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Mughal influence in India and Indian history

Yes Ashokavandana, there are many myths and legends of what happened 2,000 years ago but this is for the first time I am hearing Ashoka was hated because he was ugly. A king is not loved or hated for his looks not even by his own father.

Asoka was hated by Bindusura, yes that is true. Asoka or more importantly his mother was considered at the bottom of the totem pole and it is also true he had to kill his brothers for the throne. But that is because his mother was considered as having a low social status not fir for royalty.
Ashokavanda is part of a buddhist text, not a historical record. Its part history, part legend and part fiction.
In the Kalinga war 300,000 soldiers were and may be equal number of civilians died or enslaved by Ashoka. In Kurkeshtra war one side lost according to historians1,530,900 soldiers while the other side lost 2,405,700 soldiers. Wars are deadly in any century.
And what about the Hindus who were supporting and fighting FOR the mughals?

Akbar made a skull mountain after he captured chittor and it was with the help of rajputs who opposed chittor.

Mughals persecuted the Sikhs and who helped capture sikh pilgrims for the Mughals?

Who was marrying of their own women to the mughals in return for mansabdari?

Who were among the first to convert and serve the mughals?

There were NO Rajput in Akbars army when he attacked Chitor. His muslim commander killed 30,000 innocent men in one night. Surviving women sold to slavery.

Sikh pilgrims were captured by muslims too, not by Rajputs. Prove any of this IF you can. :coffee:

Rajputs DID NOT convert, their women was taken to Akbar, but remained Hindus. It was Akbar who rejected Islam later on.
In the Kalinga war 300,000 soldiers were and may be equal number of civilians died or enslaved by Ashoka. In Kurkeshtra war one side lost according to historians1,530,900 soldiers while the other side lost 2,405,700 soldiers. Wars are deadly in any century.

The official Kalinga figure is 100,000 dead in one day. Civilians captured as slaves or other injured is not known but safe to say it would be another 100,000. The entire city was devastated like a wreck.

Kurukshetra was is fiction. Mahabharat did not take place in real life not unless people believe you can fire nuclear warheads from bows.
In the Kalinga war 300,000 soldiers were and may be equal number of civilians died or enslaved by Ashoka. In Kurkeshtra war one side lost according to historians1,530,900 soldiers while the other side lost 2,405,700 soldiers. Wars are deadly in any century.

LOL. Which historian ?
rest of the boozing, womanising, carnage etc was no different from the kings and queens of the old. I find it odd that the word "Muslim" kings is thrust upon their names which seems forced and desperate as they were no different in their actions and words to kings before or after them who were never recognised by what deity they followed

I mean no offence but Didn't Muhammad Bin Qasim sent Raja Dahir's two daughters to Caliph?
They are mostly in Gujarat, they were brought as slaves by the Gujarati sultans (non-Mughals). They are called siddis if I am not wrong.

And what about the Hindus who were supporting and fighting FOR the mughals?

Akbar made a skull mountain after he captured chittor and it was with the help of rajputs who opposed chittor.

Mughals persecuted the Sikhs and who helped capture sikh pilgrims for the Mughals?

Who was marrying of their own women to the mughals in return for mansabdari?

Who were among the first to convert and serve the mughals?
Makaramarma already answered questions.... Read them carefully ...
Makaramarma already answered questions.... Read them carefully ...

He did not answer any questions he created his own fake version of history. The Mughals were actively supported in all their battles against Indian Hindu kings by the hindu rajput rajas. So next time you curse the mughals be sure you also cure the ones who helped them all along.
He did not answer any questions he created his own fake version of history. The Mughals were actively supported in all their battles against Indian Hindu kings by the hindu rajput rajas. So next time you curse the mughals be sure you also cure the ones who helped them all along.

Back to spinning history like the incurable Liar you are. PROVE anything you say.
Kurukshetra was is fiction. Mahabharat did not take place in real life not unless people believe you can fire nuclear warheads from bows.

I am sure many Indians Hindutva leaning would disagree with you calling Mahabharata war a fiction.

I mean no offence but Didn't Muhammad Bin Qasim sent Raja Dahir's two daughters to Caliph?

Mohmmad Bin Qasim did send daughters of Raja Dahir to Caliph in Baghdad. They alleged that Qasim had raped them before sending them to him. This angered Caliph and Qasim was arrested and tortured to death. These allegations were proved to be false later but the princesses took their revenge and had Qasim killed which their father could not do in battle.
After the capture of Chitor, Akbar ordered summary massacre of 30,000 Rajput inhabitants of Chittorgarh and destruction of temples. So called Akbar the great ordered Rajput chieftain Fateh Singh to be trampled under the feet of elephant and execution of 30,000 non-combatants after the capture of Chittorgarh in 1568. Eight thousand women immolated themselves.

Akbar is reported to have said,

“I am in no mood to listen to the sound of good words.My ears are at present attuned to enjoy the clang of sword. Leave me alone. I am in communication with Amir ( Timur). Send me a good reciter. Let him read to me in loud voice chapters seven to twelve of shahnama… Blood, not nectar, holds the key to the success of a sovereign. Give me war. Peace is of no avail to me….”

“The omnipotent one who enjoined the task of destroying the wicked infidels on the dutiful mujahids through the blows of their thunder like scimitars laid down…. Fight them, Allah will chastise them at your hands and he will lay them low and give you victory over them….”

“We spend our precious time to the best of our ability in war and jihad and with the the help of allah.. we are busy in subjugating the localities, habitations, forts, and towns, which are under the possession of infidels. May eternal Allah forsake and annihilate all of them, and thus raising the standard of Islam everywhere and removing the darkness of polytheism. by the use of sword. We destroy the places of worship of idols in those places and other parts of India….”
I am sure many Indians Hindutva leaning would disagree with you calling Mahabharata war a fiction.

They can think whatever they like to think. They are a socio-economic burden like any other religious zealot.

This angered Caliph and Qasim was arrested and tortured to death.

He was put in a barrel which had nails hammered in from outside i.e. the pointed ends were sticking inside and qasim was stuffed inside the barrel and rolled downhill. That's what the folklore says.
They can think whatever they like to think. They are a socio-economic burden like any other religious zealot.

He was put in a barrel which had nails hammered in from outside i.e. the pointed ends were sticking inside and qasim was stuffed inside the barrel and rolled downhill. That's what the folklore says.

I did not include all the gory details but you are right on both points.

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