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Mosul Consulate Hostage Crisis (Update: All Hostages Have Been Freed)

ISIL is the exact same ideology as TTP

they believe Turkey is murtad kafir helper of kufr

they have beheaded turks in the past, and they will not hesitate to do it again in Iraq, just as they do in Pakistan

ISIL is the partner of Maliki and Bashaar. They use it to control Sunni areas in Syria and Iraq. TTP is used by the west and enemies of Islam to damage Pakistan and Afghanistan

Wait wait! Maliki and Bashaar are shias, iSIL is sunni. Its al-qaeda and TTP ideology and all as u know are inspired by our Saudi jaahil ideology
-FSA mean is people of Syria (Sunni, Alevi and Nusayri sections) supported by Turkey and UN

-ISIL mean is Sunni terrorists group (founded in Iraq when USA invade there)

-El-Nusra mean is collection group (jihadist people coming from other countries, Sunnis)

-Hezbullah mean is Shia terrorists supported by Iran

-El-Kaide (Sunni) founded in Afghanistan by USA against Russia in 1988 and they are still active, also which is doing cooperation with another terrorists group in the world.

-Shebbiha mean is militia group of Nusayris which supported by Esad (Nusayris, Alevis and Shia close each other as a section)

I hope it is clear now...

So Turkey only supporting FSA against regime with UN.
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1- Where the hell was the consulate's National Police SOF guard platoon?

2- Why they did not engaged on them? Who ordered them to hold fire?

3- It says the EVAC was already begun? Where the hell is the Land Forces and the Air Force?
1- Where the hell was the consulate's National Police SOF guard platoon?

2- Why they did not engaged on them? Who ordered them to hold fire?
They wouldn't make a chance. Also there were children inside the building.

3- It says the EVAC was already begun? Where the hell is the Land Forces and the Air Force?
Land force would be to slow to reach mosul. Air force doesn't have a devastating effect to the outcome in such battles.
Some sources says Consulate guards are taken captive as well, We should make a list of disgraces our country received in the recent days.

What the hell was children doing inside of the consulate ? thats another idiocy, everybody was evacuating city but these idiots were keeping children inside ?
Im sorry to say but we look like pushovers recently. Too many stupid things to list. What has been happening lately doesn't reflect our history, and cultural values that advocate harsh responses to provocations. But its still to early to tell what response will be taken.We should have evacuated the embassy earlier. Probably negotiations only because thats the only solution that I can see right now unless we want the hostages to get killed. Any military option would involve thousands of troops,in the long term because we would now be engaged with ISIL.

Its the fault of the iraqi security forces for this incident. Looks we have to take things into our own hands but I dont think we will do so.
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Some sources says Consulate guards are taken captive as well, We should make a list of disgraces our country received in the recent days.

What the hell was children doing inside of the consulate ? thats another idiocy, everybody was evacuating city but these idiots were keeping children inside ?
There were three children, probably children of the staff.

The total of Turks captured is 48. If they engaged ISIL. It would be 48 (including children) verus 900 ISIL.

Im sorry to say but we look like pushovers recently. Too many stupid things to list. What has been happening lately doesn't reflect our history, and cultural values that advocate harsh responses to provocations.

Its the fault of the iraqi security forces for this incident. Looks we have to take things into our own hands but I dont think we will do so. Maybe negotiations or something.
I wouldn't say push over. We didn't loose any wars but acting so passive means they don't take Turkish retaliation serious. For example even Syria just shot our plane down and we didn't do anything serious. Why would ISIL not do something to us if they know we are passive?
1- Where the hell was the consulate's National Police SOF guard platoon?

2- Why they did not engaged on them? Who ordered them to hold fire?

3- It says the EVAC was already begun? Where the hell is the Land Forces and the Air Force?

ISIL rebels raid Turkish consulate in Mosul-UPDATED


Rebels from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) who captured the northern Iraqi city of Mosul yesterday have raided the Turkish consulate.
World Bulletin / News Desk

Rebels from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) who captured the northern Iraqi city of Mosul yesterday have raided the Turkish consulate.

Early reports state that ISIL rebels lowered the Turkish flag from the consulate after taking 42 Turks hostage, including two children and three women.

They were then taken to the ISIL base in Mosul's 17 July district.

The 40 special forces police guarding the consulate were no match for the ISIL, who raided the building with 900 men.

Turkey's envoy to Mosul, Ozturk Yilmaz, was reportedly kidnapped after being taken hostage along with other diplomats.

Ozturk Yilmaz had previously survived bomb attacks on his convoy in September 2013 and another one last month.

Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan held an emergency meeting with the Undersecretary of Turkey's National Intelligence Agency (MIT) and Deputy Prime Minister Besir Atalay to discuss the developments, Turkish media reported.

The seizure of the consulate comes a day after 28 Turkish truck drivers were abducted by ISIL militants while delivering diesel to a power plant in Mosul.

Some sources says Consulate guards are taken captive as well, We should make a list of disgraces our country received in the recent days.

What the hell was children doing inside of the consulate ? thats another idiocy, everybody was evacuating city but these idiots were keeping children inside ?
They probably figured that the best place to keep the kids was the embassy. Probably just family of the staff.
Some sources says Consulate guards are taken captive as well, We should make a list of disgraces our country received in the recent days.

What the hell was children doing inside of the consulate ? thats another idiocy, everybody was evacuating city but these idiots were keeping children inside ?
That would be a book with many chapters.
They probably figured that the best place to keep the kids was the embassy. Probably just family of the staff.
That is a dumb mistake that they made. ISIL is not a country that has to respect international law. They are just ragtag of terrorist. They wanted to desecrate Turkish tomb in Syria. I hope they won't do something bad with captured people :/ I think they won't since ISIL doesn't want another front.
So now we have nearly 100 Turks held hostage in Iraq. If we mount any operation the ISIL will probably kill these guys before we could even rescue them so I guess negotiations are the only short term solution in the long term however military action may be needed against these guys but then they would be using suicide bombers in Turkey. EIther way we are in a mess.

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