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MQM discussions & criticism thread(reserved for MQM supporters only)


Oct 4, 2010
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United Kingdom
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farooq sattar said something about eliminating the MQM's tradition of strikes after elections

i didnt see it happening

What options do they have except strike , without strike and blocking karachi i dont think MQM will be taken any seriously .. leaders , party workers are killed on a daily basis .. A strike is the only thing which worries the rest of PK as the money they gets is down the drain as no one gives a damn
What options do they have except strike , without strike and blocking karachi i dont think MQM will be taken any seriously .. leaders , party workers are killed on a daily basis .. A strike is the only thing which worries the rest of PK as the money they gets is down the drain as no one gives a damn

i have few objections regarding strikes

1) people who work on daily wages get affected

2) Karachi which is the economic artery of pakistan loses million of rupees in a day if the trade stops and pakistan gets effected too

3) MQM image is tarished too

4) image of Karachi and Pakistan get tarnished in local and international media

5) MQM is seen as aggressor which forces people to close down their shops and suspends their activity

i think what Farooq Sattar said should be implemented because we all give votes to MQM for what they promise

i think MQM can voice their opinions much better in the parliament then stopping poor innocent hard workers from earning their daily bread

yes MQM party workers are being killed on daily bases i agree, but MQM has the authority, what about non MQMers who are also dying just like MQM workers

i think MQM represents karachi and it shouldnt do anything which troubles the very base of MQM

maybe they can do strikes on sunday since its holiday for all the matters which is troubling MQM which needs to be voiced
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^^You are going against Forum RULES! And FREEDOM of Speech!! @WebMaster @Aeronaut Look into this.

you can express freedom of speech else where and create threads as many as you like but not this thread sadly :(

this is entirely done to refrain jingoism and hooliganism in this thread from immature posters, be spared from it, and let it be clean and pure, so yeah
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i have few objections regarding strikes

1) people who work on daily wages get affected

2) Karachi which is the economic artery of pakistan loses million of rupees in a day if the trade stops and pakistan gets effected too

3) MQM image is tarished too

4) image of Karachi and Pakistan get tarnished in local and international media

5) MQM is seen as aggressor which forces people to close down their shops and suspends their activity

i think what Farooq Sattar said should be implemented because we all give votes to MQM for what they promise

i think MQM can voice their opinions much better in the parliament then stopping poor innocent hard workers from earning their daily bread

yes MQM party workers are being killed on daily bases i agree, but MQM has the authority, what about non MQMers who are also dying just like MQM workers

i think MQM represents karachi and it shouldnt do anything which troubles the very base of MQM

maybe they can do strikes on sunday since its holiday for all the matters which is troubling MQM which needs to be voiced

agreed with almost what you said , but unfortunately i do not see any other effective method which can stop these killings , i dont know if you have noticed but try looking at the dates most of the major MQM targets are hit mostly towards the weekend .. As for the daily wage earner i feel for them we live side by side in the city and it effects businesses but when strike is called is to protest Human loss and this is bigger than any thing
agreed with almost what you said , but unfortunately i do not see any other effective method which can stop these killings , i dont know if you have noticed but try looking at the dates most of the major MQM targets are hit mostly towards the weekend .. As for the daily wage earner i feel for them we live side by side in the city and it effects businesses but when strike is called is to protest Human loss and this is bigger than any thing

what is achieved by this i mean MQM is not getting police and rangers to become active do they? killings still happening and with it the strikes rate will also increase, and MQM PR is not doing well because of it

i think the best available thing is their voice in the parliament and thats only democratic

MQM can have as effective peaceful protest as are these forced protest coupled with voicing in the parliament

MQM should reform in order to show it self that its more democratic like it held referendum etc
bhai walloon agency waloon koo ijazaat hai?;):angel:
aray bhai hum bhi tu paray they rahhoon mien?
bhai walloon agency waloon koo ijazaat hai?;):angel:
aray bhai hum bhi tu paray they rahhoon mien?

you may participate if you just dont act weird, stick to reality, dont bring agencies propaganda if you know what i mean? and if you do constructive criticism?
this is a reserved thread for only MQM supporters @pak-marine @Patriots @darkinsky @W.11 @Mav3rick @genmirajborgza786 @fawwaxs and few others(others please specify)

i request mods to delete any post my non MQM supporter(being offtopic and against forum rules)

other members arnt supposed to post here

i will play as reformist critique MQM supporter

Actually I am not a hardcore supporter of MQM ... Infact I am against propaganda ... I think MQM should reform within themselves ... Especially AH is used to hard language against his rivals & they should stop immediately strike calls ... Because common man suffers due to their strikes ...........
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i never liked MQM hardcore supporters anyway and the way they are blind followers

they are a disgrace to MQM if you ask me honestly

there are few MQM extremists who will do gaali galoch, badtamizi, trash talking and make altaf their god, threatening

MQM has to reform its culture

sorry but thats not what MQM was made for

and even though the founders cant be replaced but altaf should make somebody else the leader and accept retirement
this is some brainless fart by MQM

ہم نے كہہ تو دیا ہمیں کیا چاہۓ - ہمیں منزل نہیں رہنما چاہۓ



منزل کے بغیر رہنما کا اچار ڈالنا ہے؟
MQM should build infra structure in party ... What is Rabita Committee ... Rabita Committee is just slave of Altaf Hussain ... Before 1992 MQM has complete structure ... Azeem Tariq was chairman ... Imran Farooq was General Secretary ... Sometimes I think that why NS conducted operation ... Was he wished to destroy its structure..?? Due to operation Altaf Hussain has been made sole dictator of party ............
you may participate if you just dont act weird, stick to reality, dont bring agencies propaganda if you know what i mean? and if you do constructive criticism?

in that case i am obligged to use my agency powers, to just break in whenever i may like?
we dont like to get dictated, but we like to dictate others in the best interst of them & country!
so keep moving big brother is watching?
you may not love it but its the reality ! yes just a dam reality?lol;):pakistan::smokin:
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