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Mubarak ho mere Humwatano on the day of Ashura our very own FM SMQ has made another blunder

Our pyarey FM sahib the famous peer sahib known as SMQ all over Pakistan has said - mentioned Kashmir as “Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir” in Geneva. WHAT the ACTUAL F?

It was indeed a mistake, but i don't think it was done on purpose, it more looks like a lingual mistake done while speaking in a flow.

Having said that, the world clearly knows Pakistan's just & legal stance at Kashmir & i am sure if Indian media or their govt tries to play with this statement a swift and prompt clarification will be issued, so for me this thing will not have much life.
I have to admit he has a flair for hyperbole though.

If i am not wrong SMQ was part of same team who owned Ajmal Kasab at earnest.
Isn't he the same man who played gimmicks on Raymond Davis episode.
Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.
Wasn't he sidelined as he didn't tow the GOP's Raymond Davis line?
This is a slip of tongue... nothing else ...
patwaris just making storm in the tea cup and playing in the hands of the enemy
Right now he is doing excellent speech at Geneva

If i am not wrong SMQ was part of same team who owned Ajmal Kasab at earnest.
Isn't he the same man who played gimmicks on Raymond Davis episode.
Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.
No he was not... It was Nawaz Shareef and his govt. SMQ was never part of that.
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