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More than 35000 Raw agent operating in Pakistan American report

BS :blah::blah::blah:

This is sensitive information, US will never publish that openly.
my question is, how does the US know this kind of sensitive info about other nation agents on another foreign soil???
R&AW must be very happy that even though in India it gets neither praise nor any mention, Pakistan seems to be obsessed with it
:lol::lol::lol: Nowadays in Pakistan everything is RAW.. looks like Pakistanis can't sleep without RA&W:lol::lol::lol:

someone farted in Karachi, its RAW :rofl::rofl:
More than 35000 Raw agent operating in Pakistan American report

That is a big news that there are more than 35000 raw agent operating in Pakistan that told by American report and they want unrest in Pakistan and according to this report there are 12 thousand person in Sindh 10 thousand are in Punjab and 8 thousand live in kpk and 5 thousand are live in Baluchistan and they are taking massive amount of money from Indian and working against Pakistan that is very harms for Pakistan and they are promoting terrorism in Pakistan .More than 35000 Raw agent operating in Pakistan American report

More than 35000 Raw agent operating in Pakistan American report

my question is, how does the US know this kind of sensitive info about other nation agents on another foreign soil???

USA have info bout everyone n everything. They know when u breathe and when u fart. There are 1,271 government organizations and 1,931 private companies in 10,000 locations in the United States that are working on counterterrorism, homeland security, and intelligence, and that the intelligence community as a whole includes 854,000 people holding top-secret clearances. CIA and DHS being the biggest intelligence gathering agencies.
The real source of this article

and i quote

Published reports allege that as many as 35,000 RAW agents have entered Pakistan between 1983-93, with 12,000 are working in Sindh, 10000 in Punjab 8000 in North West Frontier Province and 5000 in Balochistan.
Research and Analysis Wing [RAW] - India Intelligence Agencies

And a dumb fellow with idiotic reporting skills quoted amreeki report quoting all of this as active as of now.. Blind fellow cant read globalsecurity saying over a decade.. The reporter did not even change the sub division of 35000 as given in global security

This is why people need to learn beyond Cut Copy Paste

btw the global security report is of dated 2011

Pakistanis must understand that this obsession with RAW

There is no dearth of motivated angry men in Pakistan who are angry with
the Pakistani state and society

And they are hiding in plain sight

READ this

Primary and secondary terrorism: the circles of hell - Ayaz Amir
Pakistan’s primary problem, however, is different. It is the mindless extremism – a throwback to the dark ages – inspired by, and cloaked in, distorted religiosity. In whatever way this phenomenon began – and let’s not retrace our steps over the familiar historical ground – we are now stuck with it. This land and its people, with whose destiny vision-less leadership has played havoc over the years, will know no peace until, in God’s own time, our minds open up and the roots of ‘jihad’ are pulled up from the soil and this phenomenon is eliminated.

The quest for ‘jihad’, and for such misty concepts as strategic depth, pushed Pakistan over the borders of rationality. At long last this country, leaving those precipices behind, is straining every muscle and nerve to return to the shores of sanity. In large part it is trying to bid a farewell to ‘jihad’ – and succeeding on the western marches, along the Durand Line, but still remaining stuck in the old mumbo-jumbo when it comes to the eastern front, with India.

But who says that any return journey from hell is easy? The demons of ‘jihad’ are not dead. They lie scattered, hidden in burrows and holes, all over the national landscape. From north to south, east to west, their support bases exist. This is going to be a long fight, grim and bitter, and there will be casualties and suffering and sorrow along the way. Tragedies like the Peshawar school massacre and now the attack on the Ismaili bus in Karachi will happen – until we see the last of this scourge whose roots we watered with our own hands. This may sound callous but there is no other way of looking at it.
Obviously RAW is involved in Proxies , obviously that is what they are made for , every Intelligence Agency do this with their rival , like CIA , MOSAD , KGB etc ...including ISI ... but in Pakistan RAW easy get recruits in form of Target killers , Talibans , Madarsas , Afghans , who are backed by Political Parties .. so they are doing their job in Pakistan ...
I must say that RAW is doing their job , to damage Pakistan on every corner , and Mashallah our Pakistani People are so much soul less creatures , that for some Dollar they sell their " Imaan and Country " .
they got the numbers wrong,the actual number is 34,998.1 ,i have included .1 becasue one guys has finished the training only 10%,he just joined last week,that guys name is Rizwan.A thats his code name.
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