Not wanting to be elitist, but one can sense/make out a product of a gora teacher. Sadly they've all gone now. They are an institution. A part of our history which will now be forgotten by all except those who studied under them. In our ultra nationalist Islamist and Sanghi environments, living and respecting your gora sir/father/brother is equivalent to being a gaddar angrez ka choocha.
Yep they were all legends, the most distinguished characteristic........ them being selfless, not doing it for any incentive but for their own personal satisfaction.
P.S. Yes their canes were legendary. Different lengths and thickness for different degrees of Ch*yapa done. All on top of the cupboard.
No instructions or questions needed to be asked when you were called in. You just bent forward to touch your toes and waited for the sting! Lol
Then showed off the wheal to your friends like a medal of honour for the next week till it began to fade.
We used to call it getting beating on PP ... proper place
Good old days. Na fiker na faka ............ with our house master we used to wear thick note books in our undies till one day one of us fools was caught making fun of how housemaster didn't realise it. Yep after that incident we would go through a frisking routine at hands of house bearer before bending to get the fair share of our beating quota.