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MQM - Political Desk

Co-Ordination Committee Condemns Firing On An MQM Election Camp In Dastagir Area Of FB Area.
MQM Co-ordination Committee has strongly condemned firing on the election camp of MQM in Dastagir area of FB Area and termed it an effort to undermine election environment and peace.
“People of Karachi are clearly seeing that MQM is showing patience and restraint in spite of provocations by its opponents. Seeing their imminent defeat in the by-election, they are deliberately provoking MQM.”
The Co-ordination Committee demanded the Sindh Government and the Election Commission to take urgent notice of the incident of firing on the MQM election camp and take action against the people involved in it.
The Co-ordination Committee appealed to MQM workers and sympathizers to remain calm and continue their election activities in a peaceful manner.
PTI being used in Karachi by-polls, says Hashmi - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
Its been underground ,but JH is opening it at right time ?
Chodri nisar using IB & rangers against MQM, as a political tool to gain PTIs foot in Karachi ?
Chodri nisar & IMRAN are best friends , & now chodri nisar is planing to leave PMLn & join PTI ?
MQM should invite , javeed hashmi to it's jalsas so the people's of Karachi would have better opinion about PTI !
قبائلیوں سے ایم کیوایم کا زندگی بھر کا تعلق ہے ،کنور نوید جمیل

I really can't understand , with so many of MQM supporters living in Britain & UK why they can't request to British govt about the business of Nawaz Sharif & his son & their Mayfair mansions ?
Same for the surrey palace of zardari & bilawal ?
I am.sure once , some one starts requesting to British authorities , they will launch huge investigations of the huge crouption by Nawaz & zardari ?
MQM candidate Kanwar Naveed opposes demand for installing bio-metric system in NA-246 by election

Pakistan Should Play The Role Of A Mediator Between Saudi Arabia And Yemen: Altaf Hussain
MQM Founder and Leader Altaf Hussain has reiterated that Pakistan should play the role of a mediator and support both Saudi Arabia and Yemen in the conflict between the two countries. “Sessions of United Nations and Muslims countries should be convened to resolve the conflict by dialogues.”
He said this while speaking at the International Secretariat of the MQM in London after the extension of his bail. A large number of MQM workers and sympathisers had gathered at the secretariat in London and Karachi and Hyderabad in Pakistan.
“We must take decisions by keeping in view the national security and integrity of Pakistan because we have already suffered because of the cold war between Soviet Union and USA.”
Speaking about the money laundering case Mr Hussain said that he has complete faith in the British police and her justice system. “I do not want to add further to the ongoing investigations but I hope that the authorities will be able to complete their investigation after the extension of my bail.”
“I went to jail three times in Pakistan due to false cases. I came to UK on the insistence of people and worker. It is an irony that cases were registered against me here as well, and I had to go a police station twice.”
“These difficulties cannot disconcert me. If the people of Pakistan get their usurped rights and their deprivations end as a result of these difficulties that I am facing, I will have no cause to complain.”
“In Pakistan only the rich have honour. Poor people do not have any dignity. I have always struggled for equality and dignity for poor people in Pakistan.”
“Pakistan is not a theocratic state. We want to make Pakistan a prosperous, educated, liberal and progressive country according to the vision of Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. We want to end nepotism so that people progress because of their abilities and merit.”
Mr Hussain asked MQM workers and people not to get worried about him. “I am standing before you because of your prayers.”
Mr Hussain rejected all allegations against him and urged his followers and people to remain calm and united during the course of the legal proceedings.
“I want to assure all well-wishers that their leader is brave and determined. I will not back out of my mission under any condition.”
MQM should demand the hand over of the imran farooq murder case suspects to British police , the whole buble against them.will burst ?
Cause if hand over , I am.sure these suspects will deny ?
MQM should demand the hand over of the imran farooq murder case suspects to British police , the whole buble against them.will burst ?
Cause if hand over , I am.sure these suspects will deny ?
If they alive yes, one of them is confirm dead or killed?
MQM candidate Kanwar Naveed opposes demand for installing bio-metric system in NA-246 by election

Inappropriate reporting ... He just expressed his reservations ... Because this will be first experience ..........
If they alive yes, one of them is confirm dead or killed?
If they are dead or one of them is dead , then it will be really hard situation for the ones who kept them ? Or killed them ?
It will become a murder of the murderer case ?
Or in other words , a conspiracy made by their captors ?
But in every way MQM can take it's advantage ?
So that will be great , if MQM demands it , to UK & it's police ?
In Pakistan they can demand & also file a pettetion in SC ?
that whole bubble will burst in the air ?
If they are dead or one of them is dead , then it will be really hard situation for the ones who kept them ? Or killed them ?
It will become a murder of the murderer case ?
Or in other words , a conspiracy made by their captors ?
But in every way MQM can take it's advantage ?
So that will be great , if MQM demands it , to UK & it's police ?
In Pakistan they can demand & also file a pettetion in SC ?
that whole bubble will burst in the air ?
Bhai jan MQM from day first asking for bring culprits to justice, there are things in Watan e Aziz no one can reach neither Scotland Yard nor MQM, all keys agencies have to open the lock. You know very well brother. Scotland Yard investigate and find a trail of two suspects whose exit and entry finish in Pakistan. What else they investigate more? MQM ko tou chor dou because they can't do anything in this regard but just make voice and they doing it.
The questions are raising now among sane peoples, why agencies holding them from years? There is no any law that you can keep person in custody without any court appearance, for example they arrest Moazam Ali but very next day they bring him to court for a judicial remand This is how procedure follow. Funny thing they arrest main facilitator Mozam Ali and interrogating him but TWO main suspects killers are whose witness count everything are no where.
Bhai jan MQM from day first asking for bring culprits to justice, there are things in Watan e Aziz no one can reach neither Scotland Yard nor MQM, all keys agencies have to open the lock. You know very well brother. Scotland Yard investigate and find a trail of two suspects whose exit and entry finish in Pakistan. What else they investigate more? MQM ko tou chor dou because they can't do anything in this regard but just make voice and they doing it.
The questions are raising now among sane peoples, why agencies holding them from years? There is no any law that you can keep person in custody without any court appearance, for example they arrest Moazam Ali but very next day they bring him to court for a judicial remand This is how procedure follow. Funny thing they arrest main facilitator Mozam Ali and interrogating him but TWO main suspects killers are whose witness count everything are no where.
All I am saying is MQM should make loud and clear in NA & SC , should put resolutions motions & petitions to hand over these peoples to British police , it will blow the mask badly ?
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