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Mubashir Luqman show, and the politicians!


Sep 12, 2010
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What the heck was this???

First Haji Adeel, and then Sharmila 'Fashion show' Farooqi.

A couple of points I want to say:

1- This dam is going to be built for Pakistan, electricity produced will benefit Pakistan, a tangible formula can be worked out on the distributions down river if these politicians can let go of their egos. So Haji Adeel can just shut up about the thing that this is Sindhi thing and Punjabi thing etc.

2- The line being towed by Sharmila 'Fashion show' Farooqi is stupid to say the least. You see this being done alot of times. Being elected does not mean that you are immune from questions from the public and judiciary and anybody. These politicians often say that court and army can't tell them anything because they are elected representatives, two things:

a) We all know how you have been elected with fake votes and through langar tactics.

b)Being elected does not mean you are above everyone else.

I wanted to smash the plate I was eating food in after watching this, but then I thought that ain't gonna do anything good, rather it was going to be my loss of a plate and not of this woman.
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Poor program hosting. Host should be normal and try to balance the discussion and try to calm down the guest. He himseslf jumped into the discussion.
Poor program hosting. Host should be normal and try to balance the discussion and try to calm down the guest. He himseslf jumped into the discussion.

Mubashir Luqman has been in the midst of all these political games as well since that Malik Riaz scandal. So he does get easliy agitated now. That ANP guy was crossing the line as well. Branding some people as something, and not even listening to the question even!!!
Mubashir Luqman? Who hasn't learned that this person is treacherous to the people and its audience? Anybody having short term memory syndrome?

We never saw any of his program and over internet I find its shows have 10-12 comments. Roughly 1% people who watch a show give comments and this tells how popular this character is now. But whatever this guy says, I know he is a snake by nature and snakes speak the language of venom.
Mubashir Luqman? Who hasn't learned that this person is treacherous to the people and its audience? Anybody having short term memory syndrome?

We never saw any of his program and over internet I find its shows have 10-12 comments. Roughly 1% people who watch a show give comments and this tells how popular this character is now. But whatever this guy says, I know he is a snake by nature and snakes speak the language of venom.

Whatever he says or he is, I don't care, but can you justify the trash talk by Haji Adeel and Sharmila 'Fashion show' Farooqi??

I am not defending Mubashir Luqman.
I've seen that guy alot on TV. He is a politician in Sindh I think. Or a police official. One of the two. Not sure but he comes alot on TV.
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