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Morocco's underwater "Tropic Mountain" .. with a value of trillions of dollars

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Tropic Mountain, the buried treasure on the southern coasts of Morocco, makes Europeans salivate!..


Suddenly a diplomatic crisis erupted between the Kingdom of Morocco and the State of Germany, which began with Rabat's announcement of the suspension of communication with the Berlin Embassy and its affiliated organizations in the capital, Rabat.

This crisis arose as a result of deep differences concerning many crucial issues, as Algeria is trying to ride on the crisis and consolidate its relationship with the government of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, by intensifying diplomatic contacts between the two countries at the expense of Morocco’s anger over Germany’s interference in compromising its territorial integrity, especially at the level of the Moroccan Sahara.

Morocco’s wealth on the shores of its southern provinces prompted Germany to move quickly to declare positions hostile to the issue of the Moroccan Sahara in the European Union and the Security Council, after witnessing the American-Moroccan rapprochement and the United States’ support for the Moroccan Sahara, and what this means, from its point of view, from Washington’s hand on the treasures Morocco in its southern waters.

The calculations of major economic interests are behind the Moroccan-German-Spanish dispute, especially with regard to exploration rights for new oil and gas fields on the coasts of Morocco, in addition to other riches of precious metals located on the coasts of the Kingdom.

Observers believe that the tension now taking place, especially between Morocco and many foreign countries, including Germany and Spain in particular, began officially when the Moroccan economic zone was defined at the level of the Tarfaya beaches to the borders of the city of Dakhla in the south of the country.

This is with the knowledge that these beaches are known to include a type of water volcanic mountains, which contain a group of precious and rare minerals, with which electric car batteries are usually made, and therefore these countries realize that any superior cooperation between Morocco and the United States of America, may lead to Exploiting these wealth, for the benefit of major American companies,” which will lose Spain and Germany, especially their economic prestige in the automobile industry.

According to reports, the Tropic volcano, located at a depth of 1,000 meters under the sea, south of the Canary Islands, contains huge wealth and huge reserves of minerals, gases and natural resources.

Among the most prominent of these wealth are tellurium, cobalt, nickel, lead, vanadium and lithium, which are elements used in the manufacture of electric car batteries, solar panels and smart phones.

The “Tropic” reserves of “tellurium” are estimated at about 10% of the global reserves, while it contains a huge stock of “cobalt” sufficient to manufacture more than 270 million electric cars, which is 54 times what all countries in the world possess of this type of Modern and environmentally friendly cars.


It is worth noting that Tropic is located under the water, about 250 nautical miles, southwest of the island of Hierro, which means that it is located about 50 miles outside the waters under Spanish sovereignty, closer to the maritime space of southern Morocco, specifically the Moroccan Sahara.

International powers, most notably Britain, Germany, France, India, China, Russia, South Korea and Turkey, believe that they have the right to exploit these large mineral wealth, by obtaining joint exploitation licenses, on the pretext that the mountain, also known as the "orbit", is outside the recognized sovereignty area of its neighboring countries. .

Observers expect that Mount Tropic, with its vast wealth and treasures, will be an arena of underwater conflict, between Morocco and Spain in the first place, and perhaps Mauritania later, and in the future other international parties may join this conflict, including Germany.


Without a doubt, there is coordination with the US and this part explains the strong Moroccan-American relationship..

The story of the treasures of the Moroccan “Tropic mountain" in the desert waters, which Trump’s decision ended Spain’s ambitions to acquire..



According to statistics studies The underwater Tropic mountain contains 10% of of the world's Trillium mineral


It is used in mineral processing,, explosives, thermo- electrical components and IR systems..


As well as in petroleum refinery, electronics and solar panels..


In each cubic meter of this Tropic mountain .. we find 7.1 kg of Cobalt which is used in manufacture of military industries like tanks, fighter aircrafts and many other weapon systems.. It is also used in medical field specially in uses against cancer..


And for modern industries it is used in intelligent phones batteries, electronic systems, electrical cars, turbines and digital components..


The Cobalt reserves in the under-water Moroccan Tropic Mountain is estimated as 54 times more that all the international reserve.. this quantity can be used to make 270 million electric cars..


And in each square meter there is 5.6 kg of Barium mineral which is a mineral used in industries related to giant wells exploration like the Oil and Gas ones.. and others.. Also used in manufacture of medical X-rays among other rays, computers and the heated parts of airplanes engines..


In each square meter we find 3.6 kg of the Vanadium mineral.. used in the manufacture of very strong steel


And also in the manufacture of cars; components, wheels, the nuclear reactors , Uranium enrichment and the manufacture of turbojet engines ..


In each square meter there is also 2.9 kg of Nickel and 2.1 kg of lead which are well known minerals..


This is what makes the Tropic Mountain one of of the biggest treasures in human history.. with trillions of dollars worth..

There is a current new JV between Morocco and Usrael for petroleum exploration near the tropic mountain..
Not familiar with this exact mineral called tellurium besides is it on the Moroccan EZZ
Not familiar with this exact mineral called tellurium besides is it on the Moroccan EZZ
These are called rare earth minerals..

Not sure if it is in its EEZ .. but it is closer to it than to any other country.. but not in even a dream of Spain EEZ

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These are called rare earth minerals..

Not sure if it is in its EEZ .. but it is closer to it than to any other country.. but not in even a dream of Spain EEZ

If Portugal can do this why can’t Morocco claim these underwater resources for itself.
BYD lithium phosphate blade battery do not need cobalt and will be widely adopted as the standard battery for EV.
These are called rare earth minerals..

Not sure if it is in its EEZ .. but it is closer to it than to any other country.. but not in even a dream of Spain EEZ


I think that is fair game
The return of diplomatic relations between Morocco and Germany


The Kingdom of Morocco welcomed the positive announcement and the constructive positions recently expressed by the new federal government of Germany, according to what was stated in a communiqué of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates.

The same ministry statement added that "expressing these positions allows for the resumption of bilateral cooperation, and for the return of the work of diplomatic representations of the two countries, in Rabat and Berlin, to its normal form."

“The Kingdom of Morocco hopes that these statements will be accompanied by actions, reflecting a new spirit and giving a new start to the relationship, on the basis of clarity and mutual respect,” states the Moroccan Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In the first official reaction of the German government after the election of a new chancellor, to succeed Angela Merkel, the German government expressed its willingness to sit with Morocco in order to overcome the repercussions of the diplomatic crisis that has existed since last March.

The German government said, in a statement carried by the Berlin Foreign Ministry to Hespress, that "Germany is keen to overcome the misunderstanding and tensions that have occurred," and added, "This requires communication based on partnership and mutual respect." The German government also expressed its desire to sit with its Moroccan counterpart in order to Turning a new page between the two countries, she said, "Diplomats in this regard can have such talks, so diplomacy is required in this context."

In its answer to Hespress's question regarding the nature of the position on the first issue of the Kingdom, the German government denied its support for the Algerian proposal regarding the Moroccan Sahara file, as it considered that the Kingdom of Morocco had made efforts to end this conflict; And that was through its presentation, in 2007, “an important contribution represented in the autonomy proposal.”


There are many motives ..one of them is the German economy, which aspires to the future in importing raw materials that are included in the electric car industry, after Bonn noticed that countries such as the United States of America, Britain, South Korea, Japan and recently Israel will benefit from the bounties of Morocco ..


Fusion Fuel expects to supply the technology to produce the 31 000 tpy of green hydrogen needed for the project. Fusion Fuel has created a off-grid solar-to-hydrogen generator, called the HEVO SOLAR, that allows it to produce emissions-free hydrogen at highly competitive costs in regions with strong solar irradiation. CCC would serve as the general construction partner for the project.

Speaking about the project, Aziz Rabbah, the Moroccan Minister of Energy, Mines and Environment, commented: “We are very happy to announce the formation of the HEVO Ammonia Project here in the Kingdom of Morocco alongside our partners Fusion Fuel, CCC, Vitol, and other esteemed delegates. Morocco is the largest producer of phosphate in the world, but because it has limited domestic ammonia production, it has had to rely on imported ammonia to produce fertilizer, one of Morocco’s key industries. The ability to use our abundant solar and wind resources to produce carbon-free, green ammonia presents a strategic opportunity for Morocco to play a leading role in the decarbonized global economy. Thanks to the leadership of His Majesty the King Mohammed VI, we believe this ambitious project will be the cornerstone of Morocco’s hydrogen strategy and will establish Morocco as a major exporter of ammonia to international markets.”

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German Foreign Ministry: Morocco is an important link between North and South

Morocco is a stable and secure country and it has huge renewable energy plants ready to operate now and not after 20 years. It has a very wonderful strategic location near Europe and it has one of the highest rates of solar radiation in the world, as well as a huge Atlantic facade where the winds are very strong, meaning it has everything to make it a real force in renewable energies..

German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier will invite the King to visit Germany

On the one hand, Germany has very large plans to use green hydrogen to generate clean energy in the coming years, and on the other hand, Morocco is among the top 10 countries in the world in terms of the cost of producing green hydrogen, because currently there is a global goal represented in reducing the cost of producing 1 kg of green hydrogen to less than $2 from 2025 to 2030 at the most, and international experts put Morocco among the list of the few countries in the world that will break this barrier and be able to reduce the cost under $2 in a quick time, without forgetting stability, advanced infrastructure and the geographical location close to Germany.. (for example, a ship trip from Tangier port to Hamburg port takes less than a week)..

Of course, Morocco has important cards, a previous German study said that Morocco is able to provide the world in the future with about 4% of green hydrogen produced from wind and solar energy.. Germany set Morocco as a partner for its strategy to reach 0 carbon emissions before 2050, and signed an agreement with it in this regard.

Something sure and obvious is the two North African countries that overlook the Mediterranean that Europe can deal with, and they have stability now.. are Egypt and Morocco.

Good opportunity, and it is possible in the future to buy Type 212 submarines!!!

Germany recognizing the Moroccan Sahara means recognizing Morocco’s right to Mount Tropic and the legality of all projects that will be established in the southern regions, such as phosphate extraction and the Atlantic port...
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