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MQM responsible for target killing in Karachi: Sanaullah

MQM won from clifton, candiate was farooq sattar, and MQM also won from sohrab goth, and candidate was Haider Abbas Rizvi, so again and again i have proved you liar.

And yes MQM lost from lyari, and every one in this country knows that lyari is controlled by gangs, lyari gangs are famous all over the country, thats why MQM didnt won from lyari, MQM won elections from those areas which are free and peacefull areas of karachi, and not from battlefields and land of gangsters like lyari!

firstly you just choose to answer what you wish to and ignore all my other questions!

but anyways like you said you won from sorab goth right? then sorab goth is controlled by you right? hence the whole ANP is to blame becomes a lie!

as for clifton bhai tumnay clifton waloun kaay liyay kiya kya hai??? NOTHING!! DHA is still better than clifton!

either admit all of karachi is yours and then you autmoatically become the devils behind all the target killings!! or admit your power is limited to certain areas!!

and as for liyrai being controlled by PPP gangsters well why are you sitting AGAIN in government with PPP????
hehehe...keep lying....people of karachi will always prove you liar by voting MQM...Wait and see !

Wait and see what ???? that how many more people are targeted and killed...the whole world will keep lying and the poor people will keep dying..a gud mantra as per u init...u be safe mate and dnt wory about all those innocent souls its collateral who gives a fcuk i mean how dare they think that being poor and in Pakistan and that too in Karachi they will be able to do the simplest act of living i.e breathing.silly them. we get it..
firstly you just choose to answer what you wish to and ignore all my other questions!

but anyways like you said you won from sorab goth right? then sorab goth is controlled by you right? hence the whole ANP is to blame becomes a lie!

Sohrab is only one of the area which falls under the consitency of Haider Rizvi, may be he got low votes from sohrab goth, but he still won, his success was not because of sohrab goth people, but other areas like Gulshan-e-Iqbal, ABul Hasan Isphani Road, Scheme-33, Abbas Town etc etc.

as for clifton bhai tumnay clifton waloun kaay liyay kiya kya hai??? NOTHING!! DHA is still better than clifton!

Dont you know clifton falls under the jurisdiction of Clifton Cantonment, and Pakistan Army is to be blamed if u find something wrong there.

either admit all of karachi is yours and then you autmoatically become the devils behind all the target killings!! or admit your power is limited to certain areas!!

Every one knows MQM is the biggest party of karachi, and has majority in every decent and educated area of karachi. But MQM doesnt has control over any of the public/govt authority in karachi, not is single SHO in karachi is appointed with taking MQM into confidence. MQM is not a Khudai Force, police has to control the law and order of karachi, if u still insist then allow MQM to use it public power to stop bad things in karachi, then we will see who can kill anyone.

and as for liyrai being controlled by PPP gangsters well why are you sitting AGAIN in government with PPP????

Bcoz its better to oppose ppp govt while sitting in govt with power, rather then sitting in opposition with absolutely no power.
Believe me, if MQM run out of govt, then these PPP gangsters will eat karachi alive.
Wait and see what ???? that how many more people are targeted and killed...the whole world will keep lying and the poor people will keep dying..a gud mantra as per u init...u be safe mate and dnt wory about all those innocent souls its collateral who gives a fcuk i mean how dare they think that being poor and in Pakistan and that too in Karachi they will be able to do the simplest act of living i.e breathing.silly them. we get it..

Better check first whose men are getting killed the most, more then half of them are from MQM.
i agree with the first part the display of stupid personal attacks was pathetic , but lets be fair and not label them just because of a incident , where noon league was equally responsible. MQM has always pointed out the fundamental problems in our country i.e from establishment , talibanization to feudalism things which are deteriorating pakistan inside out. If you dont agree read what the critiques have to say about MQM.

Establishment,talibanization and feudalism...whats the common norm in all these three well they all rule by fear..fear of life,fear of everyday's bread and butter and fear of being propelled to moon(and that too without a space craft wow) if you agree to disagree.how is mqm any different to the above mentioned organisations.and fear is just a myth really its a belief which travels with the word of mouth and gets exaggerated as it moves along so hats off to mqm for the mushroom growth of fear.if u cnt beat them join them and if u cnt join them beat them..they have both joined and beaten the cruel elite of this country at their own game of fear.manipulation deceit and blood.
ps. my friend the biggest trick of devil is to make ppl believe he doesnt exist.
Better check first whose men are getting killed the most, more then half of them are from MQM.

whose men well they are only men of their families who will be suffering after them ask their wives and childs and u will know whose men are they but thanx for telling us that we live in wild wild west where men are hired as gun fighters to fight for their lords(but even those lords had the courage to look the enemy in the eye and not run away to sum far far land)..
FYI..last time i checked the only men allowed to be slaughtered in our country are poor and thats their true allegiance.
whose men well they are only men of their families who will be suffering after them ask their wives and childs and u will know whose men are they but thanx for telling us that we live in wild wild west where men are hired as gun fighters to fight for their lords(but even those lords had the courage to look the enemy in the eye and not run away to sum far far land)..
FYI..last time i checked the only men allowed to be slaughtered in our country are poor and thats their true allegiance.

Agreed with u !
Sohrab is only one of the area which falls under the consitency of Haider Rizvi, may be he got low votes from sohrab goth, but he still won, his success was not because of sohrab goth people, but other areas like Gulshan-e-Iqbal, ABul Hasan Isphani Road, Scheme-33, Abbas Town etc etc.

Dont you know clifton falls under the jurisdiction of Clifton Cantonment, and Pakistan Army is to be blamed if u find something wrong there.

Every one knows MQM is the biggest party of karachi, and has majority in every decent and educated area of karachi. But MQM doesnt has control over any of the public/govt authority in karachi, not is single SHO in karachi is appointed with taking MQM into confidence. MQM is not a Khudai Force, police has to control the law and order of karachi, if u still insist then allow MQM to use it public power to stop bad things in karachi, then we will see who can kill anyone.

Bcoz its better to oppose ppp govt while sitting in govt with power, rather then sitting in opposition with absolutely no power.
Believe me, if MQM run out of govt, then these PPP gangsters will eat karachi alive.

:rofl::rofl: you just proved my point thank you :wave:
would u like to explain me how MQM is better??

better with
no other party then
PTI should take some vote, they can and will better than mqm.
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It makes no diffrence what you and other MQM-supporters think.

MQM is a terrorist organization, and they are hated by most Pakistanis. They stand no real chance in Pakistan.

At the end of the day, that's all that matters, what majority of Pakistanis think :pakistan:

So to debate this on a forum, is a waste of time.

world thinks that pakistan is a terorist state, does it???
if majority rules than we are.
majority wants alcohol to drink than we should??
what a lame excuse, shame you.
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Most Mohajirs are against MQM, MQM represents Mohajirs like Taliban represents Islam.

As for MQM members being targeted well that's what happens when you send your people out onto the streets with guns someones bound to get shot.

Even the Taliban are getting shot doesn't mean they're good.

Muhajirs have been in Pakistan long enough that they have lost the identity, they are Punjabi if thats where they and they are Sindhi if that where they live overall everyone's a Pakistani and should treat everyone as such. Even Pathan are Pakistani as many have been born in Pakistan and many have contributed greatly to Pakistan.

yes people of karachi are sindhi and proud to be.
forget urdu speakers, pathans, sindhi, punjabi of karachi likes mqm..
come out of your dream.
Establishment,talibanization and feudalism...whats the common norm in all these three well they all rule by fear..fear of life,fear of everyday's bread and butter and fear of being propelled to moon(and that too without a space craft wow) if you agree to disagree.how is mqm any different to the above mentioned organisations.and fear is just a myth really its a belief which travels with the word of mouth and gets exaggerated as it moves along so hats off to mqm for the mushroom growth of fear.if u cnt beat them join them and if u cnt join them beat them..they have both joined and beaten the cruel elite of this country at their own game of fear.manipulation deceit and blood.
ps. my friend the biggest trick of devil is to make ppl believe he doesnt exist.

Let me correct you here Wrong assumption there is no fear from MQM men , i live in khi and know the problems we have . Its a city who provided bread to all but its treated in the worst possible manner in every way """ call it illegal immigrants , al qaida, taliban .... drugs , transport , weapon, land and God knows watelse but it is a heaven for all type of mafias. There is heavy presence of paramilitary force every where in the city + army , navy and airforce bases yar try and be fair how can MQM who is nothing but a political party ok may be they have some AK's but what chance do they stand against a nuclear powered army MQM has been subjected to army operation for a decade nothing changed and they won with more seats.
better with
no other party then
PTI should take some vote, they can and will better than mqm.
i m not asking u better then??

reread my post
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