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MQM protest rally against the Sindh new Local Government Act 2013 in Sindh

PPP Did Irreparable Loss To Pakistan In 1970 By Negating Public Mandate And They Are Still Marching On The Same Lines: Izhar Ul Hassan


Posted on: 23/12/2013
Izhar Ul Hassan thrashes Sherjeel Memon against using state institutions to curb MQM
Deputy parliamentary leader of MQM in Sindh assembly Khawaja Izhar Ul Hassan has said that the recent statement by information minister Sherjeel Memon is evident and has clearly exposed the plans and tactics of the government of Sindh. His statement after Manzoor Wasan’s statement is clearly connecting the dots and tells us that now PPP wants to use force and illegal tactics to take over urban areas of Sindh. He said that PPP is already using state institutes in operation against MQM and a number of workers and supporters are being arrested without any evidence and their families are going through stress and trauma while dozens of our workers and office bearers are missing. The recent statement of Sherjeel Memon reveals that now PPP wants to engulf Hyderabad as well after victimizing Karachi. Government statistics already show that Khairpur which is the hometown of Chief Minister Qaim Ali Shah is on top of the list in Sindh in crime rate and other than that Badin and Dadu are also heaven for criminals and it was also shown recently in a TV show that criminals and plunderers were equipped with heavy weapons but PPP is doing nothing against them despite they are using state machinery and law enforcement agencies like police and ranges to curb and corner their political rivals specially MQM. He said that PPP had also negated the people’s mandate in 1970 that resulted in irreparable damage to Pakistan and even today they are marching on the same lines.
He further said that Sherjeel Memon should focus on the criminals in Karachi and in interior Sindh who are openly involved in kidnapping for ransom and other serious crime rather than threatening MQM and using state institutions against political rivals.
Newton made a law, Pakistan would have just eaten the apple: Farooq Sattar
By Our Correspondent
Published: December 27, 2013
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Dr Farooq Sattar was addressing the Institute of Engineers of Pakistan's conference. PHOTO: FILE

KARACHI: Only Dr Farooq Sattar, with his sense of mischief and politics, can, in one speech, connect the Newtonian law of gravitation or Qanoon-e-Saql to the Pakistani psyche.

On Thursday, Dr Sattar was the guest speaker for the inauguration of the fourth international symposium on infrastructure engineering in developing countries organized by NED University at the Expo Centre. He urged the engineers present to study the ‘sunnat’ (or actions) of Newton.

“When the apple fell into Newton’s lap, he didn’t respond by shoving it into his jaws,” said Sattar. “He didn’t eat it. Rather, he went on a journey of curiosity.” He asked, why did this apple fall from up to down. “Why did it not go up and up?”

A sterner message was next. “The people who acted on Newton’s sunnat made a tiny little apple in the shape of iPhones and iPads,” he said. “They dropped the apple back into our palms again.”

But in Pakistan, the sunnat which we follow is one in which we stuff the proverbial apple into our mouths. “We put it between our teeth and chewed on it. We chewed on it so much that now only the seed is left.”

That seed, he went on to say, coming full circle, is what needs to be saved today. Dr Sattar was referring to the task that lies ahead for the country’s engineers, many of whose brightest ones were sitting in front of him. “We need to save that seed from capitalism, feudalism, imperialism. We need to plant it and let it grow into a tree.”

To put his metaphors in context Sattar went on to explain that Pakistan could not say it had achieved growth because certain sectors were not working in tandem. Things were askew.

In the 1990s, when cell phones were introduced, they cost Rs12 per minute and a roti was about 12 annas, he said. But 22 years on, the cell phone package is 12 annas a minute and the roti is Rs12. “Is this real growth?”

The engineers thus had a duty to work on technologies and the transfer of technology so we weren’t as reliant on it from other countries. “A re-engineering of Quaid-e-Azam’s Pakistan is the order of the day,” he said. “This is no rocket science. We need not invent the wheel again. Everything is on Google. We just need indigenization.”

Published in The Express Tribune, December 27th, 2013.
Ruffled feathers: MQM accuses law enforcers of 'disrupting' their local bodies' campaign
By Our Correspondent
Published: December 28, 2013
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Claims that raids are being conducted at party offices to delay submission of nomination papers. DESIGN: FILE

KARACHI: The Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) has claimed that the Rangers are raiding its offices and harassing its workers in a bid to disrupt the process of filing nominations papers for the local body’s election.

Three raids have been conducted since Thursday, said a MQM leader and parliamentarian who did not want to be named. According to the official, the Rangers had picked up six men from Liaquatabad unit, which included former councillors as well as new candidates. The men have not been released so far.

The party has claimed that the Rangers have also conducted raids at Burnes Road Unit 35 and picked up two men, who were both released later. They also raided the Nazimabad sector office when people were filling out nomination forms, they alleged. The party, however, will wait till all the nomination forms are submitted before protesting against the raids.

Another MQM leader, Khawaja Izharul Hassan, said that the party had concerns over the law enforcers’ visits to their party offices. “We will not let the operation be diverted. The Rangers should not be politically motivated and should stay free of any politicisation.”

Earlier, the party’s deputy convener Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui said that the raids and the arrests were hampering the work being done related to the local body’s election. He said that before the general elections, it was the terrorists who were targeting their offices by carrying out bomb blasts, and now it was the law enforcers who were making things difficult for them.

Meanwhile, the Rangers spokesperson said that the targeted operation was against criminals and was not directed towards any political party. “Wherever criminals are, the Rangers will arrest them.”

Published in The Express Tribune, December 28th, 2013.
MQM is a terrorist party. Don of Don And very close competition of target killing, demanding bhatta for life, packing them in bori. Everybody in MQM is working hard in this competition.
MQM demands census before LG polls
By Our Correspondent
Published: January 3, 2014
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The party will kick off its election campaign with a public rally in Hyderabad today. PHOTO: EXPRESS/FILE

HYDERABAD: The Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) has demanded the Sindh government to conduct a population census and delimitation before the local bodies elections.

The party’s leaders also demanded that the census be carried out under the supervision of the army or the judiciary. “You may conduct the census through the army or the judiciary but it must be carried out before the local government elections,” stressed MQM Rabita Committee member Haider Abbas Rizvi.


Rizvi was addressing a press conference on Thursday at Bagh-e-Mustafa ground where the party will hold a public meeting today. Rizvi stressed that his party wanted a transparent and independent census without further delay. “Sindh’s urban population has so far been denied its mandate as those representing the rural mandate, run the government.” Rizvi reasoned that the province’s urban population was more than the rural population and that Karachi alone was home to half of the province’s population.

MQM’s deputy convenor, MNA Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui, also warned of serious consequences if the Sindh government did not accept the urban mandate.

Bilawal’s remarks

Rizvi criticised remarks made by Pakistan Peoples Party’s chairperson Bilawal Bhutto Zardari regarding former president Pervez Musharraf on Thursday. “It does not suit a party’s leader to make such remarks. Morality demands that a Muslim should pray for the health of a fellow Muslim who is ill.”

Rizvi decried Musharraf’s ongoing trial, saying that he was being tried in isolation.”The parliament, judges, generals and politicians who abetted his actions should also be implicated in the case.”

Siddiqui was of the view that, “The process of Musharraf’s trial appears to be one of revenge in the name of justice”.

Published in The Express Tribune, January 3rd, 2014.

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