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Mosque demolition was just an incident, says Supreme Court.

In saudi arabia, women are banned from marrying non muslims, to keep the blood pure. Not a single church or temple is permitted to be built. Can you name christian or hindu or secular countries that oppress other religions like that, and say that only one type of place of worship can be built? It is a fact that muslims everywhere are granted the same rights as non muslims, whereas the reverse is not true.

Actually sometime ago the same issue was raised in another thread ... the answer was "We are Islamic countries while you are not".

We non-Muslim countries face the burden of secularism while Islamic countries have no qualms about oppressing the non-Muslims.

---------- Post added at 08:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:06 PM ----------

In saudi arabia, women are banned from marrying non muslims, to keep the blood pure. Not a single church or temple is permitted to be built. Can you name christian or hindu or secular countries that oppress other religions like that, and say that only one type of place of worship can be built? It is a fact that muslims everywhere are granted the same rights as non muslims, whereas the reverse is not true.

Leave non-Muslims as far as I know they are even barred from marrying non-Saudis
1. In Islam there is no class of clergy or deities/images to worship. A mosque is not a temple. This is to be understood. In early days of Islam the mosque was a community center, a place from where the state was run or where arbitration were settled. There were other functions also. A Muslim can pray anywhere clean. Muslims have prayed sitting on horseback during battles. Even today they line up and pray in shifts. In short a mosque should be confused with a temple which has an aura of divine aura about it.

2. Babri Masjid has over the years become a symbol for the oppressed Muslims living in the Dar ul Harb India. Therefore, breaking this is seen by Muslims all over the world as another advance made by the Hindu zealots at ethnic cleansing of the Muslims from SA. Note, not just from India, but the process of ethnic cleansing encompasses the entire sub-continent.
1. In Islam there is no class of clergy or deities/images to worship. A mosque is not a temple. This is to be understood. In early days of Islam the mosque was a community center, a place from where the state was run or where arbitration were settled. There were other functions also. A Muslim can pray anywhere clean. Muslims have prayed sitting on horseback during battles. Even today they line up and pray in shifts. In short a mosque should be confused with a temple which has an aura of divine aura about it.

2. Babri Masjid has over the years become a symbol for the oppressed Muslims living in the Dar ul Harb India. Therefore, breaking this is seen by Muslims all over the world as another advance made by the Hindu zealots at ethnic cleansing of the Muslims from SA. Note, not just from India, but the process of ethnic cleansing encompasses the entire sub-continent.

Then they are free to move to Dar ul Islam Bangladesh or Pakistan.
Is this a joke...In Islamic Pakistan non-Muslims are barred from occupying high posts in the country like President & PM..thats called Govt sponsored discrimination, something unthinkable in India. Not to mention non-Muslims are much to 'happy' to live under the Blasphemy Law hanging over their head.

By that logic UK and USA are the most oppressive places on earth because in the US you have to be born on American soil to be President and in UK you have to be part of the Church of England.
Yet I never hear any Indians complaining about that, why is that?
could it be because you love your colonial masters and you hate Muslism?
Do you even know what the Blasphemy law is? I will give you hint, its not what you think it is.
But what do you care, you people are too busy putting people in Jail for 7 years for eating beef.
how do you reconcile that?
By that logic UK and USA are the most oppressive places on earth because in the US you have to be born on American soil to be President and in UK you have to be part of the Church of England.
Yet I never hear any Indians complaining about that, why is that?
could it be because you love your colonial masters and you hate Muslism?
Do you even know what the Blasphemy law is? I will give you hint, its not what you think it is.
But what do you care, you people are too busy putting people in Jail for 7 years for eating beef.
how do you reconcile that?

Excuse me sir, you are the best examples of slaves first britan then ameerika then chinaaa
In saudi arabia, women are banned from marrying non muslims, to keep the blood pure. Not a single church or temple is permitted to be built. Can you name christian or hindu or secular countries that oppress other religions like that, and say that only one type of place of worship can be built? It is a fact that muslims everywhere are granted the same rights as non muslims, whereas the reverse is not true.

Woman are banned because they are not allowed in Islam to marry non Muslims, and not because they want to keep the blood line pure.
If you are going to hate a people, at least do it for the right reasons.

as for building temples, I agree it is wrong for them to prevent that, but that's only Saudi, every other Muslim country I know allows it.
And also before you get so high and mighty, remember Switzerland banned minarets on Mosques, remember the "ground zero mosque" and the largest mosque in Germany where they tried their best to prevent it from being build.

Why do you people turn a blind eye to your colonial masters but then hold Muslims to almost impossible standards?
simple answer is hate of course.

---------- Post added at 12:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:13 AM ----------

Excuse me sir, you are the best examples of slaves first britan then ameerika then chinaaa

In other words, you cannot counter my argument.
Duly noted :)
Woman are banned because they are not allowed in Islam to marry non Muslims, and not because they want to keep the blood line pure.
If you are going to hate a people, at least do it for the right reasons.

as for building temples, I agree it is wrong for them to prevent that, but that's only Saudi, every other Muslim country I know allows it.
And also before you get so high and mighty, remember Switzerland banned minarets on Mosques, remember the "ground zero mosque" and the largest mosque in Germany where they tried their best to prevent it from being build.

Why do you people turn a blind eye to your colonial masters but then hold Muslims to almost impossible standards?
simple answer is hate of course.

---------- Post added at 12:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:13 AM ----------

In other words, you cannot counter my argument.
Duly noted :)

Hello brother, what is there to counter, you see in our place we respect muslims as we respect our religion. Even after marrying a muslim women we allow them to follow islam unlike you who will convert other religions woman to islam.
By that logic UK and USA are the most oppressive places on earth because in the US you have to be born on American soil to be President and in UK you have to be part of the Church of England.
Yet I never hear any Indians complaining about that, why is that?

Out of the hundreds of non-Muslim countries all you can come up is this?

To be 'son of the soil' to lead the country is the requirement of many countries and even that does not apply in India but in your country the constitution itself discriminates against minorities.

could it be because you love your colonial masters and you hate Muslism?

They were your colonial masters too and I don't hate Muslims, I'm just indifferent to them.

Do you even know what the Blasphemy law is? I will give you hint, its not what you think it is.
But what do you care, you people are too busy putting people in Jail for 7 years for eating beef.
how do you reconcile that?

Death for insulting Islam....as simple as that.

The anti-beef law in India is only applicable in one state out of 28 states in India. Also when does eating beef become a necessary obligation in Islam.

---------- Post added at 08:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:51 PM ----------

Woman are banned because they are not allowed in Islam to marry non Muslims, and not because they want to keep the blood line pure.
If you are going to hate a people, at least do it for the right reasons.

as for building temples, I agree it is wrong for them to prevent that, but that's only Saudi, every other Muslim country I know allows it.
And also before you get so high and mighty, remember Switzerland banned minarets on Mosques, remember the "ground zero mosque" and the largest mosque in Germany where they tried their best to prevent it from being build.

Why do you people turn a blind eye to your colonial masters but then hold Muslims to almost impossible standards?
simple answer is hate of course.

And you say Islam is religion that gives equal rights to females.

There is a mosque in Rome but no chruch in Mecca or Medina...enough said.
Hello brother, what is there to counter, you see in our place we respect muslims as we respect our religion. Even after marrying a muslim women we allow them to follow islam unlike you who will convert other religions woman to islam.

wow, are you stalking me?
how do you know my personality and habits?

And if you did not understand my argument please re read what I said.

from all that I wrote you only took away the part about the women, thus I can assume you agree with all the other parts.
good, now that that is settled, lets discuss the women.

It doesn't matter from what part of the world you are from, Islam is very clear.
A Muslim woman can only marry a Muslim man, if she marries a non Muslim, the that is against the teachings of Islam.

A Muslim Man can only marry a Muslim woman, a Christan woman, or a Jewish woman. If he wants to marry anyone else, then she must first convert. That is not to say that the conversion is forceful, if she truly believes in Islam then its no problem. If she doesn't not want to convert then the man should find another wife.

Know let me be very very clear here, since many Indian friends will read into this what they want and not the actual words I said.
Forcibly converting anyone is a big sin and against Islam, no one has that right.
Out of the hundreds of non-Muslim countries all you can come up is this?

To be 'son of the soil' to lead the country is the requirement of many countries and even that does not apply in India but in your country the constitution itself discriminates against minorities.

They were your colonial masters too and I don't hate Muslims, I'm just indifferent to them.

Death for insulting Islam....as simple as that.

The anti-beef law in India is only applicable in one state out of 28 states in India. Also when does eating beef become a necessary obligation in Islam.

---------- Post added at 08:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:51 PM ----------

And you say Islam is religion that gives equal rights to females.

There is a mosque in Rome but no chruch in Mecca or Medina...enough said.

heh, you really didn't say much, so this should be pretty simple to answer.

1. Whats wrong with those examples? why are they not good examples?
America is the super power, it dictates much of how the world is run. It is seen as the most progressive country. And yet they have similar laws. There is nothing wrong with a law that says that you must meet x criteria to become a president. There are also laws that say you cannot have a criminal record. Are you against that too? do you want criminals in power?

2. Its not death for Insulting Islam, its death for insulting any religion. Including Hinduism and Christianity. And the Vast majority of people executed by this law have been Muslim. So there goes your silly "every minority is at deaths door" argument.
And if Minorities were really in danger, we would have things like 2002 mascaras. But we don't.....and you do...... ;)

3. do you mean Rome or Vatican?
You do know there is a difference right?
if not let me educate you.
Rome is the Capital of Italy, it is a normal city that has people from all round the world in it. A mosque in Rome is no different then a church in Karachi.
Vatican city is the home of the Pope and the Catholic church. It is a independent country that has all the rights of a country.
oh and Vatican city is only 110 acres with a population of 800. Almost all of whom are Catholic priests. And no there is no Mosque Vatican city because there are no Muslims there. Kind of like why there are no Churches in Mecca or Medina.

you said "enough said" but I think you should of said more because argument were pretty simplistic and easy to counter.
wow, are you stalking me?
how do you know my personality and habits?

And if you did not understand my argument please re read what I said.

from all that I wrote you only took away the part about the women, thus I can assume you agree with all the other parts.
good, now that that is settled, lets discuss the women.

It doesn't matter from what part of the world you are from, Islam is very clear.
A Muslim woman can only marry a Muslim man, if she marries a non Muslim, the that is against the teachings of Islam.

A Muslim Man can only marry a Muslim woman, a Christan woman, or a Jewish woman. If he wants to marry anyone else, then she must first convert. That is not to say that the conversion is forceful, if she truly believes in Islam then its no problem. If she doesn't not want to convert then the man should find another wife.

Know let me be very very clear here, since many Indian friends will read into this what they want and not the actual words I said.
Forcibly converting anyone is a big sin and against Islam, no one has that right.

OK we will discuss in detail. And where is it written mr. perfect. It is not written in Quran. Had you written some thing like that any where. And regarding your other issues, you are just running away from the facts and showing others as an excuse. First let us discuss this then we will go to other parts also.

And coming to worshiping the idols, it was said that allah is everywhere so you can do namaz any where and do not see allah in only one place, he is every where is the meaning of the sentence which is written in Quran
heh, you really didn't say much, so this should be pretty simple to answer.

1. Whats wrong with those examples? why are they not good examples?
America is the super power, it dictates much of how the world is run. It is seen as the most progressive country. And yet they have similar laws. There is nothing wrong with a law that says that you must meet x criteria to become a president. There are also laws that say you cannot have a criminal record. Are you against that too? do you want criminals in power?

2. Its not death for Insulting Islam, its death for insulting any religion. Including Hinduism and Christianity. And the Vast majority of people executed by this law have been Muslim. So there goes your silly "every minority is at deaths door" argument.
And if Minorities were really in danger, we would have things like 2002 mascaras. But we don't.....and you do...... ;)

3. do you mean Rome or Vatican?
You do know there is a difference right?
if not let me educate you.
Rome is the Capital of Italy, it is a normal city that has people from all round the world in it. A mosque in Rome is no different then a church in Karachi.
Vatican city is the home of the Pope and the Catholic church. It is a independent country that has all the rights of a country.
oh and Vatican city is only 110 acres with a population of 800. Almost all of whom are Catholic priests. And no there is no Mosque Vatican city because there are no Muslims there. Kind of like why there are no Churches in Mecca or Medina.

you said "enough said" but I think you should of said more because argument were pretty simplistic and easy to counter.

1. To be the 'son-of-soil' is different than you should belong to a specific 'religious group' and in India, the country in question here, that too not applies. The basic qualification that you need to occupy any Govt post in India is that you should be the citizen of this country.

2. Bolded parts is applicable on paper only..Usually its death for insulting Islam. I think you should study more about your own country and their laws

From Wikipedia:

Blasphemy law in Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Between 1986 and 2007, Pakistani authorities charged 647 people with blasphemy offences.[5] Fifty percent of these were non-Muslims, who represent only 3% of the national population.[5] No judicial execution for blasphemy has ever occurred in Pakistan,[6][7] but 20 of those charged were murdered.[5]

As far 2002 Gujurat 'massacre' is concerned its a religious riot in which both Hindus & Muslims died but for a Gujurat to happen you should first have a big enough monority. You systematically reduced your minority to negligible numbers.Also if we have Godhra you have Gojra..2009 Gojra riots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

3. Ok then let me rephrase for you..There is a mosque in Rome but no Chruch in Riyadh.
Throughout history Muslims have ruthlessly hunted down, murdered, and converted, non Muslims. Muslims have a long history of destroying the houses of worship of non Muslims.

When it happens to them its a crime. When they do it, its ok.

The CCP destroys mosques in East Turkestan as a matter of state policy, I don't hear Pakistanis on this forum crying about that.

For the record:

I'm not religious, I don't like any religion.
And what do you base that on?
your own bias and hatred?

I am sorry to inform you that your hatred is not a good source of information.
Fact is that Minorities in Muslim countries get more rights then Muslim in non Muslim countries.
yes, sometimes these rights are not implemented due to bad governance, but that affects everyone, including Muslims.

For example, non muslims have a right to their own laws so they can chose to go to courts of their own religion on certain matter.
Remember like a month ago there was thread here about some Muslims wanting Sharia in Switzerland for themselves?
And every Indian, and alot of Pakistanis were calling them every swear word under the sun?
well, non Muslims already have that right in Muslim countries.
There are other examples as well.

Mind you, there are some places that are more tolerant than others, but the fact still remains that non Muslims have more rights in Muslim countries.

Do Muslims respect the beliefs of others?
Why is it that they insult the Jews, the Christians and even kill the Hindus, the Sikhs, the Ahmadis wherever they are the majority and have the upper hand?

You say minorities in muslim countries get more rights then muslims..??

Can there be anything more stupid than that..?
Look at your own country- how minorities have been reduced down to third class citizens- look at the decrease in population of minorities since 47 till today---
Muslims are in violation of the laws that are the hallmark of the civilized people, such as the Human Rights, the equality of genders, the freedom of speech, the freedom of belief, etc.
These are the laws that matter to us.
They don’t matter to you, because they are not part of your laws.
As per Islamic Sharia, there is a concept of “blood money” and this draconian compensatory justice system is still practiced in Saudi Arabia (According to the Wall Street Journal, April 9, 2002). Under this system, if a person has been killed or caused to die by another, the latter has to pay “blood money” or compensation, as follows:

100,000 riyals if the victim is a Muslim man
50,000 riyals if a Muslim woman
50,000 riyals if a Christian man
25,000 riyals if a Christian woman
6,666 riyals if a Hindu (or idolaters) man
3,333 riyals if a Hindu (or idolaters) woman

That is, a Muslim man’s life is worth 33 times that of a Hindu woman.

You think it is okay to destroy churches, synagogues, temples and the houses of worships of other faiths, trash their religions and criticize them. You think it is okay for your prophet to call the Jews, maghdhoob (hated by God), the Christians, gone astray and the Hindus, polytheists and najes (******), but you cry like a baby when someone criticizes your faith.
Can non-Muslims living in Islamic countries practice their faith freely? Have you read about the recent violence against the Copts in Egypt?
Have you heard of innocent Muslims in Pakistan accused of blasphemy lynched by Muslim goons?
Your ancestors were butchered and raped by marauding Muslims, and now you are defending the barbaric faith of their abusers?
Don't hide your head in the sand and don't rehash this nonsense.

The violence and the intolerance that you see in some Hindus is not part of their religious teaching, it is their reaction to Islamic violence. In a sense, they are inspired by the violence of Islam. You can call them “Muslim Hindus” or “Islamized Hindus.”
Everywhere you see a mosque is destroyed you can find a trail of blood that leads to Islamic violence and jihad.
And what do you base that on?
your own bias and hatred?

I am sorry to inform you that your hatred is not a good source of information.
Fact is that Minorities in Muslim countries get more rights then Muslim in non Muslim countries.
yes, sometimes these rights are not implemented due to bad governance, but that affects everyone, including Muslims.

For example, non muslims have a right to their own laws so they can chose to go to courts of their own religion on certain matter.
Remember like a month ago there was thread here about some Muslims wanting Sharia in Switzerland for themselves?
And every Indian, and alot of Pakistanis were calling them every swear word under the sun?
well, non Muslims already have that right in Muslim countries.
There are other examples as well.

Mind you, there are some places that are more tolerant than others, but the fact still remains that non Muslims have more rights in Muslim countries.

Non Muslims have their own courts, where, in Canada? There is somthing called soft power. The soft power unfortunately for moderate Pakistanis is being eroded in western , civilized countries because of the calibre of immigrants like rusty to sound not just out of touch with reality with his dangerously ignorant claim above, but more so with being supporters of radical version of Islam , as he has basically professed above. You want sharia go back to your country, how difficult is that to get through.
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