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Motorway Police official & Army officers scuffle on the Motorway.

مجھے دشمن پولیس کو پھینٹی لگانا ہے:rofl::rofl:
The motorway police is required to wear a mic/ cellphone to record conversation with every chalan holder. That should be enough to decide who's the culprit.
did any action has been taken so far against those army persons ?
A year back Police officials stormed the house of an army officer and beat him and his brother in front of the entire family. They were sent by a politician whose kid was studying in the army officer's brother's school. This event was not at all highlighted on media. Not one headline.

Check this out:
View attachment 333869
This guy must have done something wrong, otherwise army officer would never do that...
Is the guy in the pic supposed be an army officer or his NCB? Because certainly doesn't look like an officer to me. Secondly who stopped army from pursuing this case in public? Do you think Gunja could out power Gen Raheel?
did any action has been taken so far against those army persons ?

The inquiry is not yet complete, but ISPR has promised justice. Let's see what is decided.
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What my chirya found
Respected sirs.. SSG offrs actual story from the brother of CO SSG bn.. Fol happened:-
- The two offrs were driving and crossed motorway police car. Must have driven rashly..
- The motorway police came infront of them, applied brakes and came and took out keys of the car.
- He told he is an Army offr so the guy said I have seen many like you and started abusing him and the Army. This SI Khattak, whoever he is, is relative of some general and he started beating and abusing and all.
- The second offr also was abused and beaten in the same time. Total manpower of motorway police was 7.
- 2IC from Attock fort went, who is one of the most mature offrs that I have personally met in life, and tried to resolve the issue, however, some manhandling happened from both sides during this period.
- CO and DIG were personally present when all were taken to Polics Station. However, it was decided to resolve the issue amicably at Attock Fort. (So all went there in supervision of DIg and CO Attock Fort). IG motorway police was in telephone contact with CO Attock fort during this period.
- The issue was resolved however, that same night CO Attock fort came to know that SI Khattak who was not even involved had launched an FIR personally against Army with all fabricated stories. This speaks very low of the indl and if NH&MP was involved in this (After resolving the issue in presence of DIG) then it amounts to shameful behaviour on part of that org and an attempt to malign the institution of Army.
- This SI Khattak sth was not even the one who was manhandled. He is just trying to get his 5 mins of Fame out of this issue and Bcoz the bastard's family has eaten their whole life from Army so now they want to shit in the same bartan. He is trying to become Abdullah Dewana in begaani Shadi.
- Therefore, please share this info to all Bcoz The info is correct and cfm from first hand source.
Ye babey pohnchey babay hain bachiya :D
@The Sandman
This is not the first case which is happening ...similar cases of Army officers trying to pull their ranks illegally has been observed in the past as well. I can tell you many such incidents ...remember the case of Major Arshad Jameel who once killed 9 people declaring them as terrorists just because of a personal feud? The same Major was then tried and hanged by General Janjua. Raheel works day and night to enhance the image of the armed forces ...but such brats throw it in the dirt because of their unruly attitude.
No one should be allowed to take law into their own hand. No matter how corrupt police is this is not the way it should have been handled, if police did something wrong they could have filed a complaint. Army guys calling for backup is wrong, what if at the same time police called back up? I know many will say how dare they, but it could have turned into something much worse. We can't have everyone acting like animals.
Weapons, hotheadedness and a feeling of being above the law by virtue of a uniform, no matter what kind, is a recipe for disaster. It is only a matter of time someone is shot or even killed. Behaving as a colonial occupying force or a colonial law agency 70 years after independence just shows the abysmal state of affairs of the State of Pakistan.
Lolz, do i need to mention US police harrasing people there? point you to the police torture and killings happening ALL THE TIME in USA or you yourself have realized that it was quite stupid to bash Pakistan in this matter. It was bound to back fire my friend. :) Let me know if any further explanations are STILL needed. :D
Dismal state of affairs indeed in USA after how many years of independence? :lol:

Or may i got it all wrong a d you were actually talking about US police. :undecided:

Motorway police officials in Attock Fort in officer's Mess with CO SSG, where all issues were resolved.

black sheep?bad apples? the whole damn tree of the police department is rotten.....these barely educated pieces of trash treat people like scum because there is no check and balance or judiciary for the common man........i am glad they got the thrashing....hell i will even buy the officers a cup of coffee too......the very sight of that black shirt fills me with rage and contempt and there's an overwhelming majority of fellow citizens that feel just like that........the police is beyond any kind of redemption....this mafia in disguise should be disbanded completely and a newer , better trained and educated service should be raised..
P.S: SF guys the world over have rash attitude so dont project it on the whole army as an institutional mindset
This is not the first case which is happening ...similar cases of Army officers trying to pull their ranks illegally has been observed in the past as well. I can tell you many such incidents ...remember the case of Major Arshad Jameel who once killed 9 people declaring them as terrorists just because of a personal feud? The same Major was then tried and hanged by General Janjua. Raheel works day and night to enhance the image of the armed forces ...but such brats throw it in the dirt because of their unruly attitude.

It is not just that such incidents happen with depressing periodicity. The utter lack of due process dispensing justice merely perpetuates the slow and steady erosion of the foundations of civil society, precious little of it left already. May be this time it will be different and justice will indeed be served?

Motorway police officials in Attock Fort in officer's Mess with CO SSG, where all issues were resolved.


The Inter-Services Public Relations described the incident as “sad” and said that an inquiry was being conducted into the matter.

According to police, Captain Qasim and Captain Danial were signalled to stop on Peshawar-Islamabad motorway near Attock on Saturday by a motorway patrol for alleged “reckless driving”. The two officials driving their private vehicles did not pay heed to the signal and sped away. The patrol team chased them and brought them to a halt.

The drama started as Capt Qasim alighted from his car pointing his pistol at the patrol party while Capt Danial made a phone call and sought help from a nearby army unit. Four vehicles carrying some 25 soldiers led by Maj Zafran arrived at the place and assaulted the policemen.

Later the army men took the policemen to Attock Fort where they were kept in “wrongful confinement” till intervention by higher police officials, police said.

“On the written complaint of Sub-Inspector Atif Khattak, an FIR has been registered under Sections 279, 186, 353, 506, 365, 342, 148 and 149 of the Pakistan Penal Code at Akora Khattak police station in Nowshera district,” an incident report by police said.

The charges relate to rash driving, obstructing a public servant in discharge of his duty, assault on a public servant, criminal intimidation and threatening to cause death or grievous hurt, kidnapping and rioting while armed with a deadly weapon. Most of the charges are non-bailable offences.

The military has not come up with its account of the incident.

The incident sparked a massive public outrage soon after it became public on Sunday afternoon, with social media getting flooded with thousands of postings asking for strong disciplinary action against the officers and soldiers involved in it.

The row has tarnished the military’s public image which it is desperately trying to improve.

A military official said that an investigation had just started and it would look into different aspects of the incident, including provocative factors. “There has been a history of harassment by motorway police at the section of the motorway where the incident took place,” he added.

Investigations into incidents involving military officers are seldom made public.

Last December, Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf Senator Nauman Wazir was humiliated by military personnel at a check-post near Nowshera.

On Senate Chairman Raza Rabbani’s intervention, Army Chief Gen Raheel Sharif had promised to order an inquiry into the incident and share the findings with him. But nothing was heard about it afterwards.

Meanwhile, police are conducting an investigation into the latest incident.

Published in Dawn September 13th, 2016
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