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MQM holds biggest rally, beats IK's with ease

IK is b.s. just look at his damn party. There is not a single capable person and he is slowly bringing in thieves...
First he said that his party members will declare assets. Do any of you believe that Shah Mahmood Qureshi and Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri would actually be fair?


IK has always been pro India. We don't want someone like that, especially when he decides to give up Kashmir. He keeps saying that to Indians that we were taught to hate India in schools. Even if this is true, you really don't need to show them your negative side. Indians are cleaver and they will be laughing at us....

Exactly. This is my biggest criticism of Imran Khan. He criticizes Musharraf for talking about recognizing Israel and supports the Palestinian cause, but is putting Kashmir as a side issue?

Well IK himself is to be blamed, he lost his many supporters after that stup1d interview to KT on indian channal.

What interview?
Really empowerment and independence of Women?
Yeah we all saw that when Benzair did an operation against MQM.
LOL:lol:, MQM kept women at the front so the army couldn't harm them. Great use... They will always be scum bags.... A lot of people in Pakistan are not stupid...
Right now know one gives a damn about Seraiki as a separate province. LOL, only MQM is concerned so they could eventually ask the the same of their own in the future.
Sindhis will beat the crap out of MQM if it continues to desire.... Sindhi national party will be ready to counter....
Karachi will always be the worst part of Pakistan until we see peace in all fronts...

Sindhis will beat the crap out of MQM.....lol., kid, you need to go and read up your proud Sindhi history and why Sindhi's were not even considered for military roles before 71!

Beat up MQM......lolololol!!!
firstly Imran clearly has said that in "HIS PAKISTAN WOMEN WILL NOT BE FORCED TO WEAR NAQAAB's"!!!

and if we talk about women empowerment then the biggest was PPP for making BB the FIRST MUSLIM head of state! followed by first foreign secretary to be a woman!

Honestly dude!!! Benazir was not dependent on PPP, PPP was dependent on Benazir as the heir to Bhutto name and legacy. If her elder brother had a half decent character he would have made the party head and subsequent PM, ofcourse Benazir would have been nothing in that case so stop praising PPP!

information minister is a woman!

parliment speaker is also a woman!!

so i guess PPP is the biggest party to actually empower women!

having said this yesterday was a good MELA for ladies but i wonder who PAID for it because apparently MQM is not a jagirdara party so how did it get the funds for it? PLUS does altaf bhai do skype because how else can you pay for huge bills for international calls?

There must be common sense when appointing individuals to posts but apparently our current leadership has rewarded loyalists with prime titbits of everything that Pakistan has to offer, be it the information minister, foreign minister or ambassador to America!

It is a 'fact' that MQM is not a jagirdar party but it is also a 'fact' that MQM is supported by the Business community of Karachi that is rich enough to buy the rest of Pakistan! And from therein are the bills paid!

---------- Post added at 10:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:51 AM ----------

An uncle of mine was a doctor in Karachi. Since urdu was widely spoken, he was not used to this language. One day, a Punjabi guy comes up to him. They get to know each other and eventually they start speaking in Punjabi. All of a sudden, there was an MQM worker there and he threatened him to keep his mouth shut and he and his mafia forced him to go back to Punjab....

There is clearly too much racism in Karachi....

I also heard about the donkey that could not speak in urdu, he too was forced to flee Karachi....the bloody MQM goons!
Sindhis will beat the crap out of MQM.....lol., kid, you need to go and read up your proud Sindhi history and why Sindhi's were not even considered for military roles before 71!

Beat up MQM......lolololol!!!

this guy cb4, when its appropriate time he will bash sindhis too, he will call them dark face etc etc, he will say fuckk you sindhis, 60% of pakistan is punjabi, so punjab rules pakistan lol

i will personally not try to even bother with such illeterate people because engaging those ignorants will be like hitting one's head on the wall
I am Punjabi. I used to support Imran Khan till I heard some of the bull **** he said to Karan Thapar the Indian. What I hate about Mohajirs is that they believe they are a separate entity to other Pakistanis.

Dear Mohajirs, or what I would say, Pakistanis,

Just because I don't like MQM, does not mean I am against Mohajirs. Wtf? I am a Pakistani nationalist and want the best for my country, but just because I don't like MQM does not mean I don't like my fellow Pakistanis? WTF?
Dear Mohajirs,
We're all Pakistanis, no need to say Dear Mohajirs. I was born here, how in the World am I Mohajir? Just because my grand parents were?
This is one of the reasons the Bengalis separated. We should stop repeating previous mistakes, It's the same with the Baloch as well
Sir jee for ur kind info MQM have done a lot for the development of karachi & hyderabad, ask anyone from the entire country who is mustafa kamal, u will have ur answer.

Exactly, Karachi was nothing with no bridges, no nothing and then in just 6-7 years, it changed completely.
MQM isnt coutry wide party and over the years didnt get any seats outside southern sindh..
PTI is liked and supported throughout the country..

so there is the difference

I guess we will find out in the next general election, eh?
I guess we will find out in the next general election, eh?
Exactly! No offence to IK's PTI but it's not like they've ever won that they're so confident!

---------- Post added at 11:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:42 AM ----------

MQM's strategy.

Break into houses, on gunpoint, take the National ID cards of all those present, and tell them where they have to arrive and where they will get their IDs back.
So they all take the MQM flags out, and go to the place they have a rally, chant pro-MQM and after the rally, go to the destined place where they can get their National IDs back. Failure to do so, they have your IDs and would come back to you. Get ready to be killed/tortured or give away some females of your family to the bastar*s.

Same way works with voting. MQM is the most corrupt and most inhumane political party (mafia party to be precise) in Pakistan. PPP is not that bad, they sell votes, not force people to. MQM has kept a strong withhold of Karachi, and if anyone dares to stand against them, turns up dead. Like many they've killed, including a family member.

MQM should be broken down and demolished by Supreme Court and declared as a terrorist organisation as soon as possible.
I live in Mustafa Kamal's street. Never happened to us!
We're all Pakistanis, no need to say Dear Mohajirs. I was born here, how in the World am I Mohajir? Just because my grand parents were?
This is one of the reasons the Bengalis separated. We should stop repeating previous mistakes, It's the same with the Baloch as well

You didn't read anything I wrote. I said before anything else I consider every one of my brother and sisters Pakistani.
You didn't read anything I wrote. I said before anything else I consider every one of my brother and sisters Pakistani.
And I quote:
What I hate about Mohajirs is that they believe they are a separate entity to other Pakistanis.
Clarifying that, we don't think we're a separate entity
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