Many posters subliminally seem to think Pakistan is a client state of somebody or the other. The notion of just plain independence can be scary.
They usually tend to be Indian, anything derogatory towards Pakistan fits their fantasies very well, whereas the truth is it's them who've been helped left, right and centre since their creation in 1947.
Pakistanis tend not to have enough brains to provide independent thinking, they usually follow the general line of thinking regarding camps, either you are in this camp or that camp, unable to think beyond that because it requires more then just a few grey cells, but can't blame them, that's all they've heard all their lives, throughout their history.
But facts are different, America demanded Pakistan end its relations with China in the 1960's and 70's, well, even to this day, but it didn't, in the end it's America who sought Pakistan's help in establishing relations with China, in its pursuit of developing a counterweight to the Soviets. Ultimately, it was Pakistan that hammer the last nail in the Soviet coffin.
It looked the other way when it came to India's nuclear program but sanctioned Pakistan to the hilt at every opportunity, today Pakistan has nuclear weapons, as it has a missile program and both programs are fairly advanced at this stage.
So, the client state fantasy sounds good in print or on screen, but realities are somewhat different.