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Movement for Hazara province

It is ironic.
After so much hue and cry even the current provinces are not willing to take all the responsibilities (the federal government is willing to relinquish) on their shoulders citing budget limitations.

Does making a province solve anything if the province is not economically self sustainable in any way?

I have no issue in making smaller provinces, but it should not be done overnight and without looking at economics.

Sir the thing is our politicians in general are corrupt and incompetent and dictators were the worse ones. Countries are run by capable individuals not meaningless politics.

The word "Politics" comes from the Greek word Πολιτικά (politika) from politic, modeled on Aristotle's "affairs of state."
Politics is a process by which groups of people make collective decisions.

Now what kind of politics we practice in our country?

Anyways, there should be a thorough study and debate not in the parliament where scandals take place or people are busy making money etc The debate should be done among intellectuals and people of Pakistan.
I support civil disobedience against PPP, PML N, PML Q, ANP, MQM, JI etc
We need "people" who can make a difference.

There will be no use even if we make 100 provinces without any proper study and I do not expect anything from current politicians.
Take an example of Geo. There are programs like Capital talk in which different people representing political parties come and "all" we see is same useless old crap.
I mean what did we achieve till now?
Load shedding, low quality of education in general, no health care system for the masses, devastated economy, some generals which had "lord" kinda mentality, incompetent politicians, terrorism, increase in poverty etc
Our nation goes a step forward and than goes two steps back.

Anyways, sustainable provinces should be made not political provinces.
^^ I am sure that we all know what ANP did..Somehow over night a new province idea pop out without studying anything.
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around the same time the faggot daud khan , who was running his 'pashtunistan' propaganda from Kabul radio, got his rear hannded to him under the leadership of Ayub Khan.

Daud never had a big support base among the people, his talk of pashtonistan was nothing but an ethno nationalist stupidity.
Yes , true,
ANP always disliked people of Hazara. ANP are racist to extreme, they dislike all Punjabi / Hinko speaking people.
I know this first hand. I studied in Peshawar university.
Hazara is there for centuries. and people of all faith and religion are there and their name still in tact, like Huripur, Manshera etc.
We are proud of being Hazarawal.

yar beleive it, not only we hazarawals hate anp but also some people from sawabi topi and majority from lucky marwat swat etc..... they all r against anp .... and as far as dera ismael khan is concerned it will be emerged with saraiki sooba if in case it split from punjab .... other else they will also be included in hazara .... becoz hazara represent them not anp .... i want to see pakistan united and strong ... but minorities should also be given their identity ... becoz all are pakistanies .... and making more sub provinces will not effect economy but it will split the difficulties in to different leaders and areas ... so we will also know who is hadharam corrupt .... so i am in favour of small provinces ..... long live pakistan :yahoo:
Silk route has been opened for traffic. There is a call for a massive rally at 12:00pm tomorrow.

The fact is that this protest is not going to die soon. People are very agitated. The Provincial and Federal governments must form a committee to assess whether the formation of more provinces is feasible or not at this time and date.

The wishes of the people should be given due consideration. Referendums should be held. The Government must take this matter seriously.


May Allah give wisdom to the politicians and if it is not the case than may Allah call the dirt back from the earth!
Referendum is the only solution to renaming issue: Imran Khan
By Umar Murtaza | 828 Views | Article Rating | Press Release, Islamabad, National [Click to print]

The Chairman PTI, Imran Khan, has expressed his deep regrets at the upsurge of violence in Hazara Division in opposition to the renaming of NWFP. Imran called on all political parties and groups to desist from exploiting this human tragedy for political purposes.

Instead, he called on the leaders of all parties to reconsider the whole issue of renaming of NWFP and find a more democratic means of resolving the issue while giving all the people a right to exercise their choice. In this context the only solution is to have a referendum on the renaming issue rather than through a forced tyranny of the majority in parliament.

Imran also condemned the constant back and forth policy of Mian Nawaz Sharif on this sensitive issue. Instead of taking a principled position he allowed personal temptation to overtake him and now he has done another about turn by raising the issue of the rights of the people of Hazara.

Another dangerous trend that is being politically fuelled at this critical juncture is the idea of more provinces. The issue is a heavily debated one and needs to be examined positively but this is not the time. The country is already being torn apart by a lack of security and challenges to the very existence of the common man. And basic survival issues need to be focused on at this time and place.

Imran Khan called on the political leadership to stop diverting from the real issues that are making the lives of ordinary people a living hell. Ever-spiraling prices of necessities, increasing load shedding in the face of increasing heat, food shortages and water deprivation are the issues that are pushing the masses to the edge and that are being ignored by the leaders of the day.

The PTI Chairman called on all political parties to come together to resolve these issues on an emergency basis, overcoming their petty interests and ambitions. This country has a vibrant civil society and abundant resources. It needs to overcome its leadership deficit so that the people can have their hopes realized in a democratic fashion.


NAM NEWS NETWORK Apr 15th, 2010
ISLAMABAD, April 14 (NNN-Xinhua) — Anger, violence and agitation are steaming out but still remained untamed on Wednesday, as the administration in the northwestern Pakistani city of Abbottabad has announced the release of arrested protesters on the 14th day of the riots that have killed at least seven people and left over 100 wounded.

“All arrested protesters are being released,” Pakistan’s Interior Minister Rehman Malik told reporters amid the demand to arrest and charge the area police chief and administration for roughing up protesters in the past two days.

The main Karakoram Highway on the traditional silk route is still blocked for the seventh day trapping hundreds of vehicles in the loop, as negotiations between the local administration and the protesters failed to bear fruits.

In a gesture of goodwill, the administration has replaced the divisional police chief and announced the withdrawal of Section- 144 that prohibits rallies, exhibition of arms.

While small groups of protesters are still on loose with tires burning and protester’s erected barricades keeping all main avenues of the city blocked and life still paralyzed.

The paramilitary Frontier Corps is on guard to cover the police that have become retaliatory target of irate protesters.

With Pakistani politicians attempting to gain mileage out of volcanic eruption of the renaming issue of North West Frontier Province as “Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa”, engaged in a blame game, the administration has shown flexibility to extinguish the inferno of charged sentiments in the Hindko language speaking Hazara division, the largest administrative unit in the Pushtun-dominant province of 20 million inhabitants.

Analysts believe that the political leaders, who are in a tug- of-war with each other over the non-Pushtun vote bank, are not in a position to roll back the demand for a separate Hazara province now, as the streets are ruled by mobs chanting this popular ” mantra.”

“The concerns of Hazara people will be addressed politically,” Malik told reporters, as deliberations on the 18th Constitutional Amendment package is on the second day in the Senate for formal approval after being passed by the National Assembly with a thumping majority last week.

Renaming the northwest province is the only irritant left unresolved and it can jeopardize the whole applecart because the ethnic Hazara that comprises some 30 percent in the Pushtun majority province refused to move an inch on their demand.

“Heirs of the victims of killing will be compensated,” declared the interior minister while giving another soothing gesture, saying that the government respects the desire of Hazara people.

Meanwhile, a second bomb blast took place on Tuesday evening in the Pakistani capital Islamabad, but no casualties have been reported so far, police said.

The blast happened at a girls’ college in G-10 sector of Islamabad, damaging a building as the windows have been shattered.

Police said the nature of the explosion is under investigation.

Earlier in the day, a bomb that was planted in a dustbin went off outside a boys’ school in H-8 sector of Islamabad, injuring no one. — NNN-XINHUA

Hazara will be a province with the grace of God Almighty, and I just want to say that we should also start our own TV channel so that we could promote our culture, language and our movement for a separate province. Some one having access to elders please tell them or to a person who has an aptitutude and capacibitility to start hazara channel. It is also a sacrifice for our nation.
Agree , We Have rich culture , Most beautiful scenes of Pakistan are In Hazara .
And Of course the Educated People .
Prosperity in Hazara will cause prosperous Pakistan.

Hazara Zindabad
Hazara Division is distinct in geography, culture, tradition, demography and history to former NWFP province. Renaming of NWFP as Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is ill justice for Hazara where majority population is not Pakhtun.
Hazara Division is distinct in geography, culture, tradition, demography and history to former NWFP province. Renaming of NWFP as Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is ill justice for Hazara where majority population is not Pakhtun.

They may not speak Pushto, but major tribes in Hazara have Pathan tribe ancestry.

Jadoon and Tareen both are tribes from Pushtun ancestry and have many sub clans.
Hazara Division is distinct in geography, culture, tradition, demography and history to former NWFP province. Renaming of NWFP as Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is ill justice for Hazara where majority population is not Pakhtun.

^ this tree shows only one branch goduns who live in Mardan and Hazara.

Secondly ... Hazara ppl majority speaks Hindko. This languange has not come from Pashto family.

Thirdly ... There is no "Khyber Pass" in Hazara. Historically only Gandhara civilization of this area used or adffected by Khyber Pass. Hazara area had more nexus with Kashmir.
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