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Most French people think Islam is incompatible with nation's values: PM

@That Guy @third eye
If you want to bury an issue, tehn don't highlight it...repetition enters our mind slowly but surely..
what if we stop discussing Kashmir, people will forget about it.. smae goes with racism. Plus issue of Bjaghat Singh, is not mentioned in Pakistan Punjab, despite he was hero & born here. So its just like, he & his struggle don't exist for Pakistanis
I am not saying, that we turn a blind eye to issue (terrorism).. but point is Western media just blame Muslims for entire cause of terrorism, despite, western powers always toppled regimes, supplied weapons to rebels, etc etc for more control.
I disagree. While it would be nice, the only thing that's required is that they follow the law and are productive members of society. Their personal beliefs are no concern of the government or society at large.

Not exactly.Living in a modern society requires accepting that women are equal to men,some of your fellow co-religionists can leave the religion without persecution,inter faith marriages,etc.

But that's all they show. When was the last time they showed anything positive about Muslims that was front page?

There are plenty of articles and studies about the prevalent attitude within muslim societies and people.And that attitude is one of hostility against non muslims,it goes beyond the criminal peripheral elements and it can be traced to the religion itself which sees itself preceding human laws.The religion must be reformed or coexistence can't happen.Ignoring this and simply asking that muslims should be accepted as they are today is asking the rest of us to surrender while the other side doesn't give anything in return.
When was the last time they showed anything positive about Muslims that was front page?

What acts do you suggest that ought to have been front page stuff but weren't.

I disagree. While it would be nice, the only thing that's required is that they follow the law and are productive members of society. Their personal beliefs are no concern of the government or society at large.

Personal beliefs are what determine a persons actions.

It was the personal beliefs that led to some Gents flying two planes into towers in NY.

It is personal beliefs that create suicide bombers or mass killers ( in any religion)

Therefore if given a chance a nation would not want those with strong beliefs in a nation that does not have them.
Franc is not the property or colony of India who are you? the small bacteria of large population of India.
France is not the property of India,it is also not the property of Middle East or any other country. If u want to settle in France,u have to follow the rules and regulations prevailing in that country,otherwise be prepared to pack yr bags and leave that country. IN Saudi Arab,even Non Muslim women are told to wear Burqa.
France is not the property of India,it is also not the property of Middle East or any other country. If u want to settle in France,u have to follow the rules and regulations prevailing in that country,otherwise be prepared to pack yr bags and leave that country. IN Saudi Arab,even Non Muslim women are told to wear Burqa.
I agree with you in this matter but burqa and religious activity is personal problems of the individuals.If i catch a Sikh with his sward and say him that it is not according to our law of Pakistan is it right?
France is an intolerant country that will soon become irrelevant in the world so who would care anymore then?

Sure ! A country that is the 6th economic power (When you see that a 66 million nation creates more wealth each years that more populated and bigger countries!),that is a P5 member,that has the second biggest EEZ in the world,that has the second biggest diplomatic network in the world after the US,that is the most visited nation,that is a cultural power.... that possesses nuclear weapons,i could go fo hours,would become irrelevant ? Who would become relevant ? Bangladesh ? Let me laugh.

Recent increases in French emigration rates especially in the fortunate end of society are testament to a fact that people are uneasy with increase in Muslim population, and recent bombings have further validated their point of view. Is this point of view is fair or not is totally different argument altogether? People are afraid of saying things due to political correctness and them being labelled racist.

Sorry,but riches leaving because of immigration,is pretty a bad excuse.
Nothing to do with the heavy taxes imposed on them by the socialist government ?

Hilarious how the butthurt brigade storms these threads calling France irelevant,"christian bigots" (altough France is highly secular and Catolicism was heavily persecuted,they have gay marriage,etc).
Yes,yes,the desert caliphate is very important to the world,not France.Does the caliphate produce a jet engine ? :)))

These people just hate the western nations (even if some of them love to live here...),soon they will claim Lesotho will be more relevant than the European Union. But throw them visas and they would kill each others to claim them.

@flamer84 As always,most people here use the excuse "You invaded them,so they invade you".
Tell that to Germany,Sweden,Austria,Hungary,Greece,Netherlands,Belgium...

This is just a BS excuse,the only thing these people want isn't even safety,but to benefit from the welfare state!
Social expenditure (of % of the GDP) is way higher in Europe.
Manuel Valls also revived the controversial topic of Islamic head coverings, calling for the headscarf to be banned in French universitites


French PM Manuel Valls during a ministerial meeting on Equality and Citizenship on 13 April (AFP)

Most French people believe that Islam is incompatible with the values of the country at large, the French prime minister claimed on Wednesday.

“Secularism is in our DNA,” Manuel Valls told French daily Liberation, saying that he believes in the “universal values” of France.

“The Republic [of France] was founded in opposition to the power of the Catholic church," he said. “Today, secularism is facing the rise of radical Islam, but also the place of Islam [in general] in our societies."

“I wish we were able to demonstrate that Islam, the second religion in France, is compatible with the Republic, democracy, our values and equality between men and women. A majority of our citizens doubt it," he added.

During the lengthy interview Valls also called for Islamic headscarves to be banned at universities in France.

Asked whether he would support a ban on the headscarf – not just the face covering – worn by some Muslim women at university, Valls replied that “it should be done”.

Noting constitutional difficulties entailed in implementing such a law, though, he called for authorities to be “uncompromising on the rules of secularism in higher education”.

Women’s religious attire has long been a controversial issue in France. In 2004, France became one of the first European states to ban headscarves and other religious clothing from state schools.

In 2011, then-president Nicholas Sarkozy implemented a controversial complete ban on the Islamic face veil in all public spaces. While the ban also covers balaclavas and hoods, the ban has been criticised for targeting Muslims.

A Pew Forum study, published in January 2011, estimated that there were 4.7 million Muslims in France in 2010 out of a population of around 65 million, saying that this number could rise to a forecast 6.9 million in 2030. Most of the Muslim population comes from former French colonies like Morocco and Tunisia.


I'd agree on the current trend Islam is heading.. It used to be one of the most progressive faith's before and quite compatible with modern nations, Unfortunately since the late 20th century while rest of humanity seems to be progressing Islam has been taken over by regressive elements and is becoming increasingly self segrogated
Sure ! A country that is the 6th economic power (When you see that a 66 million nation creates more wealth each years that more populated and bigger countries!),that is a P5 member,that has the second biggest EEZ in the world,that has the second biggest diplomatic network in the world after the US,that is the most visited nation,that is a cultural power.... that possesses nuclear weapons,i could go fo hours,would become irrelevant ? Who would become relevant ? Bangladesh ? Let me laugh.

Sorry,but riches leaving because of immigration,is pretty a bad excuse.
Nothing to do with the heavy taxes imposed on them by the socialist government ?

These people just hate the western nations (even if some of them love to live here...),soon they will claim Lesotho will be more relevant than the European Union. But throw them visas and they would kill each others to claim them.

@flamer84 As always,most people here use the excuse "You invaded them,so they invade you".
Tell that to Germany,Sweden,Austria,Hungary,Greece,Netherlands,Belgium...

This is just a BS excuse,the only thing these people want isn't even safety,but to benefit from the welfare state!
Social expenditure (of % of the GDP) is way higher in Europe.
It is the right of every country to secure their people but there are 60 Muslim countries in the world who are doing wrong activities in the France? first of all identified him then send them to their counties.2nd not to issue visas to the doubtful people. The real talk is that when France do any activity in the other countries such Libya and Syria or other countries it should hard its security and all official activities. Deep view over its internal and external security issue.
One side you fight a war other side you issue visas.
One side you fight a war other side you open the door for the refuges of that country where you fight.
Then you blame the Muslims of all over the world. a wonderful logic is that.
But that's all they show. When was the last time they showed anything positive about Muslims that was front page?

I'm pretty sure the French people base their opinion on the fact that they're butchered by islamists on the streets of Paris.

Sure ! A country that is the 6th economic power (When you see that a 66 million nation creates more wealth each years that more populated and bigger countries!),that is a P5 member,that has the second biggest EEZ in the world,that has the second biggest diplomatic network in the world after the US,that is the most visited nation,that is a cultural power.... that possesses nuclear weapons,i could go fo hours,would become irrelevant ? Who would become relevant ? Bangladesh ? Let me laugh.

Irrelevant France has just won a submarine contract worth 2 years of Bangladesh's entire state budget revenues.
I agree with you in this matter but burqa and religious activity is personal problems of the individuals.If i catch a Sikh with his sward and say him that it is not according to our law of Pakistan is it right?
Different countries have different rules. Some countries allow Sikhs to carry kirpan(dagger). About Pakistan, I don't know whether Sikhs are allowed to carry kirpan(dagger) but in India it is legally allowed. Article 25 of the Indian Constitution deems the carrying of a kirpan to be included in the profession of the Sikh religion,[14]thus legalizing the carrying of a kirpan by Sikhs.

Swedish law has a ban on "street weapons" in public places that includes knives unless used for recreation (for instance fishing) or profession (for instance a carpenter). Carrying some smaller knives, typically folding pocket knives, is allowed, so that smaller kirpans may be within the law.
On 24 October 2006, the Eastern High Court of Denmark upheld the earlier ruling of the Copenhagen City Court that the wearing of a kirpan by a Sikh was illegal, becoming the first country in the world to pass such a ruling.
cant have it both ways, you invade me but i cant migrate to your country. nato destroys syria creates refugees now europeans complain. no war no refugees no isis.
Manuel Valls also revived the controversial topic of Islamic head coverings, calling for the headscarf to be banned in French universitites


French PM Manuel Valls during a ministerial meeting on Equality and Citizenship on 13 April (AFP)

Most French people believe that Islam is incompatible with the values of the country at large, the French prime minister claimed on Wednesday.

“Secularism is in our DNA,” Manuel Valls told French daily Liberation, saying that he believes in the “universal values” of France.

“The Republic [of France] was founded in opposition to the power of the Catholic church," he said. “Today, secularism is facing the rise of radical Islam, but also the place of Islam [in general] in our societies."

“I wish we were able to demonstrate that Islam, the second religion in France, is compatible with the Republic, democracy, our values and equality between men and women. A majority of our citizens doubt it," he added.

During the lengthy interview Valls also called for Islamic headscarves to be banned at universities in France.

Asked whether he would support a ban on the headscarf – not just the face covering – worn by some Muslim women at university, Valls replied that “it should be done”.

Noting constitutional difficulties entailed in implementing such a law, though, he called for authorities to be “uncompromising on the rules of secularism in higher education”.

Women’s religious attire has long been a controversial issue in France. In 2004, France became one of the first European states to ban headscarves and other religious clothing from state schools.

In 2011, then-president Nicholas Sarkozy implemented a controversial complete ban on the Islamic face veil in all public spaces. While the ban also covers balaclavas and hoods, the ban has been criticised for targeting Muslims.

A Pew Forum study, published in January 2011, estimated that there were 4.7 million Muslims in France in 2010 out of a population of around 65 million, saying that this number could rise to a forecast 6.9 million in 2030. Most of the Muslim population comes from former French colonies like Morocco and Tunisia.


Most Muslims in the Muslim World find suckularism incompatible with their values but the west is hell bent on imposing it upon the Muslim nations through their paid thugs like asad and sisi. They organize election dramas like the way it is in NK and then these thugs claim that they represent those nations.
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Different countries have different rules. Some countries allow Sikhs to carry kirpan(dagger). About Pakistan, I don't know whether Sikhs are allowed to carry kirpan(dagger) but in India it is legally allowed. Article 25 of the Indian Constitution deems the carrying of a kirpan to be included in the profession of the Sikh religion,[14]thus legalizing the carrying of a kirpan by Sikhs.

Swedish law has a ban on "street weapons" in public places that includes knives unless used for recreation (for instance fishing) or profession (for instance a carpenter). Carrying some smaller knives, typically folding pocket knives, is allowed, so that smaller kirpans may be within the law.
On 24 October 2006, the Eastern High Court of Denmark upheld the earlier ruling of the Copenhagen City Court that the wearing of a kirpan by a Sikh was illegal, becoming the first country in the world to pass such a ruling.
I agree once again with you if the burqa is ban in the law of France then it should not wear by any Muslim woman, she should use alternate such as chadar doopata etc.
The real talk is that if the Syrian man is involved in rough activities in Paris why they target the Muslims of the hole world, it is injustices.
Other side if France is involved in the war in Libya the Libyan people will react against France.Then France will blame to the all Muslim communities in France or Europe. It is wrong and injustice.

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