000. The Musalmans found there much gold in a chamber ten cubits long by eight broad..."

Qutaibah bin Muslim al-Bahili (AD 705-715)
Beykund (Khurasan)
"The ultimate capture of Beykund (in AD 706) rewarded him with an incalculable booty;...The ornaments alone, of which these women had been plundered, being melted down, produce, in gold, 150,000 meskals; of a dram and a half each. Among the articles of the booty, is also described an image of gold, of 50,000 meskals, of which the eyes were two pearls

Samarkand (Farghana)
"A breach was, however, at last effected in the walls of the city in AD 712 by the warlike machines of Kateibah; .....
by which the latter engaged for the annual payment of ten million of dhirems
The story of Sree Padmanabhaswamy temple gives an idea of Indian pre Islamic wealth.

After my visit, it was announced that a hidden treasure vault had been discovered beyond the already well-documented Vault B inside. Adding to recent treasure findings in several other vaults, the researchers are estimating could total over $1 trillion. But that is where the problem starts, nobody wants to dare open the hidden inner sanctum.

Temple's were repositories for gold used for local and international trade for millennia. Mind you much or the ANCIENT world from the Ukraine to the Phils' was Hindu. Imagine the accumulated wealth!?

Rmbr ALSO THERE WERE AT LEAST TENS OF THOUSANDS OF TEMPLES. Honestly the entire episode was a blot on the human race. American historian,Will Durant says it best.



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And why should we ? We reverted to a faith that promised us equality and much more 🙏 Al Hamdullilah
Afghans laughs at Pakistani Punjabis calling them 'Dal khor Hindustanis' when u celebrate their Afghan kings Gaznavis, Ghoris and Abdalis.
I just wanna shed some light on Muhammad of Ghor - He was the father of Delhi sultanate, Mughal Empire, Bahmani sultanates and it's later five state splinters + The Bengal sultanate that came later + Sur Sultanate (that existed for short time) + the southern kingdom of Mysore.

In the video it says Delhi sultanate lasted for nearly a century but that is incorrect it lasted for 334 years and expanded to the southern tip.


1000s of rulers and sultans + tales breached out from one root that is Muhammed of Ghor and in total 665 years rule of sultanates in the Hindustan until it was ended by the british in 1857. (1192-1857) The original time in the Subcontinet for sultanate rule is 1100 years but the subcontinent is big but if only India then it is 665 years.

If anyone of you is interested I can continue the saga of this tale it is far from over and many more wars will happen in the coming generations when the Delhi sultanate era comes around. The history of the Delhi sultanate is very cinematic friendly due to the amount of action that took place at times it was nonstop
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Imo,the invasion of India by Islamic forces was a global disaster! Til today its pre Muslim era wealth,technology and living standard is UNMATCHED.
Hamphi in Karnataka,capital of the Vijayanagara empire which fell in the 1400s was typical. Behold!

View attachment 714338

View attachment 714339

Wootz steel was amongst the finest in the world. It is the metal that was used to fashion weapons such as the famous Damascus blades of the Middle Ages. However, Wootz steel dates back much further than the Medieval period. The technology originated in ancient India millennia before many other cultures ever found out about it.

Or Urumi swords? A multi bladed whip valuable of supersonic speed.


[/www.ancient-origins.net/artifacts-other-artifacts/flexible-and-deadly-blade-dangerous-urumi-007805] Look at the Qutb pillar.
However, it has avoided corrosion from the rains, winds and temperature fluctuations over the last 1600 years, not through a conscience effort or magical metallurgy technique on the parts of the pillar’s creators, but through the accidental formation of a “passive protective film.” This film was created by accident through a complicated combination of the lack of lime in the furnaces used to make the iron pillar, the presence of raw slag and unreduced iron in the pillar, and the wetting and drying cycles of the weather. All of which helped to create a 1/20th of a millimeter thick layer of “misawite,”on the pillar. Misawite is a compound of iron, oxygen and hydrogen which does not rust
[/://www.atlasobscura.com/places/iron-pillar-delhi] View attachment 714335 This graph shows how India's share of global trade in 1 ad 1000 ad and 1700 WAS greater than China's. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_regions_by_past_GDP_(PPP)/url] The worst was the mass murder! By way of example: the invasion of Afghanistan in 1000 AD was followed by the annihilation of the entire Hindu population; the region is still called the Hindu Kush, i.e. “Hindu slaughter.” There were instances when even middle rank officials had set and fulfilled the targets of slaughtering 50,000 to 100,000 Hindus! Such was the beastly mindset of the Mohammadans during their dark rule. [url][socialissuesindia.wordpress.com/1000-years-of-islamic-jihad-in-india/url] The massive looting comes second to the slaughter: These are contemporary accounts! The story of Sree Padmanabhaswamy temple gives an idea of Indian pre Islamic wealth. [URL='http://[/[URL]https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/jimdobson/2015/11/13/a-one-trillion-dollar-hidden-treasure-chamber-is-discovered-at-indias-sree-padmanabhaswam-temple/amp/'][/[URL]https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/jimdobson/2015/11/13/a-one-trillion-dollar-hidden-treasure-chamber-is-discovered-at-indias-sree-padmanabhaswam-temple/amp/] Temple's were repositories for gold used for local and international trade for millennia. Mind you much or the ANCIENT world from the Ukraine to the Phils' was Hindu. Imagine the accumulated wealth!? Rmbr ALSO THERE WERE AT LEAST TENS OF THOUSANDS OF TEMPLES. Honestly the entire episode was a blot on the human race. American historian,Will Durant says it best. View attachment 714343[/B]

Stop the propaganda. The leader of Karnataka has commited crimes and genocide against the people of his Allies in the five deccan states. There was no killings as per say in India since shariah was the rule and it doesn't support unsanctioned killings at all. History books never lie the only people who treated minorities well were the muslims. They had mercy in their hearts. The kids, women, elders and non-combatants were unharmed since it was strictly forbidden. Life just continued as usual there was no demand of changing faith since islam practices freedom of religion.

The Deccan states only sacked the city in revenge but they never killed civilians were as Rama Raya actully killed civilians such as children, women and mass of non-combatant civilians. He burned some and commited true atrocities in situations that didn't even call for it.

Rama Raya's atrocities is well recorded whereas the 5 Deccan states have no records of commiting genocide. They sacked the city but no genocide because they had a moral code that they follow and couldn't act like an animal due to that and basically that is the main difference
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Afghans laughs at Pakistani Punjabis calling them 'Dal khor Hindustanis' when u celebrate their Afghan kings Gaznavis, Ghoris and Abdalis.

30℅ of Pakistanis are pashtuns/afghan by race. The pashtuns in current Pakistan basically controlled the east west divide that includes the Khyber pass and northern areas. Any invader had to make these people as ally or it was impossible to pass through these mountains without their consent, the brits learn this lesson very bitterly. The people of current Pakistan always allied with other muslims to defeat hindus, the invaders that u call were our allies and our relatives. People of Punjab and baloch tribes have always been part of those armies. Most of the rulers had capitals in lahore, multan and Peshawar, all part of Pakistan. Even the pashtun and other tribe population is many times larger than Afghanistan. Pakistan truely represents the muslims along the east west divide line area and have links to both central asia and india.
30℅ of Pakistanis are pashtuns/afghan by race. The pashtuns in current Pakistan basically controlled the east west divide that includes the Khyber pass and northern areas. Any invader had to make these people as ally or it was impossible to pass through these mountains without their consent, the brits learn this lesson very bitterly. The people of current Pakistan always allied with other muslims to defeat hindus, the invaders that u call were our allies and our relatives. People of Punjab and baloch tribes have always been part of those armies. Most of the rulers had capitals in lahore, multan and Peshawar, all part of Pakistan. Even the pashtun and other tribe population is many times larger than Afghanistan. Pakistan truely represents the muslims along the east west divide line area and have links to both central asia and india.

I agree these people have been muslims for nearly 1200 years that is almost as long as the faith itself existed 1400 years
Pakistan should be celebrating local Rajput-Gujjar Kshtriyas including Janjua Maharaja Jaypal of empire known as Hindu Shahi which ruled today's Pakistani punjab and Afghanistan Kabul for two hundred years till 1026AD rather than foreign origin Tajik and Turkic Ghoris and Gaznavis.
Pakistan should celebrate all of them. They all poured into the Indus Valley vortex to make what is Pakistan today. And please note just because the title was "Hindu Shahi" does not mean they were Indians. Hindu as in meaning what we understand today came into currency only in the British era. These Hindu Shahi as as distant to Indians as I am to Bosnian Muslims. Meaning they have fcuk little to do with me.
Afghans laughs at Pakistani Punjabis calling them 'Dal khor Hindustanis' when u celebrate their Afghan kings Gaznavis, Ghoris and Abdalis.
And we laugh at their Mongo Hazaras or Kazaki looking Uzbeks.
Afghans laughs at Pakistani Punjabis calling them 'Dal khor Hindustanis' when u celebrate their Afghan kings Gaznavis, Ghoris and Abdalis.
Some Afghanistanis not Pakistani Pashtoons.. 2 different things but I can understand how desperate you are by making such statement.. 🤣
Some Afghanistanis hate Pakistan because they want KPK and indians hate us because they want Akhand Bharat.. thats why both Afghanistan govt and India are hand in hand.. but Pakistan tha or he or In Sha Allah ta qayamat rehe ga 🙂

And we Pakistanis are proud to he Muslim.. ab saro...
spain was muslim for 781 years not 500

Technically not entire Spain it was only southern most region of Granada that was ruled by moor for that much time, most other had been reconquered centuries before, sultanate of granada survived that much only because Christan states in North were busy fighting among themselves. It was not until the kingdom of Castile and Aragon United by marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella there by creating the modern Spain, they didn't need to fight each other anymore and so ended the Muslim rule in southern Spain instantly after that.
Pakistan should celebrate all of them. They all poured into the Indus Valley vortex to make what is Pakistan today. And please note just because the title was "Hindu Shahi" does not mean they were Indians. Hindu as in meaning what we understand today came into currency only in the British era. These Hindu Shahi as as distant to Indians as I am to Bosnian Muslims. Meaning they have fcuk little to do with me.

Hindu as in Shehanshah of Hindustan used long before British era.

Hindu, Hindustan, Hindko language or even Hindukush mountains all referred to geo ethnics linguistic identities not coined the British but people of the region long before Brits stepped in Indian subcontinent.
Read Babarnama, once he enters east of Kandahar Babar says he has moved into 'Hindustan'

Hindu shai kings were local tribes of Punjab and eastern Afghanistan, they were your people and of course are ethnically related to Indian punjab/hariyana/Western UP, Himachal, Rajastan though not to Odisha, Andhara or Assam but India is too big and in geo ethnic term Hindu/Indians encompassed everyone of us since long.

My simple question is how can Tajik or Turkic Afghan conquers with foreigner mamluk armies who defeated local kings can be celebrated by today's Pakistanis? Can Christian Pakistanis or Indians celebrated British colonialism simply because they share the same religion?
Technically not entire Spain it was only southern most region of Granada that was ruled by moor for that much time, most other had been reconquered centuries before, sultanate of granada survived that much only because Christan states in North were busy fighting among themselves. It was not until the kingdom of Castile and Aragon United by marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella there by creating the modern Spain, they didn't need to fight each other anymore and so ended the Muslim rule in southern Spain instantly after that.

I meant as long as the rule lasted. The fall arrived exactly on 781'th year.

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