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Moro National Liberation Front resumes armed struggle against Philippines


May 14, 2013
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AFP: Muslim rebels locked in standoff with Philippine army

Muslim rebels locked in standoff with Philippine army
(AFP) – 5 hours ago

ZAMBOANGA, Philippines — Philippine troops were locked in a standoff with hundreds of Muslim gunmen who killed six people and took at least 20 hostages in the south on Monday in a bid to derail peace talks.

Armoured troops surrounded the southern port city of Zamboanga after between 200 and 300 Moro National Liberation Front gunmen entered six coastal villages on its outskirts before dawn, military spokesman Lieutenant-Colonel Ramon Zagala said.

"They were trying to march on the city hall and we cannot allow that," he told a news conference in Manila, adding that two gunmen were arrested.

President Benigno Aquino's government denounced the deadly attack, which analysts said was designed to sabotage peace talks aimed at ending a 42-year-old rebellion that has claimed 150,000 lives.

"The authorities are responding to the situation in a manner that will reduce the risk to innocent civilians and restore peace and order to Zamboanga City at the soonest possible time," Aquino spokesman Edwin Lacierda said in a statement.

Loud explosions could be heard around the former colonial Spanish port of nearly one million people.

Streets were deserted and shops, schools and government offices as well as the airport were shut down.

Heavily armed private security personnel as well as troops guarded the airport, hotels, banks and other buildings, said an AFP reporter on the ground.

"We can still hear sporadic gunshots. We don't know if this is from the government forces or from the MNLF," city hall employee Ramon Bucoy said.

Zamboanga mayor Maria Isabelle Climaco-Salazar said two security forces and four civilians had been killed and 1,500 people fled their homes.

The military and police said at least 20 people had been taken hostage.

Footage on local ABS-CBN television showed armoured personnel carriers speeding around empty streets at dawn, with road blocks also prominent.

The attack came as the government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front prepared to resume talks aimed at crafting a political settlement to be signed before Aquino leaves office in 2016.

After a preliminary peace deal was signed last year, the remaining negotiations aim to flesh out the power-sharing terms between the national government and the MILF that is expected to head a new autonomous government, and the disarmament of its 12,000 guerrillas.

Rommel Banlaoi, executive director of the Manila security think-tank Philippine Institute for Peace, Violence, and Terrorism Research, which has extensively covered the conflict, said the action was likely designed to sabotage the peace talks.

"(MNLF leader Nur) Misuari's motive is to convey a message... (that) the signing of the peace agreement between the government and the MILF will no longer guarantee the end of war".

He added: "The fear now is Misuari could create one united front along with other threat groups against the Philippines."

Misuari had made a renewed call last month for an independent Islamic state in the southern Philippines.

"To the Philippine government, I think our message is already quite clear -- that we don't like to be part of the Philippines anymore," Misuari said in his message last month, a copy of which was obtained by AFP.

He called on his forces to "surround and secure all military, police and all other installations, airports, seaports and all other vital government and private institutions".

The MNLF signed a peace deal in 1996, dropping its bid for independence and settling for autonomy, although its followers had not totally disarmed.

The government later said the agreement was a "failed experiment" with many areas remaining in deep poverty.
It is not the first time Misuari has attacked Zamboanga.

In 2001, he and his followers took dozens of hostages and left many more dead in Zamboanga and in nearby Jolo island, his home base.

The MNLF later freed all the hostages after several days, in exchange for free passage out of the city as Misuari fled to Malaysia, where he was arrested and deported.

He was held in a police camp near Manila until 2008, when the government dropped all charges against him.
Copyright © 2013 AFP. All rights reserved.

BBC News - Philippine rebels in deadly attack in Zamboanga

9 September 2013 Last updated at 05:53 ET Share this pageEmailPrint
Philippine rebels in deadly attack in Zamboanga

Footage shows soldiers firing at rebels, and residents fleeing, as the BBC's South-East Asia correspondent Jonathan Head reports

Clashes between Philippine troops and hundreds of suspected Muslim rebels have left at least six people dead, officials say.

Suspected members of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) moved in on Zamboanga, a city in Mindanao, by boat early on Monday, officials said.

Clashes spread from the coast to the city's busy Rio Hondo area.

The MNLF signed a peace agreement with the government in 1996. However, some of its fighters remain active.

Many residents have fled Rio Hondo to escape the fighting.

"The main target by the MNLF in encroaching Zamboanga city is to raise their banner of independence at city hall," city mayor, Isabelle Climaco-Salazar, told Agence-France Presse (AFP) news agency.

She told media that the clashes have killed at least two security personnel and four civilians.

There were also reports of a number of people who were wounded.

At least 20 residents were being held hostage, reports quoted the military and police as saying.

Armed forces spokesman, Lt Col Ramon Zagala, said that around 800 troops had been deployed to secure the city.

"We are trying to contain them, so that this will not spread elsewhere," he told Agence-France Presse news agency.

'Armed groups'
The incident follows a declaration of independence by the veteran MNLF leader Nur Misuari last month, after he complained that his faction had been frozen out of a peace agreement being negotiated between the government and a larger insurgent group, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), the BBC's Jonathan Head south east Asia correspondent reports.

Asamin Hussin, National Security Commander for the MNLF, told AP news agency that they wanted independence.

"We want to establish our own Bangsamoro government, not an autonomous government but we want an independent Mindanao as Bangsamoro nation," he said.

Bangsamoro refers to Muslim people in the southern Philippines.

Nur Misuari founded the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) in 1971, with the goal of fighting the Philippine state for an independent Islamic nation.

It signed a peace deal with the government in 1996, but continues to be involved in clashes in the southern Philippines.

Many factions have splintered from the MNLF, including the MILF.

The situation in the southern Philippines is complicated by the existence of dozens of different armed groups, some advocating Islamic states, other little more than gangs living off kidnapping, Jonathan Head reports.

BBC News - Philippine rebel attack in Zamboanga kills soldier

Philippine rebel attack in Zamboanga kills soldier

9 September 2013 Last updated at 02:57 ET Help
Clashes between Philippine troops and around 100 suspected Muslim rebels have killed one soldier and wounded at least six, officials say.

Suspected members of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) moved in on Zamboanga, a city in Mindanao, by boat early on Monday, officials said.

Clashes spread from the coast to the city's busy Rio Hondo area.

The MNLF signed a peace agreement with the government in 1996. However, some of its fighters remain active.

The BBC's South-East Asia correspondent, Jonathan Head, says the rebels arrived for a "show of force".

Filipino rebels storm villages, take hostages
The Moro National Liberation Front (Nur Misauri's faction) declared the independence of the Moro Nation (Bangsamoro) in August. I opened a thread on this earlier.



MNLF (Misuari) official Twitter account can be found here.


My earlier thread on this issue can be found here.


Thw Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) have also been fighting the Philippines government.

I mase a post on this issue in another thread about the MNLF potentially fighting Malaysia at the same time.


This is not a wise move, because this means MNLF will have to fight both the Philippines and Malaysia. MNLF should work on liberating Mindanao, Sulu and Palawan in the Philippines and use legal means to negotiate with Malaysia if they want Sabah returned to the Bangsamoro.


A better place for the MNLF to set up a base is the Spratly Islands. If China evicts the Philippines from Kalayaan islands, it can host the MNLF there and provide them access to Palawan, which is also claimed by MNLF as part of Bangsamoro.

MNLF needs to move carefully and should seek support from China against the Philippines and avoid confrontation with Malaysia especially after the Lahad Datu incident.
The men are identified as belonging to a faction led by MNLF founder Nur Misuari, Zagala added.
At least 20 people have been taken hostage and are being used as "human shields", Zagala said. Scores of others remained trapped inside their homes in the besieged villages.
"Misuari's motive is to convey a message... (that) the signing of the peace agreement between the government and the MILF will no longer guarantee the end of war," Banlaoi told AFP.
In 2001 his men also took dozens of hostages and left many more dead in Zamboanga and in nearby Jolo island.
The MNLF later freed all the hostages after several days, in exchange for free passage out of the city as Misuari fled to Malaysia, where he was arrested and deported.
What an idiot.
said the action was likely designed to sabotage the peace talks.
Military officials say Misuari no longer commands all of the MNLF, which has splintered into a number of groups.
"We do not support this. This is about power. This independence thing is maybe secondary," Abdul Sahrin, secretary-general of a rival MNLF faction, told ABS-CBN in an interview.

Recently, Misuari declared independence for Palawan, the Zamboanga peninsula, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-Tawi and even North Borneo or Sabah, which is controlled by Malaysia. The declaration of independence came amid the MNLF’s condemnation of the peace pact between the government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), another secessionist group in the South.

But Abdul Sahirin, secretary general of the MNLF-Sema faction told ANC that they do not support the move by armed men loyal to Misuari.

“No we don’t support this, this move for independence. This is about power. Independence is secondary,” Sahirin said.

Around 300 armed men who are said to be members of the MNLF-Misuari faction are currently holding around 20 to 30 civilians hostage in Zamboanga City after skirmishing with government troops in the region, the military said.

“Their main quest is to declare independence in the city of Zamboanga, a non-ARMM territory.”


“Our forces in mainland Mindanao and those in the Zamboanga, Basilan, Sulu and Tawi-Tawi area are not joining our brother MNLF who attacked Zamboanga City Monday,” Muslimin Sema, chair of a faction of the MNLF, said on Monday.

“We condemn the attack on innocent civilians,” Sema said, adding that their forces have remained calm in their communities and would not join the uprising.

“We remain committed to the 1996 peace agreement,” Sema said, adding that his faction has expressed loyalty to the 1996 GPH-MNLF accord which is the subject of a tripartite review by the MNLF, government and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation through the Indonesian government.

“The Zamboanga siege by some MNLF forces acted on their own and had no sanctions from MNLF forces that I lead,” Sema said.


A better place for the MNLF to set up a base is the Spratly Islands. If China evicts the Philippines from Kalayaan islands, it can host the MNLF there and provide them access to Palawan, which is also claimed by MNLF as part of Bangsamoro.

MNLF needs to move carefully and should seek support from China against the Philippines and avoid confrontation with Malaysia especially after the Lahad Datu incident.

:cheesy: I laughed.

I've repeatedly stated on this forum that the MNLF has been divided into different factions, and that it is Nur Misuari's faction which has declared independence and is resuming hostilies against the Philippines government, while another faction is engaged in negotiations with the Philippines.



The Moro National Liberation Front (Nur Misauri's faction) declared the independence of the Moro Nation (Bangsamoro) in August. I opened a thread on this earlier.



MNLF (Misuari) official Twitter account can be found here.


My earlier thread on this issue can be found here.


Thw Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) have also been fighting the Philippines government.

The group has no respect to other country and their leader is a jerk who instigates bloody revolt at a slightest provocation.

They've got allegation of the use of human shields. That's like having a pretty large red flag that says "shoot me in the head".
The group has no respect to other country and their leader is a jerk who instigates bloody revolt at a slightest provocation.

The Americans who violated the Bates Treaty when they forced the Moro Sultanates into the Philippines by an invasion and through massacres of thousands of civilians in the Moro Rebellion had no respect for other countries.
This guy is a traitor to the mongoloid race.

How am I a traitor to the Mongoloid race? Going to bring up something about Arabs again?

Actually, Arabs don't give a damn about Moros except for Gaddafi, since none of them offered the Moros any support. Repeatedly over and over again, the major countries at the OIC didn't do anything for them, what they did was just deny Philippines observer status in OIC, and actually when they hosted negotiations in the 1970s, the OIC forced the Moros to downgrade their demands from independence to autonomy. Gaddafi's Libya was the only country to offer military support to the Moros. Go look it up, most of them ignored Philippines killing over 100,000 Moro civlians in the 1970s, 80s and 90s since the Philippines offered to support them in international forums and supplied a large number of maids to work in their countries.

It seems maids were more important to them than that Moros getting killed.

This issue is in China's backyard and its the Philippines which is being a puppet for an imperial power.

See here in Syria now, 100,000 Arabs killed and the Arab league moves quickly to act on it, calling to bomb Assad, they didn't do that for the Moros.

Southeast asia was traditionally the responsibility of China. The Malacca and Sulu Sultanates were protectorates of China and China provided protection for them from foreign powers. China would just be resuming its old role by helping the Moros. It is imperative that China expel American supported regimes from power in the region like the Philippines.

This fight about about the culmination of over 400 years of Spanish, American, Japanese, and Philippine imperialism. The Moros fought them all, and lets remember that the Moros are not the only victims, but also the animist Lumads, the animist natives of Palawan, and the Igorots.

Gaddafi is the only leader who supported revolutionary movements because they were purely revolutionary and needed help, not because of ideological motives. You will notice that MNLF writers sometimes quote Gaddafi. He offered support from them from the beginning of the MNLF's rebellion against the Philippines.
Also many Moros share blood with Chinese since many Chinese moved to Sulu and Mindanao and mixed with the native Moro Tausugs and Maguindanaons. The current Governor of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao, Absusakur Tan is of Chinese descent, his family is a major political clan in Sulu. Datu Piang municipality is named after a Moro Datu whose father was Chinese, his son Gumbay Piang led the Moro Bolo Battalion against Japan in WW2. I don't know where Wright is pulling his weird ideas from.

Migration, Indigenization and Interaction

The Moros launched "parang sabil" (juramentado or martyrdom attacks) against the Spansh, Americans, and Japanese when they invaded the Moro lands. From the Moro point of view, Japanese are traitors to the Mongoloid race.



The blitzkrieg invasion by Japanese imperial forces in the 1940s over the Bangsamoro homeland MINSUPALA simultaneous with Luzon and Visayan islands was the worst inhumane act contemplated and committed by an Asian to another Asian. The short-lived occupation of Mindanao by the Japanese invaders exhibited tyranny, cruelty and inhumanity at its lowest level.

Thus, it was not surprising that in Mindanao the Japanese marauders had to suffer their worst defeat and highest death mortality at the hands of the Bangsamoro freedom fighters, who never surrendered to the Japanese tyrants unlike the Filipinos in Luzon.

Thus, how would Japan now rectify the outlandish historical blunder committed against the Bangsamoro people of Mindanao under Philippine colonialism?

As observed, the Japanese government, which has extended its deep apology to the people of Korea for the blind invasion and brutality committed against its neighbor, has still to apologize to the Muslim and other Indigenous Peoples of Mindanao for the tyrannical colonization of their ancestral domain. But is the present democratic Japanese government capable now to humble itself before the brutalized people of Mindanao?


On top of all criminal activities committed by foreign aggressors against the peaceful and freedom-loving Bangsamoro people of Mindanao, Philippine colonialism -the proud inheritor of the Spanish, American and Japanese colonizers- has still remained the most insensitive and most inhumane colonizer to this very day.

Filipino Heritage: The Spanish colonial period (late 19th century) - Alfredo R. Roces - Google Books

Filipino Heritage: The Spanish Colonial period (Late 19th Century): The ... - Alfredo R. Roces - Google Books

Filipinas - Google Books

Fact: The juramentado 's act was never done against members of ethnic groups not considered military enemies of the Tausug, or against those not actively attempting to take the Tausug away from the Islam faith. The juramentado ' s act was occasionally performed against the Japanese during World War II— and the Japanese were clearly defined as enemies. The juramentado never went after Chinese residents in spite of the fact that the Chinese were non-Muslims.

The First Sultan of Sulu, Sultan Sharif ul-Hashim arrived in Sulu on a Chinese junk.


In fact, the introduction of Islam to Mindanao can also be credited to China, which served since time immemorial a wide base marketing centre for the enterprising business merchants from the Middle East, particularly Makkah of early Muhammadan Arabia and Hadramauth (Yemen) during the earliest period of the pivotal impact of Islam in the Arab peninsula.

From China, Arabian Muslim traders, who were also learned and knowledgeable in Islamic dawah (propagation), continued travelling on board Chinese vessels to Sulu in late 1200s, preaching Islam to the Tausug natives, and gradually in later years to the Maguindanao, Iranun and Maranaw natives of mainland Mindanao, particularly Cotabato and Lanao.

The historical corner stone of the pleasant and warm relationship between the Mindanao Sultanate sovereignty and China is attested by the famous Poon Tau Kong Chinese temple built in the metropolis town of the island of Jolo near the biggest Islamic mosque and the introduction of varied Chinese influence and traits that abound in the early Moro Nation, including intermarriage between Chinese nationals with native inhabitants. Thus, the various descendants of Mindanaoan--Chinese blood until today have attested to the peaceful and harmonious co-existence of the people of the early Moro Nation and China.

Unfortunately, the ancient sacred Chinese temple and the historic Tulay mosque in the center of Jolo were burned and razed to the ground in 1974 when the colonial Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) fighter jet planes, helicopter gunships and naval battle ships bombarded indiscriminately the capital town. The historically-noted February 7-8, 1974 "Battle of Jolo" between the MNLF-Bangsamoro freedom fighters and the AFP occupation forces that Philippine colonialism under the murderous Marcos regime tried hard to suppress and to hide from local and global media coverage led to the massive burning of almost the entire civilian houses and commercial buildings. The heavy bombardment and burning of the capital town of Jolo resulted in the mass killing of more than 20,000 innocent and helpless Muslim civilians, including children, women and aged, and countless personal material losses


The Muslim south’s relation with China antedated the arrival of the European colonizers in the region. According to Justice Rasul, “the Chinese came as early as 628 A.D.” mainly to trade with the Malays. “Under the Ming Dynasty, covering the years 1368-1644, the Chinese exercise some sort of suzerainty over the Philippine South… Since China, then a world power, did not interest itself in the acquisition or expansion of foreign territory due to her already wide land area, she contented herself with the collection of tributes from neighboring islands in the East as a symbol of submission and respect to the Great Middle Kingdom.”
A prime example of Chinese-Sulu contact is the historical account of Admiral Pei Pei Hsien, popularly known among the Tausug as Pun Tao Kong, who was part of the Chinese fleet which was under the command of Chinese navigator Sampao Kong or Chengho. Pun Tao Kong was forced by typhoon to seek succor in Jolo in the early part of the 1400s. Initially met with distrust, Poon Tao Kong, a Muslim and skilled at sword play, earned the admiration of the Tausugs. It is said that he built an artesian well in the vicinity of Maubuh, a seaside community in Jolo, which accounted for his tag among the natives as “Puntaukung” or “honorable fountainhead”. He was accorded great respect by the people of Jolo, and when he died, he was buried at the foot of a mountain in Jati Tunggal three kilometers from Jolo, where his tomb is periodically visited by some Tausugs.
If the Philippines had actually wanted to maintain the appearance of offering fake autonomy to the Moros, they should have had the courtesy to expand the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) to include the entire Mindanao, Sulu, and Palawan (the historic territory of the Sultanates) instead of less than a quarter of Mindanao plus Sulu like it currently is today, and make the native indigenous languages co-official with Filipino instead of making them "auxiliary languages".

It tuirned out that the autonomous region made no difference and it was just as corrupt and detrimental to the native peoples as the other adminsitrative divisions of the Philippines were. That's why the current government of the Philipines is making the pretense of replacing ARMM with an autonomous "Bangsamoro" entity with the MILF, and I predict it will fail again.
Nur Misuari and his MNLF has had their moment. After a peace deal with then Pres. Fidel Ramos, the ARMM was created and he was the overwhelming choice to be the ARMM governor. But he wasted his chance until his people no longer want to retain him. When he was unseated, he resorted to rebellion. Again, he was pardoned by the Pres. Gloria Arroyo government and promised not to incite rebellion or similar acts ever again. And now, here they come again..

If there will always be a breakaway group in the peace deals, there will never be an end to this struggle. There must only be one group the Philippine Government should make a deal with. One who can guarantee majority support from the people and one who can suppress breakaway groups to include the bandit groups out there to extort money.
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