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More than 60% of Russian arms exports in 2012 will be in India - TSAMTO


Jun 10, 2010
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original source~~ Более 60% экспорта вооружений из РФ в 2012 г придется на Индию - ЦАМТО | Оборона и безопасность | Лента новостей "РИА Новости"
Translated source~~ Google Translate

MOSCOW, January 20 - RIA
Novosti. Russia will supply India
this year, weapons and military
equipment worth around 7.7
billion dollars, reported Friday .
Center for Analysis of World Arms Trade (TSAMTO).
"This year Russia will supply India's weapons and military equipment worth around 7.7 billion dollars, which amount to more than 60% of the planned Russian exports and 80% of Indian imports," - said in a statement posted on the website of the analytical center.
According TSAMTO, in 2012, this impressive result in the Russian-Indian military-technical cooperation will ensure the supply for several major programs (the value of the supply analysis center counts on the date of actual transfer of any type of weapon). As noted, a significant portion of these supplies will be implemented with a delay from the original schedules, "which caused such a high result in 2012."
"The largest of the price setting will transfer the Indian Navy in December 2012 the aircraft carrier "Vikramaditya ". The cost of upgrading the ship has changed several times and finally reached 2.34 billion dollars. The second major delivery will be planned transfer of two frigates of Project 11350.6 worth about $1 billion . The third major will be a transfer lease of the Indian Navy in January of this year, a Project 971 nuclear submarine "Nerpa". According to recent reports, the cost of the contract reached$ 920 million ", - explained in the release.
In addition, in accordance with the previously voiced delivery schedule, in 2012, India will send 40 helicopters of the Mi-17V-5, 21 Su-30MKI (Genuine build contract in 2000), 12 Su-30MKI (under contract in 2007 ), nine deck fighters MiG-29K/KUB.
This year also will continue the program of modernization of MiG-29 aircraft BPA Tu-142, Mi-17 helicopters, repair of diesel-electric submarines of Project 877 EKM, delivery of Ka-31, AL-55 engine, turbojet-50MT, simulators for Mi-17 helicopters, launchers, anti-ship missiles "Club-S" and other programs, it is noted on the site TSAMTO.
According to this organization as a whole the volume of imports of arms into India's 2002-2011 amounted to 25.65 billion dollars in 2012-2016 years will be 51.4 billion dollars.
"In 2012, India will retain the status of the world's largest importer of arms and close to 10 "In 2012, India will retain the status of the world's largest importer of arms and close to 10 billion bar the import of arms.
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