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Most shameful act of terrorist.(in the name of Islam?)


May 21, 2006
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Just on TV, sucide attack on childern school bus, injured 15 childern in Kamra.
Suicide bomber strikes bus carrying children at Pakistan military base, at least 5 wounded

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: A suicide bomber struck a bus carrying schoolchildren Monday at a military base in northwestern Pakistan, wounding at least five of the children, an army spokesman said.

The attack occurred at the army's base at Kamra, and the wounded children were being transported to a hospital, Maj. Gen. Arshad Waheed said.

"This barbaric attack shows how cruel the terrorists are," he said, adding that the bus driver and a guard also were injured.

Pakistan, a key ally of the United States in its war on terror, has witnessed scores of terrorist attacks that have claimed hundreds of lives in the past several years.

The latest attack came a day after a suicide bomber rammed an explosives-laden car into a police outpost Sunday, killing four people and wounding several others, in Pakistan's Swat valley, the site of a military operation against Islamic militants loyal to a fugitive cleric

The attack occurred after the commander of military operations in Swat said his forces had cleared the valley of insurgents, a military spokesman said.

Militants this summer seized tracts of the area, a former tourist destination 160 kilometers (100 miles) from the capital, Islamabad. On Saturday, the army announced that government troops had retaken all the towns seized by the militants, killing 290 of them and capturing 140.

Suicide bomber strikes bus carrying children at Pakistan military base, at least 5 wounded - International Herald Tribune

This is despicable!!
Children.. :tsk: :tsk:
I am at a loss for words to describe this act. I hope all of these followers of Satan rot in hell.
The only thing we need to understand that what these elements who are misguided by few sick minded persons are playing in the hands of our enemies.
The same enemy is trying to create haterd against the only organized institution in Pakistan i.e Forces.

i will again say every country has a centre of gravity which if weakend that country will become weakest.

for example China's workforce is its center of gravity if this workforce is weakend China will start collapsing.
Similiarly democracy (no matter whatever kind it is) is the centre of gravity for India if its weakened India will become weak.
Pakistani forces are the center of gravity and if they are weakend Pakistan will face problem.
Hence recently we had seen a worldwide propoganda being carried out against Pakistani forces which unfortunatly has also find some support from our own people.
these attacks on armed forces both army and airforce peronnel are also part of the wider conspiracy by our enemies with no doubt using our own people in these attacks by exploiting their sentiments.
How on earth can anybody do this to innocent children in the name of Islam. These guys are pythetic. I am sure these bombers will burn in hell forever.
What kind of misguidedness is this? I dont think so. Any sane person or even a ***** would know that no purpose would be fullfilled attacking a school bus full of children. No pakistani would do so not matter how fucked up he/she is. For sure external hand is involved in this.
Jana JI, I think that it is time we call a spade a spade - people who commit acts like these are not misguided rather they are evil criminals and terrorists- they are not children, but mature adults, who are making the decision to commit these crimes of sound mind. No one is putting a gun to their head.

While the support of some locals in the Tribal areas for the Taliban etc. could be considered "misguided" and under threat of coercion, people who commit such acts should most definately not be considered such.

Considering the casualties from previous car bombings, it is indeed a miracle that no one died. God's little angels indeed....
Jana JI, I think that it is time we call a spade a spade - people who commit acts like these are not misguided rather they are evil criminals and terrorists- they are not children, but mature adults, who are making the decision to commit these crimes of sound mind. No one is putting a gun to their head.

While the support of some locals in the Tribal areas for the Taliban etc. could be considered "misguided" and under threat of coercion, people who commit such acts should most definately not be considered such.

Considering the casualties from previous car bombings, it is indeed a miracle that no one died. God's little angels indeed....

i am saying the same dear.

No sane and no real Momin can do that its for sure.

as far the word misguided there are people who are being lured into such shamful acts. mostly teen age boys if you had noticed all these suicide acts carried by mostly too much young boys who either lost their very close blood relatives or had been lured in the name of religion.

As far Taliban i must say there is wide different between who are fighing against the foreign powers and those who are from Al-qaeda.
The only thing we need to understand that what these elements who are misguided by few sick minded persons are playing in the hands of our enemies.
The same enemy is trying to create haterd against the only organized institution in Pakistan i.e Forces.

i will again say every country has a centre of gravity which if weakend that country will become weakest.

for example China's workforce is its center of gravity if this workforce is weakend China will start collapsing.
Similiarly democracy (no matter whatever kind it is) is the centre of gravity for India if its weakened India will become weak.
Pakistani forces are the center of gravity and if they are weakend Pakistan will face problem.
Hence recently we had seen a worldwide propoganda being carried out against Pakistani forces which unfortunatly has also find some support from our own people.
these attacks on armed forces both army and airforce peronnel are also part of the wider conspiracy by our enemies with no doubt using our own people in these attacks by exploiting their sentiments.

totally agreed as i posted in one of my post that there is an out side connection what we need to do is to get to the end of this racket which is exploiting the local youth's solely as pawns who might think they are going in on a religious ground instead are actually ending up playing in at the hands of the sinister game plan of CIA, RAW, mosad & M16. regarding their recent interest with Pakistan's nuclear capabilities we need to see the bigger picture here and will have to make the locals understand of this conspiracy an the importance of this issue specially when it comes to Pakistan's security its necessary.
totally agreed as i posted in one of my post that there is an out side connection what we need to do is to get to the end of this racket which is exploiting the local youth's solely as pawns who might think they are going in on religious grounds but the are actually playing in the hands of the CIA, mos sad RAW m16. we need to get to the big picture and will have to make the locals understand of this conspiracy we have to see the bigger picture of this issue its necessary.

why is most in pakistan insist on blaming any body but the real culprits.sooner or later all will have to face the music.
why is most in pakistan insist on blaming any body but the real culprits.sooner or later all will have to face the music.

I don't know man but it really gets to me.

I'm sure it has something to do with the 'religious' claims these extremist groups make.

I've noticed very few Pakistanis are independent minded when it comes to religion. They seem to follow other pakis with the "dont question this" or "islam is truth cus of xxx and ur brainwashed by the west". bla bla bla

Out of all my family in my age group just me and 1 of my first cousins don't follow the rest when it comes to political/religious views. And amongst my uncles there's only one. My dad being another one.

Actually thinking of it my arab mates also have the same dont question islam mentality. So I think it might just be a muslim problem.
i am saying the same dear.
No you aren't. Your earlier response in no shape or form reflects Agnostic Muslim's sentiments from post #7.

Jana said:
The only thing we need to understand that what these elements who are misguided by few sick minded persons are playing in the hands of our enemies.
The same enemy is trying to create haterd against the only organized institution in Pakistan i.e Forces...

Hence recently we had seen a worldwide propoganda being carried out against Pakistani forces which unfortunatly has also find some support from our own people.
these attacks on armed forces both army and airforce peronnel are also part of the wider conspiracy by our enemies with no doubt using our own people in these attacks by exploiting their sentiments.
This is utter nonsense. There are no "enemies" engaged in a "grand conspiracy" to destroy Pakistan by using religiomaniac suicide bombers. No foreign power cares enough about Pakistan to go through all this crap; history in fact shows that people are far more eager to abandon Pakistan rather than engage it (even negatively). On the other hand, there are very few people around the world who have embraced Islamist religiomania as well as Pakistan of yesteryear.

The horrid violence that you see here is a culmination of poorly formulated policies and miscalculations made by the leaders of Pakistan over the course of decades. It's just that your perspective has now changed. For years when the same acts were committed against others these characters were considered heroes, but now they are vilified because the innocent civilians/children are Pakistanis themselves.

What your post does is essentially serve as a cop out, designed to lay blame upon some non existent phantom menace thereby eliminating any chance of introspection; which actually happens to be the only true path of salvation in this case.

I urge you to re-read and make an attempt to truly comprehend what Agnostic Muslim is saying.
I big sigh of relief to hear no serious casualties, Allah has saved his angels and he will bring them back to health. I wish, I was their to extend my support to the families. I expect, whole nation should show there support to the parents.
Responsible bastards must be punished publicly.

I find it hard to believe that any (known) Islamic militant group can be responsible or any individual hardliner Islamist doing it. Yet, we wait who claims the shame.
I see it this way that it is an attempt to control the direction of Pakistan army’s reaction on war on terror to there advantage or some thing else, some thing very irrational.
It clearly is an attempt to force PA strategy on war on terror.
It may also be an attempt in anticipation that PA will change the proportion of soldiers from borders to places like Swat or FATA.
It may also be an attempt to postpone the date of emergency lifting to prove some point against P. Musharraf.
Any way this should be explored from all different angles.

I request, web master to organize addresses or email of the families enabling us to share our concerns and prays.
@BATMAN, thats nice thought about supporting the families. Its time to show open support of terrorist victims. Otherwise they will drag down the whole society into the ***** of extremism.
If WEBBY can do.

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