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MQM | A Revolution

your friend was talking as if Karachi had become heaven on earth and revolution had come in Karachi because of MQM.
as he claims entire Karachi to belong to MQM I was just reminding him how perfectly shiny and clean Karachi is.

When had you come last time in Karachi.....????
Red: that is one big bullshit brain fart of criminal parties as an excuse to cover their criminal armed activities.

Blue: One big lie.

MQM was created on a very strong ideology but hijack by criminals , unfortunately in order to survive in a country like Pakistan you need to pick up arms to protect, but there is no way to keep check and balance on those who have these arms , exactly same thing goes with MQM , they are disciplined , middle class oriented Party , against feudalism.. which is good ..Pakistan Zindabad :pakistan::cheers:
Red: that is one big bullshit brain fart of criminal parties as an excuse to cover their criminal armed activities.

Blue: One big lie.
Maybe for Taliban supporting Clowns but for those who oppose them and their Allies its pretty Much a requirement here.
Red: that is one big bullshit brain fart of criminal parties as an excuse to cover their criminal armed activities.

Blue: One big lie.

well i never force anyone to accept what i say, but at least , your frustration shows that i did hit some nerves there ...
you dont believe me , you have the right , but calling it lie ... i guess not fair
PakhtoonSF and IJT have problems with each other.........But any Pashtun in Karachi whether he is affiliated with JI, JUI-F, ANP, PPP or Muslim league, would tell you that MQM is enemy of all kind of Pashtuns irrespective of their political affiliation. A distant relative of mine was member of Muslim league nawaz in Karachi and he was shot by MQM just because he was a Pashtun.
Again, Falana Falana said so, Pakhtoon community runs and holding almost public transport in Karachi from rikshaw to taxi Mini van to buses, they holding garments lunda bazar Restaurants and no body care, stop your fabricated stories and spreading lies. The street crimes mostly done by afghanis cell snatchers bank robberies Kidnap for ransom killing by TTP. You like other just hating a community and don't miss a chance to insult and defame them.
Qadiani sahab, keep your desi insecurities with yourself. Your MQM came into being on the basis of racial hatred and is involved in hate crimes. When you kill a tandoor wala or Kabuli hotel wala just because he looks and feels different, you are a racist. A Racist can be as white as marble or as black as coal or as brown as bread.
Historians of Karachi student politics like NFP point out that MQM was actually formed to counter Jamaatis and IJT. PSF was APMSO(and PPP)'s ally in the fight. It was the IJT hoodlums who brought in weapons into colleges and started getting rid of fun there to 'protect' Islam. It is just that in the street fights leading to and after the formation of MQM, they emerged as the winners. One can easily imagine that whoever the victor was, they would have maintained a similar street power as MQM does now. Besides, MQM went through multiple bouts of witch-hunting directed against it. Rarely, if ever, does a party which starts off as an ethnic party, with its name saying plainly as such, changed its name and became all-embracing.

From what I read, all the actual Pashtun-Mohajir rivalry you see is just the rivalry of Pashtun gangs and Mohajir gangs. They are needed by their political parties for maintaining street control and protection in their areas. The politicians mediate on behalf of these gangs making it look like they own the gangs. But the control is only very loose. I don't think a random Pashtun venturing into a Mohajir area or vice-versa is automatically under threat. We would read different kind of news articles about Karachi then. Normal person seems to be safest in Karachi than in any other city considering the sectarian violence in Pakistan today.
Again, Falana Falana said so, Pakhtoon community runs and holding almost public transport in Karachi from rikshaw to taxi Mini van to buses, they holding garments lunda bazar Restaurants and no body care, stop your fabricated stories and spreading lies. The street crimes mostly done by afghanis cell snatchers bank robberies Kidnap for ransom killing by TTP. You like other just hating a community and don't miss a chance to insult and defame them.
han g mqm walay to bas numazain parhatay hain
han g mqm walay to bas numazain parhatay hain
Don't put the words in my mouth I never said. More Pakhtoons killed by same Pakhtoons in Karachi both ANP and TTP belong to same ethnic group, weapon and drug mafia related with same group. MQM has million of his supporters and few dozen of them are criminal so what is strange in it? When I said MQM is a party of angles?
We all can suggest as much as we want as to how MQM should clean itself from criminal elements etc but until its voters stand up and put up a resistance to the current party setup nothing will happen. I am for operation against ALL political parties in Karachi with "criminal wings" once and for all for the sake of Karachi and I hope this time it should be prolonged as long as it takes.
Sorry that doesn't cut it.

First define what is feudalism and then show me one differentiating point between a worst kinfd of feudal and altaf hussain and MQM

Maybe for Taliban supporting Clowns but for those who oppose them and their Allies its pretty Much a requirement here.
Sorry that doesn't cut it.

First define what is feudalism and then show me one differentiating point between a worst kinfd of feudal and altaf hussain and MQM
Mate we are not discussing Ideological stuff here if you want to discuss that make another thread and I would give you my side of knowledge and discuss everything to death.

My simple Point was that MQM Needed Weapons to protect themselves from Terrorist Outfits which some of our POlitical Parties were supporting.
You, quite conveniently, left PTI out up there, especially in regards to use of violence and strong arm tactics, what should we think of your opinion then? You should have cursed those who follow PTI above all as they have repeatedly challenged the state and have attacked state entities, the most important official visit to Pakistan last year was put off because of the stupid, arrogant and pathetic nonsense of a leader in Imran Khan who was sitting at the dharna for his own personal 'interest'.

You want to remember the 3000 people who died from 1985 to 1990, most of whom were Urdu speaking being targeted by other ethnicities due to political affiliations.....but why stop there? Why not go back to Ayub's election term or as far back as the partition? Was MQM responsible 'then' as well? You got it right, well almost, that MQM and violence are intertwined and it is because MQM was born out of violence and oppression against the Urdu speaking minority throughout the country. MQM was a necessity, still is and will continue to be a necessity for the Urdu speaking community and those who are infact from the Urdu speaking community but still oppose MQM are fortunate enough to have never seen the bad side of things and I wish and pray that they never have to either! Because it will then be too late to form another MQM!

Yet again we see you molding national problems into ethnic problems, the way the ethnic mindset actually works. Ayub Khan and Fatima Jinnah. Every patriotic Pakistani supported Fatima Jinnah because she had the blood of Jinnah. A violent evil dictator like Ayub Khan only wanted power and rigged elections. This was a national problem not an ethnic one. Some say he brought in Pathans to Karachi. So what? Is Karachi a Pakistani city or a city of sovereign republic of Jinnahpur? Decide where your loyalty lies. With nation or people or with a terrorist mafia. The entire country is calling MQM terrorist. We either walk with the country or don't walk at all.

What I have seen is bias against Sindhis and Pathans including in my relatives. I have yes, never seen any outright bias against mahajirs. Even if there is it proves that MQM has no use whatsoever. It has only increased bias against mahajirs and cemented the feeling that mahajirs are not patriotic or are violent by nature, the former which is quite true because we remain trapped in self victimization. If every ethnic group believes its oppressed it means none is. All have equal opportunities.

Don't divide the country. Unite it.
Yet again we see you molding national problems into ethnic problems, the way the ethnic mindset actually works. Ayub Khan and Fatima Jinnah. Every patriotic Pakistani supported Fatima Jinnah because she had the blood of Jinnah. A violent evil dictator like Ayub Khan only wanted power and rigged elections. This was a national problem not an ethnic one. Some say he brought in Pathans to Karachi. So what? Is Karachi a Pakistani city or a city of sovereign republic of Jinnahpur? Decide where your loyalty lies. With nation or people or with a terrorist mafia. The entire country is calling MQM terrorist. We either walk with the country or don't walk at all.

Our ethnic division is our biggest National problem. But my post was more focussed on politics and how you avoided the inclusion of PTI, into the political forces that indulge in terrorism, before any other political party. Your terrorism should be accepted and agreed with because there is a different set of rules for you and there is a different set of rules for me......this is the basis of this divide and out problem!

I think Ayub was a great leader who made the mistake, that many greats do, of not keeping his offsprings under control. The attack on Karachi, yes it is a fact, was orchestrated by Ayub's son. And the planned & engineered migration of Pathans was specifically for a single purpose. People who lived in those days remember how the Urdu speaking communities were warned of attacks by Pathans by beating on the electricity poles. You speak like a kid who is blinded by his own limited knowledge but wants to argue on matters that he knows nothing about. And it is NOT fair!

What I have seen is bias against Sindhis and Pathans including in my relatives. I have yes, never seen any outright bias against mahajirs. Even if there is it proves that MQM has no use whatsoever. It has only increased bias against mahajirs and cemented the feeling that mahajirs are not patriotic or are violent by nature, the former which is quite true because we remain trapped in self victimization. If every ethnic group believes its oppressed it means none is. All have equal opportunities.

You have seen bias against Sindhis and Pathans as in the great Sindhis not getting the deserved recognition for their outstanding and continued contributions to the country while pathans are being blamed for the terrorism that is wreaking havoc in the country?? I mean what bias dude?? 99% of the terrorists and suicide bombers, fighting against the state of Pakistan and our military might, are from the Pashtun ethnicity while atleast 50% of the free loaders are Sindhis. But why we are discussing them here is beyond me.

MQM is Mohajir and Mohajirs are MQM whether you or anybody wants or likes it or not. MQM may have some serious issues but none that cannot be resolved. MQM is not a terrorist organization and it is not involved in any terrorism. There would not have been any need for an MQM had the urdu speaking community was not under pressure from ethnic oppression to state terrorism. We do not believe in breaking things that we have created but we firmly believe that we need to correct the wrongs that haunt us today. Equal opportunity, equal rights and freedom to all.

Don't divide the country. Unite it.

I feel sorry that people like you still don't understand that I always speak of strengthening the country.
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