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Mosul Consulate Hostage Crisis (Update: All Hostages Have Been Freed)

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has expressed concern about the situation of Turkmens after Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) militants extended their offensive to Mosul’s Telafer district in northern Iraq, where many Turkmens live.

“The developments in Telafer are something that cannot be underestimated. As is known, Telafer is an area mainly inhabited by Turkmens. Almost half of the Turkmens there are Sunni, but the other half are Shia,” Erdoğan said during a rally in the Black Sea province of Trabzon on June 16.

The prime minister also warned against a sectarian war in Iraq. “This issue has gone beyond a matter of ISIL elements. The offensive could go sectarian clashes, maybe to sectarian war,” Erdoğan stated.

His statement came a few hours after the Foreign Ministry issued a warning about sectarian clashes in Iraq.

The prime minister also announced that he would hold another extraordinary meeting after returning to Ankara. “We will decide what kind of steps we will make in the meeting after returning [to Ankara],” Erdoğan said.

At least five Turkmens, including women and children, were killed after ISIL launched a mortar fire attack in the Telafer district in June 15, Anadolu Agency has reported.

Around 5,000 Turkmens are believed to live in Telafer, where security is assured by a local police force.

Threat to Turkmen area near Mosul ‘not to be underestimated,’ PM Erdoğan warns - DIPLOMACY
I hate it how they everytime say Turkmen when it comes to Ottoman turks living outside Turkey.. if kerkuk or other place would have been turkey they would never say turkmen, neve!r they would only write türk!

they just use the name Turkmen for "oh look these are Turkmen not Türk" so it sounds different they do not have to deal with it and its not their problem.. and everything is fine..
Iraqi Turkmens arming for self-defense

Feeling threatened by the extending control of Kurdish peshmerga forces in Kirkuk, Iraqi Turkmens have begun to arm themselves, a prominent representative of the ethnic group has said, as the country finds itself dragged into further turmoil.

“We are definitely determined to establish an armed force. People are obliged to defend themselves,” Erşad Salihi, the leader of the Iraqi Turkmen Front (ITC), told daily Hürriyet.

“All other groups have militia forces. We are facing difficulties as we don’t have weapons. The central government’s weapons go to our Shiite brothers. The Sunnis and the Kurds are already armed,” Salihi added.

Following the seizure by Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) militants of the Iraqi province of Mosul last week, Iraqi security forces retreated and left Kirkuk to Kurdish militants.

According to a deal reached between Iraqi defense and interior ministries and the Kurdish Regional Government (KRG), peshmarga will step in when the central government’s army fails to fulfil its duties, and this deal is the legal basis for the increasing peshmarga presence across northern Iraq.
The Kurdistan flag is now waving at a vast former U.S. military camp surrounded with concrete blocks as you enter Kirkuk, and it is clear that the Iraqi army is “out” while the Kurdish peshmarga forces are “in.”

Constabulary forces made up of Turkmen, Arab and Kurdish police officers are not totally absent from
the streets, but the only military power now is the peshmerga.

“We definitely don’t see Kirkuk as a part of the Kurdish region,” said Salihi, expressing his annoyance at the possibility of Kurdish authority becoming permanent.

“If there is a fait accompli, this will be against us. If a temporary situation becomes permanent, this would be a serious disturbance issue,” he added.

“Our people have expectations and we won’t accept such fait accompli politics. Our message to our brothers in northern Iraq [is that] we have always lived here together; we should remain in control all together,” Salihi said.

Salihi also rejected claims that Turkmen militants are fighting as part of the peshmerga forces. “There is no such thing. Those people who are there to earn their living are like mercenaries,” he said.
He also expressed resentment that Turkey was “not supporting Iraqi Turkmens enough.”

“Turkey should have been closer to the Turkmens. Turkey stood at an equal distance from everyone, but we should have been supported more. Turkmens cannot live here for one minute without Turkey’s moral force,” he said.

Salihi also claimed that political groups in Iraq seemed like they had agreed to divide Iraq into Sunni, Shiite and Kurdish regions, saying the “clues” have been clear for the past few years.

He said Iraqi Turkmens have always been siding with “stability” in Syria as they “knew the war would affect Iraq.” “Now, it has spilled over to Iraq and it threatens Turkmens the most,” he said, adding that all developments in the region should be seen as being related.

i will be surprised if Turkey and our Turkmen bros can get even 1 benefit from this conflict... olan bize oluyor yine.

Iraqi Turkmens arming for self-defense - MIDEAST
Turkey alwys says Turkmen in Iraq Turkmen in Syyria BLA BLA


if these "Turkmens" had lived in Turkey no one would call them Turkmen even they themselfes would say that they are TURK/Turkish everytime when it is about responsibility our Politicans and Media try to flee.. they say Turkmen so it sounds different and the average citizen won't recognize it..

they should have armed them after Iraq had fallen to US.. even if then arming was no option they should have trained them..

but now there is no time for training no time for weapons..
Turkey alwys says Turkmen in Iraq Turkmen in Syyria BLA BLA


if these "Turkmens" had lived in Turkey no one would call them Turkmen even they themselfes would say that they are TURK/Turkish everytime when it is about responsibility our Politicans and Media try to flee.. they say Turkmen so it sounds different and the average citizen won't recognize it..

they should have armed them after Iraq had fallen to US.. even if then arming was no option they should have trained them..

but now there is no time for training no time for weapons..
We(Erdogan) as a country dont care about Turks in need of help,if they would be Arabs we would help.
I cannot quote the system says there is a link and I cannot post links :coffee:

that not true even the others would't help. for excample when did a turkish president or prime minister ever go to the uyghurs in china ? .

no one cares really. thats the bad thing

when it comes to arabs he just would do a great speach but nothing more.
ld't help. for excample when did a turkish president or prime minister ever go to the uyghurs in china ? .
no one cares really. thats the bad thing
I cannot quote the system says there is a link and I cannot post links :coffee:

that not true even the others would't help. for excample when did a turkish president or prime minister ever go to the uyghurs in china ? .

no one cares really. thats the bad thing

when it comes to arabs he just would do a great speach but nothing more.
I dont understand what you are trying to mean but Erdoğan did go to Uyghur areas and met with people there plus Abdullah Gül went to Tebriz first before Tehran and we do have a consulate in Tebriz. But also Americans try to play their game over Uyghur people by trying to clash them with chinese and looking at the numbers and power thats a really bad idea, Erdoğan does what he could for Uyghurs, lately he brought some kids of Uyghur family who escaped china not to be executed
I cannot quote the system says there is a link and I cannot post links :coffee:

that not true even the others would't help. for excample when did a turkish president or prime minister ever go to the uyghurs in china ? .

no one cares really. thats the bad thing

when it comes to arabs he just would do a great speach but nothing more.
It's true that Erdogan went to East Turkestan earlier. Im sure you can find videos on youtube if you search 'Erdogan Uygur/Turkistan' etc. Even Ismail YK went there to give a concert lmao. all of these are good signs, but imo Turkish govt still should allow Turkics to enter Turkey easier than other nationalities, because Turkey is their home too. We're really lucky that current leaders of Kazakhstan and Azerbaijian are loud pro-Turkics, otherwise we really wouldn't hear much about it at all..
I dont understand what you are trying to mean but Erdoğan did go to Uyghur areas and met with people there plus Abdullah Gül went to Tebriz first before Tehran and we do have a consulate in Tebriz. But also Americans try to play their game over Uyghur people by trying to clash them with chinese and looking at the numbers and power thats a really bad idea, Erdoğan does what he could for Uyghurs, lately he brought some kids of Uyghur family who escaped china not to be executed

It's true that Erdogan went to East Turkestan earlier. Im sure you can find videos on youtube if you search 'Erdogan Uygur/Turkistan' etc. Even Ismail YK went there to give a concert lmao. all of these are good signs, but imo Turkish govt still should allow Turkics to enter Turkey easier than other nationalities, because Turkey is their home too. We're really lucky that current leaders of Kazakhstan and Azerbaijian are loud pro-Turkics, otherwise we really wouldn't hear much about it at all..

it doesn't mean sh!t if you won't let uyghur refugees enter your country; instead you keep them in unsanitary conditions in the airport for weeks. only after it went public they allowed them to enter turkey. i'm sure you remember those news. also, what happened to some 300 uyghurs detained in thailand. they begged help from turkey. when the issue is arabs, erdo&co. let them in and treats them in hospitals, gives them residence etc.
sidenote: don't play that muricans use uyghurs agains china crap. its no better than israel is behind every protest in turkey crap. uyghur movement is ethnic movement agains sinisization of eastern turkestan.

edit: sorry for off-topic.

While Isıs has 100 Turkish hostages.... it is impossible.

1-) Either we will send humanitarian supplies to Turkmens and wait for Isid to release our hostages.
2-) We can conduct a night raid with Blackhawks and Cobras, deploy Maroon Barets and grab our hostages. Afterwards we can deploy TAF to protect Turkmen cities from terrorists.

Second option is risky, we might suffer casualties from hostages during the operation and Erdogan can't explain himself if that happens. This option can get into motion only if Isis starts execute, our people.
While Isıs has 100 Turkish hostages.... it is impossible.

1-) Either we will send humanitarian supplies to Turkmens and wait for Isid to release our hostages.
2-) We can conduct a night raid with Blackhawks and Cobras, deploy Maroon Barets and grab our hostages. Afterwards we can deploy TAF to protect Turkmen cities from terrorists.

Second option is risky, we might suffer casualties from hostages during the operation and Erdogan can't explain himself if that happens. This option can get into motion only if Isis starts execute, our people.

I said just that previously, however show of force doesn't necessarily mean bombing or conducting operations. TSK-TURAF can conduct large scale training and make sure all training is a press event.

Erdogan wouldn't dare conduct any operation without NATO support.
I said just that previously, however show of force doesn't necessarily mean bombing or conducting operations. TSK-TURAF can conduct large scale training and make sure all training is a press event.

Mate, government is even telling journalists to not post news that would provoke the terrorists and you are saying we should conduct a training... not possible till we get our people back.

Erdogan wouldn't dare conduct any operation without NATO support.

NATO is not involving in this incident. We can go in strike and get out, nobody can tell a damn thing. Maliki wouldn't mind either.
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Mate, government is even telling journalists to not post news that would provoke the terrorists and you are saying we should conduct a training... not possile till we get our people back.

NATO is not involving in this incident. We can go in strike and get out, nobody can tell a damn thing. Maliki wouldn't mind either.

A large 'show of force' training should be conducted. Not the mini-scale tank maneuvers we saw previously earlier in the year. I don't see how training is provocation.

Like I said.. Erdogan will not dare to conduct any operation without NATO support.
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