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MQM discussions & criticism thread(reserved for MQM supporters only)

Bhai, instead of following someone, we Karachi people should create an organization that works to serve our community in the areas of Education, Health Care, Business, Employment and Social Welfare.

As we work for the betterment of our community, new leadership will emerge from Grass root level.

We are a resourceful and moral people and I am sure if we set our sights to these goals, we will succeed inshallah.

We already have such organization then what we need to create another organization ... It will create much problems ... Now you can't get united whole nation on single platform ... Nor such leader can be produced again n again who can make a nation ... Altaf Hussain was a such leader & get united to urdu speaking communities on single platform ... But now unfortunately he left his way ... And he is in abroad for almost 20 years ... This thing is being hurt to people ... Secondly this is not 80's n 90's so they should need to be reformed ... Otherwise all which mentioned like Education, Health Care, Business, Employment & Social Welfare you can find within this organization ... They built a high class school in F.B. Area named Sun Academy where only those kids can get education whose parents have as low income as Rs. 10,000/- ... KKF is still doing good job for in social & health care sector ... They create employment opportunities in government sector while they can play part in it ...............

I support MQM but i hate altaf.

IMO MQM must kick altaf & his likes out of the party.

I agree with you ...........
are we hving a disscustion about agencies here instead of MQM?
i know MQM gets yahoo about agencies, cause past 25 years, agencies been potrayed as MQM enemies?
but its still a fact, all those raunaway trains , i mean ALTAF. IMRAN FAROOQ, NADEEM NUSTRAT,ISHRAT UL IBAD, many more like them how they succeded bording on any plane taking them away from pakistan? ever you thought about it?
ISI rarly take on MQM, cause many of your big shots they contact angels by themselves, & it includes ALTAF HUSSAIN, I KNOW YOU WILL NEVER ACCEPT IT, but thats the way it is?
& it doesnt mean it includes money in the bank game. its just mutual intersts game?
right now MQM is going through, over haulling as you thought but it, still workes under ALTAF HUSSAIN, cause reakity is nobody is ready to accept the other one!
dont you know what happened between AMIR & AFAQ?
after so long singing the sane songs?
MI gets its intell, just to checkup raw isnt doing its dance within MQM?
but its mainly IB which is incharge of messing things a bit for MQM, plz stop thinking wrong about PAKARMY fuajis comming out in trucks back in 90s , wasnt MI ,s MAJOR KALEEM GETS ABDUCTED IN LANDHI?
who were those haji jallals? safdar baqri?
why MQM never talks about them?, just because they were the raw lossers, within MQM which even ALTAF HUSSAIN wasnt knew?
MAJOR was after them for normal check up, but they used MQM,s power on MAJOR?
result was known?
so its 50 50 friend, & it happened in every party , PPP wasnt any exception right?
jeay sindh, or jammat e islami, who ever they are, they all went under the same bridges?
just recently why MQM karachi went to U TRUN the time QADRI shb went to ISLAMABAD?
within hours, MQM CHANGES its stand? is that also agencies said to do?
no its all dam money game? all of your farooq bhai, ghuri shb, ishrat bhai were became good boys of zardari , was that also done. y agencies?
friend honstly speaking, attempt was made within MQM to give a cold shoulder to altaf hussain?
& inthe end it was ISI angels who told altaf bhai, to come out of cruise control mode, & do his job to makeMQM vlean for the next stage of the grand game, rest is state secret!
in the comming future, you will be surprized by altaf bhai,s some actions for sure, but they all be in higher intersts of pakistan , ultimatly!

You expressed truth indeed ...........
We already have such organization then what we need to create another organization ... It will create much problems ... Now you can't get united whole nation on single platform ... Nor such leader can be produced again n again who can make a nation ... Altaf Hussain was a such leader & get united to urdu speaking communities on single platform ... But now unfortunately he left his way ... And he is in abroad for almost 20 years ... This thing is being hurt to people ... Secondly this is not 80's n 90's so they should need to be reformed ... Otherwise all which mentioned like Education, Health Care, Business, Employment & Social Welfare you can find within this organization ... They built a high class school in F.B. Area named Sun Academy where only those kids can get education whose parents have as low income as Rs. 10,000/- ... KKF is still doing good job for in social & health care sector ... They create employment opportunities in government sector while they can play part in it ...............

How are you going to reform a Party which is Corrupt to the core and raised on the Principles of Bhutta Khori, Balckmail, Murder and Mayhem of dissenters ?

Who is going to decide who is clean and who has to leave MQM ?

There is a huge gap between Theoretical assertions and Practicality.
Bhai, instead of following someone, we Karachi people should create an organization that works to serve our community in the areas of Education, Health Care, Business, Employment and Social Welfare.

As we work for the betterment of our community, new leadership will emerge from Grass root level.

We are a resourceful and moral people and I am sure if we set our sights to these goals, we will succeed inshallah.

dear friend!
it all looks good, i mean to think without any badness, but in practical go to the field, i mean the real streets of karachi, peoples getting panaroid just not hving dam water?lol
shotting each other, thn come back & think whatever you were at it?
dear friend we, need a jmpartial hukumat which can act against anyone, anytime at any place, without any crouption, without any biasness towards any one, without it your good ideas are just day dreaming, just day dreaming?
these politicians were never been able to give us clean drinking water, power, or evenna modern severege system, how could you even think of getting what are you dreaming about?
right now on the urge of the nation , political proccessed already, without any hope of getting any good from it?
let it failled once again, then the real patriotic system will be emerged!
for comming future, just remember destruction makes allways a way to good constructions?
MQM can cleaned , ALTAF HUSSAIN was hijacked by the china cutters, commision agents but now factory setting been fully restored, you will find a NEW MQM UNDER ALTAF SOON, working for only the betterment of pakistan inshaa allha?
whatever has you suffered, or losted recently killers of your sister will get punished at all costs even if they go under ground or above skies, i only can say to you this?

You expressed truth indeed ...........

ayashi buss, idhar udhar ki batein sun laytein hian, uncle abb hammey kun pochtaa hai, aik ghareeb retire stupid fuaji?:lol:;)
How are you going to reform a Party which is Corrupt to the core and raised on the Principles of Bhutta Khori, Balckmail, Murder and Mayhem of dissenters ?

Who is going to decide who is clean and who has to leave MQM ?

There is a huge gap between Theoretical assertions and Practicality.
he knows everything & every body in MQM?;););)
i have few objections regarding strikes

1) people who work on daily wages get affected

2) Karachi which is the economic artery of pakistan loses million of rupees in a day if the trade stops and pakistan gets effected too

3) MQM image is tarished too

4) image of Karachi and Pakistan get tarnished in local and international media

5) MQM is seen as aggressor which forces people to close down their shops and suspends their activity

i think what Farooq Sattar said should be implemented because we all give votes to MQM for what they promise

i think MQM can voice their opinions much better in the parliament then stopping poor innocent hard workers from earning their daily bread

yes MQM party workers are being killed on daily bases i agree, but MQM has the authority, what about non MQMers who are also dying just like MQM workers

i think MQM represents karachi and it shouldnt do anything which troubles the very base of MQM

maybe they can do strikes on sunday since its holiday for all the matters which is troubling MQM which needs to be voiced

most of all.. atleast the medical stores and clinics should be kept open.
How are you going to reform a Party which is Corrupt to the core and raised on the Principles of Bhutta Khori, Balckmail, Murder and Mayhem of dissenters ?

Who is going to decide who is clean and who has to leave MQM ?

There is a huge gap between Theoretical assertions and Practicality.

Here I differ to you ... MQMers are not so corrupt like other politicians major corruption allegations could have not labelled on them ... Initially they started donation collection but some culprits had started extortion ... Mostly incidents were happened in early days between 1990 to 1998 ... About blackmailing you can't tell me single incident about blackmailing ... But offcourse they do blackmail to political parties just because their electoral position ... At this time they are not in such position .......
Tell me 1 name of Indo-Pak political parties who doesn't involve in political murders and MQM is reactionary party ... That you look much aggression & violence in it than others ... But no one is innocent over here ... In the last can you explain me that which dissenters you are talking about ...........
Anyhow ... Reformation process has been started ... And plz don't forget that several educated & talented people like Mustafa Kamal & Isharat-ul-Ibad are existed in MQM ... They are not only asset for party but for Pakistan too...........

Real & Grass-root Leadership

@Pakistanisage the thread doesnt serve the purpose if you come here, this is for MQM supporters reserved only there are other dozens of thread in which you can criticise, i just want this thread to remain sane @Armstrong sorry bro but thats what it is @Naya_Pakistan its because to avoid negative criticism and trolling
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are we hving a disscustion about agencies here instead of MQM?
i know MQM gets yahoo about agencies, cause past 25 years, agencies been potrayed as MQM enemies?
but its still a fact, all those raunaway trains , i mean ALTAF. IMRAN FAROOQ, NADEEM NUSTRAT,ISHRAT UL IBAD, many more like them how they succeded bording on any plane taking them away from pakistan? ever you thought about it?
ISI rarly take on MQM, cause many of your big shots they contact angels by themselves, & it includes ALTAF HUSSAIN, I KNOW YOU WILL NEVER ACCEPT IT, but thats the way it is?
& it doesnt mean it includes money in the bank game. its just mutual intersts game?
right now MQM is going through, over haulling as you thought but it, still workes under ALTAF HUSSAIN, cause reakity is nobody is ready to accept the other one!
dont you know what happened between AMIR & AFAQ?
after so long singing the sane songs?
MI gets its intell, just to checkup raw isnt doing its dance within MQM?
but its mainly IB which is incharge of messing things a bit for MQM, plz stop thinking wrong about PAKARMY fuajis comming out in trucks back in 90s , wasnt MI ,s MAJOR KALEEM GETS ABDUCTED IN LANDHI?
who were those haji jallals? safdar baqri?
why MQM never talks about them?, just because they were the raw lossers, within MQM which even ALTAF HUSSAIN wasnt knew?
MAJOR was after them for normal check up, but they used MQM,s power on MAJOR?
result was known?
so its 50 50 friend, & it happened in every party , PPP wasnt any exception right?
jeay sindh, or jammat e islami, who ever they are, they all went under the same bridges?
just recently why MQM karachi went to U TRUN the time QADRI shb went to ISLAMABAD?
within hours, MQM CHANGES its stand? is that also agencies said to do?
no its all dam money game? all of your farooq bhai, ghuri shb, ishrat bhai were became good boys of zardari , was that also done. y agencies?
friend honstly speaking, attempt was made within MQM to give a cold shoulder to altaf hussain?
& inthe end it was ISI angels who told altaf bhai, to come out of cruise control mode, & do his job to makeMQM vlean for the next stage of the grand game, rest is state secret!
in the comming future, you will be surprized by altaf bhai,s some actions for sure, but they all be in higher intersts of pakistan , ultimatly!

Amir and Afaq were bought by agencies to go against MQM, after haqiqi failed the agencies left them alone to rot, afaq ahmed even tolerated jail time for years but agency showed them cold shoulder afterwards

there might be some truth to this of what you say but frankly i dont trust you as an authetic source before you prove yourself who you are, i have some points of the story you just mentioned

so you said altaf didnt know aout those RAW agents that were operating within MQM then why didnt the major talked to Altaf about those RAW agents and gave him prove of what they were and exposed their names as you said those two names?

and why would they initiate the army operation against MQM only i mean, the mess was not MQM specific but there were many groups involved in it

and then i asked you the question that why the security officials who conducted raid against afghan's illegal activity before qasba colony massacre didnt even bulge when those same afghans thinking that urdu speakers had a role in this massacred in qazba colony and so many innocents were dead?

you see the kind of things the agency does is beyond you and me, you think of them as angels :lol: and patriots but its a black water shitt man, they are like mercineries and dude patriotism and country love has nothing got to do with the agencies forget it you are in a dillusion buddy stop dilluding yourself

i also asked you one simple question that why a single army dictator who came and ruled for decade didnt even bothered to eliminate the feudal system of pakistan if they were so called 'patriots'?

the answer is buddy they looked after their own interest they wont cut the hand which feeds them just for the sake of this damn country :lol:

i dont give a damn about agencies and their propaganda and even the army so you are wrong to think if i will believe all your agency crap here?
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