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Mosul Consulate Hostage Crisis (Update: All Hostages Have Been Freed)

Where the heck do you take this out? ISIL have taken half of syria and Iraq under terror Grip.
Bit yeah i understand you are another confused Pakistani Sunni..Who cant digest the concept of SUNNI TERRORISM fulfilling western Propegenda.
They are all Saudi Puppets not Maliki and Bashaar.
But this conspiracy syndrome has plagued our Country thays why we are suffering so much. We cannot Even understand simple thing without adding a pinch of Conspiracy to it.
Believe me bro it is not mendatory for a sunni to blindly support all these Bastard Terrorists and there true supporters. Accept what is truth. All Sunni Terrorist Networks in Middle east are pawns of West and Israel.And All shia nexus Iran Syria Lebnon are threat to Israel and USA in this area. I am sunni and i have no shame accepting the truth.
Dude you're contradicting yourself.
Are you still claiming these scumbags are fighting for 'Sunni rights' in Iraq?

They have also stolen $480M from Mosul central bank and driven thousands of people out of their homes. These animals are everything but champions of religious minority rights.

@Hazzy997 is right in this case. The truth is that sunni arab people of Iraq, are favoring ISIS to Maliki.

Are you kidding me? :o: Where did you heard this?
It is already reported in multiple news media, not only one, that they are using the new captured Mil helicopters around Mosul area. :lol:
The group has invaded syria, crossed the border walked onto Musul in months and then raided the embassy; If they were not prepared for this raid during those months, then what were they doing untill that raid?

I even do not want to explain this humiliation and their ignorance.

Their faults even do not deserve to be talked about...pure idiocity.
Well, nobody expected the Iraqi army taking off their uniforms and running like chicken.
Well, nobody expected the Iraqi army taking off their uniforms and running like chicken.
The reason is the stupid structure of the Iraq army. These low-IQ idiots were stationing army members close to their home cities, in a tribal country like Iraq. So its obvious that the army member in the city, would not fight with the rebel from his own tribe. They are really bunch of morons.
Based on the info @atatwolf and @Sinan shared Turkey can take control of mosul. Is this a realistic option?

atawolf i deleted your comment so that the thread doesn't get messed up.
@Hazzy997 is right in this case. The truth is that sunni arab people of Iraq, are favoring ISIS to Maliki.

Well obviously Shias do not favor them and if Sunnis prefer them to the government, then they deserve what's going on in their cities right? After all, this is what they've asked for, now hundreds of thousands of people are driven out of their homes.

I don't agree that majority of Sunnis prefer them to the government, however they may act passively about them, meaning they neither fight them nor fight for them. Because they neither sympathize with government nor like ISIS terrorists, hence they only run for their lives. I truly hope this isn't the majority of Iraqi Sunnis want. Indeed, there is a minority who may support ISIS and even in army ranks there are those who have betrayed.
Based on the info @atatwolf and @Sinan shared Turkey can take control of mosul. Is this a realistic option?

atawolf i deleted your comment so that the thread doesn't get messed up.
After refendum yes, but I think Turkey will get a lot a shit for it. All energy sources are there. Who would want to see energized Turkish economy?
Based on the info @atatwolf and @Sinan shared Turkey can take control of mosul. Is this a realistic option?

atawolf i deleted your comment so that the thread doesn't get messed up.

I think, now its a need to do so for the security of Iraqi turks. Turkey needs to show its army strength, and show that who is the boss, otherwise, the KRG baboons, in addition to ISIS baboons, will get more bold as well. BTW, turkmen regions have oil, ... as well ;)
In this step, a full scale military operation may not be needed, but showing a bit teeth is not a bad idea ;)
Turkish Military would wipe these nut jobs out pretty quickly if you ask me but it cant do much to prevent any retaliatory terror attacks like suicide bombings etc. Well they could stop some but not all. Imagine if ISIL detonated bombs in Istanbul. Tourism would go down the drain, foreign investments gone.
Based on the info @atatwolf and @Sinan shared Turkey can take control of mosul. Is this a realistic option?

atawolf i deleted your comment so that the thread doesn't get messed up.

Turkey has the power ? A: Yes
Turkey has the legal ground ? A: Maybe, that treaty is disputed.
Turkey has the political will ? A: No
Is it a realistic option ? No
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