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Mossad-linked Israeli journalist visits & setup a network inside Pakistan

What we have here is an Israeli female reporter who surreptitiously visits Pakistan for a thrill. The guy writing for the Pak Observer, Akhtar Jamal, reacts by wetting his bed in fear. Do other Pakistanis really have to follow his messed-up example?

can't believe i'm saying this but i think solomon is actually right on this occassion no mossad but simply a visit from and israeli and paranoid article.
co-incidentally 3 of my family members have been to israel they also went on non-pakistani passports.
She may be telling the news one thing, and hiding a lot more others (After all, isn't that the point for working for an Intelligence agency?)

All foreign journalists should be monitored heavily in Pakistan (this doesn't mean you go and kill them) It means to make sure they're not here to destabilize the country ......

My dear. It is you or that Jurno bedwetter from Pakobserver who is assuming she was Mossad. If she was Mossad, she didn't have to write in a newspaper. Do you expect ISI and Mossad or RAW agents to write in the newspapers?

Please come out of this mad mad paranoia.

Oh and the nutz who are destabilizing Pakistan are no journalists. They are all long bearded Mullahs from Saudi or Ayatullahs from Iran.

Just keep your perspective right.

Thank you.
Argentina has a sizeable population of Jews who migrated and settled there. We have diplomatic relations with Argentina (not with israel) so its very possible that this article is true and not fiction or paranoia.

if israeli origin journalists want to do journalism in Pakistan, i personally wouldnt mind their presence...as long as they follow the laws of the land and don't break any local laws.....not sure if it would work though, since we have no diplomatic relations and therefore visa would not be issued.

suffice to say - the intelligence agencies arent dumb. they probably thought of such tactics YEARS ago before anyone outside of Pakistan even knew about where is Abbotabad. If this lady were a "mossad journalist" you can be assured she probably wouldn't have made it even past her hotel room.

Saddam Hussein's regime used to employ 'minders' employed by their Interior Ministry that followed and monitored journalists just prior to the 2003 invasion (and even during).

In our case, no such extreme is required since we already have PLENTY of ears and eyes on the ground

journalism is a good thing but in journalism, there are journalistic ethics......rather than sell their souls and prostitute themselves just to get "the story out" it's better they just do as theyre told and employ proper, formal procedures when trying to gather facts for a story.
This is truly a heartless and shameless statement.

Daniel Pearl was brutally murdered by the likes of KSM. The same KSM who is now on trial in your country of residence. Are you supporting KSM?

Shame on you. People like you bring bad name to Pakistan.

She didn't commit any crime by visiting and reporting on Abbotabad. Why are you threatening her?

Peace to you man. Peace to you. May God bring peace to your tortured soul.

She is right. This jamal guy is a Palestinian settled in Pakistan. He has been in many documentaries about OBL. There is one by Al Jazeera where he talks about OBL.

Don't act like a behind the screen hero.. i bring no such shame to Pakistan check your self first before pointing fingers to others stay in your place i have not disrespected you so don't disrespect me. I feel very bad to what happend to mr .deniel it is unhuman i was simply making a point i ment no offence to anyone and what you think it was not the ISI that had him murdered wake up man learn first before speaking your big mouth off. It was a cover up that thugs murdered him it was prop done through ISI. I was making a point that if she is a spy she is lucky to be alive and that there wont be a nex time. Tourtred soul who the F__k are you to judge me you don't even know me ? you don't know nothing about me i don't have to answer to you or anyone else i only answer to my ALLAH. I have you know iam one of the most peaceful posters/members on this site and have been since a very long time i always talk of friendship and peace but i care for my country and would be damned if people from the outside would come in to spy or to do whatever like raymond davis is it ok what he did? he was also a spy and took Pakistani lives with him first read ,understand and then speak don't be a jerk and the ones who bring shame to Pakistan are people in Pakistan that voted for these thugs that are destroying and robbing our country that making the poor suffer more and more ALLAH maf kara once again my comments /post were no offence to anyone and specially to mr .daniels or jews in general or any other human being.
Lolz what was said wrong? and you don't know me to say such a dumb comment.. Btw just try to visit Pakistan why not we are a friendly nation of people long as you are not a spy its all good and if you are then consider it be your last visit anywhere. If the story was turned around and would have been a muslim spy from Pakistan or else where you and your jewish friends would be all over it iam just safeguarding my words towards my country which i have every right too and yes if that spy b__ch was there to spy i hope she comes again because it would be her last visit simply. It's nothing personal towards anyone spying is a tough business you either live or die for the cause have a good day my friend nothing personal :)
She was just being a journalist but you resort to name calling, and yes Muslims already spy on Israel with dual passports, they just get flagged and not murdered.
..............ALLAH maf kara once again my comments /post were no offence to anyone and specially to mr .daniels or jews in general or any other human being.

Amen brother. May God forgive us all.

....... feel very bad to what happend to mr .deniel it is unhuman i was simply making a point i ment no offence to anyone and what you think it was not the ISI that had him murdered

This is yet another constipated conspiracy theory. Why on earth you bring bad name to ISI. What are you trying to prove here?
You think Indians are not enough to malign ISI. Must you add your name in that list?

Danny Pearl was mercilessly murdered by the Qaida freaks. The same freaks who have been killing and butchering Pakistani soldiers (directly or through their proxies such as TTP).

Oh and Mr. Pearl had valid visa to come to Pakistan and write stories on Qaida. He didn't show up unannounced like so many Arab and other terrorists.

Case in point Ben-fing-Ladin and his dirty dozen wives and kids. No one had a visa to come to Pakistan. And yet they brought so much shame to our country. And you keep crying and crying.

Come on dear. Wake up. No need to victimize an innocent Mr. Pearl or this lady journalist. Unless you try them in a court of law, like we tried the Laden's dirty and repugnant aulaad.

peace, .
What we have here is an Israeli female reporter who surreptitiously visits Pakistan for a thrill. The guy writing for the Pak Observer, Akhtar Jamal, reacts by wetting his bed in fear. Do other Pakistanis really have to follow his messed-up example?

People can falsify facts to claim something in the REAL world just like how Israel was created in WW2 . By telling a false story about saving Jews when in fact you were putting 6 millions in the Ovens as NAzi. ANd then you did a guilt trip to created ISrael

However here something of real p*ssing in bed syndrome by our very own IDF

Israeli soldiers crying like babies - YouTube

It sorta makes sence when they only do these

SIONISTE israel - YouTube

They musta feel real big when killing the innocent. What cowards

AS for the women she proberly when to Pakistan to marry a Pakistani boy since ISraeli are like you SOlomon a bunch of wuss.

THis is nothing but a troll thread Thread reported.
What we have here is an Israeli female reporter who surreptitiously visits Pakistan for a thrill. The guy writing for the Pak Observer, Akhtar Jamal, reacts by wetting his bed in fear. Do other Pakistanis really have to follow his messed-up example?

where was it implied he "wet his bed in fear"


furthermore - if the article is to be believed, her photograph was taken (after some basic questioning) and she was allowed to carry on with her journalistic efforts. She wasn't "beat up" or "harassed" or "taken away" by the evil Pakistanis you take much interest in.

foreign journalists and co-respondents in Pakistan are treated and live in royalty in Pakistan since their stations are usually in posh areas of Islamabad and other big cities.....

in fact, journalists are more "free" in Pakistan than they are in ANY of the 'regional' countries of the sub-continent. I wont even go into the names of those countries.

someone here brought up that guy daniel pearl --- well, as for daniel pearl - i do remember the plea he made on video tape before his mentally-tormented assailants murdered him in cold blood......it was an embarrassment for Pakistan and a dark day in the country's history. No Pakistani is proud of what happened to him and I would hope other guests in the country who are kidnapped by thugs (such as Allen Weinstein) are found and returned safely

the ISI has extended a courtesy or two to the israeli mossad service and I would expect that even though we may not exactly be friends or allies or even have diplomatic recognition - that they will keep their footprint and their activities out of Pakistan......they ought to know that any such activity like espionage or being in touch with "groups" in Pakistan would be noted and highly 'un-appreciated' and would warrant similar and opposite reaction

I think Pakistanis tend to exaggerate mossad's interest or involvement in Pakistan though none of the threat assessments or analyses should be automatically disregarded because there's always a possibility for anything in this day and age -especially given the hostile and brutal nature of the neighborhood we live in
"None of the people I met knew I am an Israeli, including the photographer and the producer who worked with me"

In other words she lied about who she was; she probably was traveling on a forged Argentinian passport. The article itself states that she is Israeli lives in Jerusalem
It amazing that every time the Israelis are exposed for illegal activities they pretend as if nothing happened
This report is not all that surprising since I know first-hand accounts of American jews ( who are dual nationals of Israel ) making rounds in the social circle in Islamabad and testing the waters about the social and ethnic differences that are there in Pakistan
if a journalist did that in the U.S. (or even israel) they'd be suspected of terrorism and certainly they wouldnt see daylight for some time
wonder why she picked to be argentinian, in chile and argentina sometimes little kids play a game called 'get the jew dog' in which one kid is made a jew and the others catch him
many Jews settled in Latin America.....especially Argentina, Brazil.

it was a good lie on her part -would be difficult to have known who she really was, especially if she's speaking spanish language on her phone :lol:

i guess she doesnt observe "kosher" either coz you'll be hard pressed to find kosher meal in Pakistan :laugh:

but hey - that's why countries have INTELLIGENCE agencies

they are the ones that look into these little 'nuances'
Yeah it seems and even there they are up to no good and as usual anyone who lifts a finger at them is automatically labelled as a 'conspiracy theorist' and anti-Semite, a quick search on Google about Jews in argentine and Chile turns up interesting information.
some of them have been in Latin America since the time of the conquest of Spain and Portuguese territories....

i know a Columbian of Arab (Syrian) ancestry who is Jewish.....very bright and friendly individual, actually.

interestingly, many Arabs of non-Jewish descent also settled in Latin America - especially Columbia.

i've heard that Hezbollah (Lebanese resistance group) has offices and cells active in Latin America....not sure how much that applies to today as much as it did in the past

Where are the brilliant TT's on this forum that were telling me that the Israeli Intelligence Agency doesn't run around in Pakistan?

As usual they were wrong.
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